The perfect woman doesn't exi-
The perfect woman doesn't exi-
His twitter is depressing.
>I'm getting a Mario x Rabbids tattoo to commemorate the one time I was right about something
imagine being so far gone you pretend to be a girl and ink yourself solely to thumb your nose at the faceless population of the internet
jesus christ
what a beauty
Why do trannies always come up with the most ridiculous names?
Oh, my fucking god.
Who is Fraserburgh Millwall?
Well predictive text is shit
>as requested
fetishes these days are getting out of hand.
these people are all going to get old and realize their mistake and start killing themselves in a few years
that'll probably be remembered historically as the big wake up call for humanity, assuming it actually wakes up up and there is a future to look back from
I see your cutie, OP, but let me raise you a REAL WOMAN!
wont happen, when they kill themselves they will just blame the trolls for the reason they off themselves.
this pic makes me wanna GO FAST
I did some pretty manly shit. Never was happy until I transitioned.
I believe you think you know things that you don't actually know.
I'm sure I can counter any argument you put forth.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Or do you not wish to be respected?
In my case, it was knowing I'm never blending in. So Hale seemed like a good compromise. Could either be called Zoe and turn heads or choose a name which is just odd, but normal enough to not cause shit talking.
>so enjoy I guess
wtf happened to anzu?
normal anzu is a very ugly boy.
Constantly getting harassed pre-transition was pretty bad. Then having people come up to me after I was forcibly detrans'd, saying things like "Knew it was a phase." "Glad you woke up to what you were doing to yourself"
Certainly makes one feel isolated and never to be understood or respected. Harassment is a real issue. It makes me laugh in a way. As I've seen a beta male get picked on constantly and whine about that like some massive injustice. Yet he never stood up for himself, then turns around and made fun of this other trans girl.
Cognitive dissonance never let him see the point I made when calling him a hypocrite politely.
>before and after photoshop
They are the niggers of a future time.
Except we tend to have massively high IQ.
Further, we kill ourselves instead of other people. So check.
Check what?
Summer fag,post your face and be proud of your female features
>Massively high IQ
>I'm sure I can counter any argument you put forth
>debate me, if you dare :^D
here's your (You) I suppose
>start killing themselves in a few years
It will be glorious.
Great way to stay inside your own little safe space and never expand your thought. Swear, you people have gotten as bad as the SJWs.
Granted, it's anecdotal. I however am a philosopher, mycologist, counselor, chemist, and I'm also a Shaman. Go figure right? Know a coder who does brilliant things. A businesswoman who has extremely high emotional intelligence.
Really, this is getting sad with how much of an echo chamber you have become. Though I could easily chalk it up to divide and conquer shillwork.
For people who claim to know the "truth" of society, a lot of you are as close minded as the people you fight against.
Summerfag? Puh-lease bitch. I've been here since Sup Forums was Libertarian. Also, you think I'm a fucking moron? Getting this site linked to me, might would ruin my career. I make money on both sides. Like a real capitalist should.
here's a question for the group:
what will be the new "sexual avant-garde?"
it was gays, now it's trannies, a lot of people think it will be pedophilia, but I disagree only because sexual liberation needs to appeal to the youth (high-school age) I just think high-schoolers don't have the same pedophilic feelings as pervert adults cause they are still young, who knows...
maybe it'll be beastiality and people will bring "death by horse cock" guy up like he was some progressive hero
Even considering emotional intelligence and cerebral intelligence to be on the same plane proves your level of lunacy.
Are you using the Libertarian flag ironically? Those of us who care about freedom, really don't give a good god damn what you do as long as it doesn't harm anyone else.
Pedophilia? Never. Bestiality? Disgusting, but I'm sure some of these Nazis get off on shit porn or humiliation.