Whoa, attack helicopters BTFO. Zero recovery in sight

Whoa, attack helicopters BTFO. Zero recovery in sight.

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Is that Ableism?

But i have a tulpa who identifies himself as a pilot and he can talk on behalf of the attack helicopter.

lmao I like how they come up with these sassy scenarios in their head. You go girl, sure showed him tee hee!!!!!!!!

You can't fight mental illness with mental illness.

well transgenders can't reproduce as their chosen genders but that doesn't stop them from claiming to be women or men does it?

Attack helicopter perceives attempt to silence freedom of speech as direct attack on Attack Helicopter's god given rights.
Attack helicopter can now identify as militia member.

Yes, but attack helicopters also slice up anyone within a 7 feet radius.
Choose faggot

Conservative normies are the fucking worst. The same virtue signaling dog shit as the Left with a blatant deficiency in independent thought.
One dude came up with attack chopper bullshit and it gets mindlessly parroted by these retards. Same with the snowflake bullshit.

and you know this how?

woah woah woah
That's a bit specist
Next you'll tell me men can't have children and trannies are mentally ill

Does anyone even use this decade old jab at this point? I thought people got tired of ridiculing them and started just calling them mentally ill, instead of joking around it.

Did she just silence an underrepresented minority? Fuck that evil racit sexist cunt

Because it is such a good troll.

That's why identify as Watson.

>One dude came up with attack chopper bullshit and it gets mindlessly parroted by these retards.
>Same with the snowflake bullshit.
It's from the end of Fight Club ya spastic cunt

>Identifying as a Helicopter
Faggot should take her for a ride.

well i'll simply identify as a attack helicopter capable to talk. since genders can be made up, i am in the position to deicde what i can do and what not

lol, and your panties are in a bunch over what retards do. Please tell us more mr.sandyman

>helicopters can't talk
neither can dead trannies

Imagine being a leftist reading this comic
>ha ha of course
>helicopters can't talk
>that's just reality
>I mean
>come on
>but women can become men and men can become women

Helicopters have radio so they can talk. Bait tranny comic BTFO

>shrug shoulders
>pull out pic related


haha libs love to imagine not being ignored its a mental problem btw

Wow that took leftists embarssingly long to develop a memetic counter measure to a very simplistic meme

i hate the way this dude draws


> Whoa, attack helicopters BTFO. Zero recovery in sight.

/r/equesting that assigned male comics changed so the dad shoots himself in the head
also Sup Forums ylyl time

They're just shooting themselves in the head here: the reasoning applies to Furry as well as to Combat Helicopter. I've never seen a Fox talking.

For (You).

Top jej

>Attack Helicopters aren't allowed to speak


If somebody talked like that to me I would DDO them

If women can have cocks and stubble, attack helicopters can talk.

>when intersectional retardation fights back

It was great the first few times, I'll give it that much
Takes like 5 seconds to look this shit up.
>c. 2009 "Lul U Mad Buh-row? ExDee!"
>t. a butthurt conservative normie