How do we privatize this grey thing?


Private zeplins

Already done in France, and it's a disaster.

What is that grey thing?

sell it to someone who will put up toll booths then proceed to neglect it because they have a monopoly on it

like what are you gunna do? choose another route? build another interstate next to it?


Why would you privatize clouds?

Toll roads.

expecting france to do anything right?

Fucking faggot nigger least coast.

Nuke it all.

trump will let states privatize highway operations so we'll have tollroads here in America soon enough

the rest of the world has had tollways from day one, only America doesn't

Toll booths DOY!

but we have tollways in the us

toronto is such an ugly city when it isn't busy being just a bland one. and no fuckface, we already let the province abrogate one of their most basic functions to built infrastructure and already have the 407 that almost no one uses unless someone else is paying the toll for them.

I'd rather just pay the tax than deal with 300 different tolls on my way to work (just $40 for the year! bargain!)

why would you want to do that?
>owner can close the road anytime lol

or did you mean clouds?

If only my local roads were that empty...

>Toll roads.
$10-$40 one way trips on toll highways will wear pretty thin.


how are those private prisons working out for you

also would like to know the logistics of what happens if I don't pay... does the state come in and arrest me? it's at best trespassing

America has toll booths. Get on the interstate in the flyby states.

well, it keeps the niggers under control, and its cost effective.

maybe you should go back to the reddit you got that 'privatized prison' meme from??

The sky? Shit, ancaps are more hardcore than I thought

There are cameras that take pics of your license plate and everything. You get a letter in the mail.
In Oklahoma the fine is a fine for $25.

we all get helicopters and let nature take back the grey things

privatized toll roads are different they charge by the mile/km and get expensive fast. it's not like throwing your loose change into a basket for an entire trip.
on private toll highways you are sent a bill for your trip. your address/id is gotten from the cameras pointed are you license plates or transponders you rent from the toll company. if you don't pay you will not be able to renew your plates and your bill is sent to a collection agency. RIP credit. same as not paying any of your other bills.


That shit killed me! Fucking skypirates, anarchists in the sky!
>Fuck you MAAAN
>The sky is free and we make it our domain MAAAN

we don't need roads

At first they were owned by the state, it was cheap, claen and controlled in every aspect.
Then the state sold them to private companies, and guess what, they're greedy... It's more and more expensive, unsafe and out of control, they extend this and that, add merchant stuff everywhere, polute everything etc...