Are liberal muslim girls worth trying to start a family with?
Are liberal muslim girls worth trying to start a family with?
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Racemixers out.
A.) Islam is cancer.
B.) Mean I.Q. of Arabs is 85.
Why would I marry and reproduce with an objectively inferior human?
>liberal muslim girls
If you really want to try starting a family with someone who's going to get stoned to death 24 hours later by her family for dating a non-Muslim, sure.
>retarded landwhales
Who do you think you're talking to?
>tfw no muslim gf to give foot rubs to
Why do her feet and hands say white girl while her face says sand nigger? Is she purposefully trying to look less white?
>liberal muslims
No such thing. Islam is incompatible with liberalism
even if she is liberal her family rather isn't
>t. muslim londoner
I want to BLEACH arab girls
Stop posting nasty sand nigger feet
Yes, but only with Kikes in Israel.
only if you like sleeping with hairy monkeys like ur dad did sleeping with ur mum, muhumud
P.S. If you don't reveal your ethnicity in your response to this post, you officially agree that the Koran is a piece of shit
Most of the ones in my classes are really smart :(
No, but those soles are worth a good licking, heel to toes.
nice oxymoron
>t. queer skinhead
Post more feet u cuck
Yes, they're the best of both worlds.
>liberal muslim
>her friend's socked feet
Have fun breeding the next generation of shitskins who think Islam is compatible with any western society.
definitely not I used to be friends with this girl in high school and she got into a long distance relationship with a Canadian Muslim from Ontario I forget the town's name but I asked him what women in Canada and the Muslim women in Canada in particular and he told me that the Muslim women adopt all the negative aspects of Canadian culture especially in Toronto where feminism is a big thing, and recently one of my favorite YouTubers made it video with a Canadian Muslim talking about the issue and what he says reconfirms what the other guy told me. (
Actually the average mean IQ throughout the Islamic world is 81 due to inbreeding.
Dump your Muslim qts before thread gets delete
Wtf? Why?
>911 for a Muslim thread
What did Kek mean by that?
You've probably been through many back surgeries with the amount of bending over you do for mudslimes
They don't believe that, only western leftists believe that. No one else does.
I was stationed in Turkey for 4 years, I met a beautiful girl, we had a great time, got along, sex was amazing. Bring her to the states, introduce her to the parents.
She's not some Hijab wearing muzzie. She doesn't give a shit about Islam. But she's fucking crazy as a shit house rat after a year in America. I can't even tell you the limits of insanity this woman went to. Fucked up superstitions, couldn't drive for shit and was super fucking racist to the point of I was probably going to get in a fight every single day with blacks or Jews if she went out shopping with me.
After a year in school, I went back into the Army, to a different post, then back to Turkey. Guess who I left there?
Gulay, my crazy ex. She flew over a few years ago and threw rocks at the house she thought I was living in.
liberalism stands for legal ewuality, separation of the church and state, pluralism of choice. Islam never endorsed any of this.
Good I'm leaving this shithole this year. London is engineered to be the perfect scam which only shitskins could get fooled by
>But she's fucking crazy as a shit house rat after a year in America.
this is my point the problem isn't women it's the system and gynocentrism in general.
>he loves muslim feet
I think I'm either talking to a retarded feminist or a roach.
My comment wasn't directed at you because you're an evolutinary cul de sac.
I was commenting for those who are still redeemable.
You should consider either suicide or going back.
I don't care which so long as you cease to drag down western civilization.
Narsty muslim feet
>liberal muslim
what kinda taqiyya is this shit
Feminism taking chunks out of Islam.
This is probably the only good thing about feminism.
Still trading one form of cancer for another.
That's my main reason for wanting them out.
They depress the mean I.Q.
Western civilization is impossible with imbeciles.
OP is either a crupto-SJW or a roach.
In either case removal is the only option.
I don't get it. Why dress like a complete slut, but still bother wearing the headscarf. What's the point?
i'm lovin these feet threads
Her feet are a solid 9/10
I would fuck the shit out of those.
Weird though cause I fucking hate mudslimes.
Reminder that the point of the recent influx of OP feet images is to make you stop reading Sup Forums and go fap to feet instead. Don't fall for it.
Can someone please answer this seriously! What would happen if a Muslim and christian were in love and wanted to marry? Could it be done within the bounds of the more "progressive" interpretations of the bible and quran? Obviously sunni and westboro baptist are out of the question, but what about a Shia liberal and a catholic perhaps?
>liberal muslim girls