Mexican robbed by a nigger
This is why you have to lift. Don't stay at home and become a blob like this guy and get punk'd out. You NEED to fight back
Are all mexicans pussy ass bitch fat manlets?
>tfw no giant white saxon in a burger t-shirt to back me up.
hahahah isn't that the autist that used to follow ice poseidon around and sneek into his stream and shit
good. shitskins solving each other out
mexican andy
>get outta my doorway
Why did this beaner allow this? Why does he have a camera on himself? What the fuck?
t. literal shitskin
>poo in the loo
just lol
nigger stealing videos and reuploading for views
Lol. I've been to that bar. It's right next to skid row.
That's Mexican Andy
And ice Poseidon or whatever his name is
Hahahaha how the black hand just slowly moves in for more and more gibs
He isn't Mexican he's a Guatemalan midget with severe cystic acne. He went to skid row to provide "content" for his stream. He met a homeless black guy who asked him for some money and he replied that he didn't have any on him. Like a true autist, he said he would needed to go to an ATM to get money and the homeless guy told him where one was and followed him to there. He then left the bar with his cash hanging out all loose and the homeless guy took advantage of the autists beta nature.
I'm not going to judge the homeless guy for taking his money since he's just doing what he needs to do to survive. That midget on the other hand needs to grow a fucking spine and learn to toughen up if he's going to walk into a ghetto.
I got your back brother
What side will the mexicans take in the race war?
it's like when arabs stab jews
Around blacks, never relax.
its a mirror for twitch old man
Are all spics such beta faggots? Holy shit, that was pathetic. I actually felt sorry for him.
you ave to go back
He didn't rob him at all.. the guy asked him for money and he gave him money, if he's not gonna say "No you can't have any more" you can't really blame the black guy for asking for all of it.
Can't blame a nigger for being a nigger.
looks a little retarded
Can we hispanics remove niggers already?
When I tell niggers my name they fall back like pussy faggots, fucking pussy w*ites make niggers think hispanics gives a fuck about them.
gorda Cagon
Don't write like a nigger
That it's what Catholicism does to your mind when you are constantly feed with bullshit since your childhood, it is truly the worst form of that kike religion
What you tolerate, you validate, what you validate you deserve.
lmao @ this manlet shitskin cuck
this will never not be satisfying.
They have to go back
what a manlet subhuman
Nigger robbed by a Mexican.
Then he deserved what he got.. what's your argument?
holy shit, this is why you're called aryans
Hahaha that's funny I fucking hate Mexican liberal pussies, real RAZA shit please try that @ whitey & Niggers.
People who don't lift or do martial arts are not my brothers, we'll just call him a Guatemalan.
>this will never not be satisfying.
proof would be even more satisfying desu senpai
That was pretty beta.
He even thanked his robber.
>walking around with cash in your easily visible in your hand
Never do this.
In fact
>walking around with cash
I used to keep cash in my anus until I got robbed and lost more than my cash
I thanked the gentle youth so he didn't have to feel bad about getting what was owed to him for reparations