>100k dislikes
>oldest comments are 20 mins old due to mass censorship
How long before they disable comments and hide the rating??
>link: youtu.be
>100k dislikes
>oldest comments are 20 mins old due to mass censorship
How long before they disable comments and hide the rating??
>link: youtu.be
Other urls found in this thread:
I give it 30 mins max
They're also removing any comment that mentions the fact they're deleting comments.
Even with all the shitlibs and normies on JewTube they can't control the backlash.
Do you hear it user?? The race war is brewing!!!
why do muslim females always look like ass
>stone age savages
Gee I wonder why??
Also often no makeup or grooming on top of inbreeding.
Top comment.
No reason to look good when your husband forces you to cover your hair and face
Im giving it a thumbs down
>real life "refugees" are basically an army, pretty much only men of fighting age
>hurr look at all those female refugees
>todays political activism boils down to being mean in a website comment section
wow really making a change in the world guys
Oh my god, you're right! Every non-muslim arab I know is drop dead sexy. The ones that are look like shit. It would also explain Lindsey Lohan and other celebs who converted to that garbage.
They see this is as bonus. It cuts down on female degeneracy. They also cut off their labias so they can't enjoy sex. It's all about control. Western feminists like the veil because it removes the advantage pretty girls have over them. Which is ultimately what feminism is all about: leveling the playing field for ugly women. They couldn't do it themselves by out competing the attractive women so they went through men to change the rules for them, a tacit admission that they need men to get anything done.
>trusting jewtube likes and dislikes
You do realize it's all engineered, right?
Which one of you did this?
Lies. Unless they disabled comments for Europeans haha
Not disabled
Pic related is always relevant.
The Syrian ones are the victims of the kikes. The niggers and all sorts of paki shits can get the fuck out though.
no, but many are being deleted
2k now
I would like to hear more from the guy who was a refugee from Palestine since 1967. I wish youtube would give him a special to talk about his opinion on Israel.
That's absolutely right. I have the belief this whole destabilisation of the middle east and mass immigration is only aimed to easily create the greater Israel and to spread hate against Middle Easterners in Europe to legitimise the expansion and earse public support for the people living there. The whole "it's the muslims and liberals" thing must make them very happy.
Start attacking the International Rescue Committee and speak about how the young turks deny the armenian holocaust
>they can't control the backlash
They want the hatred to further their all whites are bigots narrative, if anything its all going as planned
Having negative comments and a high dislike to like ratio is just part and parcel of posting in a big community
I'm still wondering why they haven't posted a Father's day video yet.
You get one opportunity to show some kind of proper resistance and arguments against refugees and islam with all these dislikes and you squander it on shitty jokes. Are you actually this fucking stupid?
Next year there'll be no white people to dislike if immigrants keep coming lel
youtube actively jockeys for the young turkroaches
>Alex Santiago
It needs to be the Latino or Spaniard the one who wakes up the people.
the weirdest thing of this video was that girl saying
>my dream is to become laywer
its so out of place, what 12 year old girl wants to become lawyer?
Holy shit, the dislikes and most popular comments are unbelievable. Maybe not all is lost, after all.
one that reads a card
You know what it is? None of those liberal scum that want this are not gonna live with them day to day life instead they will live in their mansions and never be bothered.
>arguments against refugees and islam
Absolutely no need of it. They themselves make all the propaganda we need with their animal behaviour.
How do The Young Turks qualify as creators?
you probably weren't here but one time king obongo made like a youtube greeting to all the jews in the world for hanuka
and Sup Forums seemed to be the only ones who got wind of that
the video (uploaded by "white house") was 100% Sup Forums shitpost + 100% dislike
pretty funny, one hour later they took down all the possibilities to dislike and comment (which will probably happen here too)
>Should I rise again.
We must all rise now
All of European Decent have to defend against this kike menace
Keeping up the good fight
>look like ass
well, how else could they get their men off the goats once in a while?
wow, so many things to see in paris
just to imagine how many shekels (maybe even EU / UN shekels) the producers and directors of this recieved for this shit is even more enraging
they recieved probably what is for us 5 years salaries each
believe me these people know no boundaries, they probably even believe themselves that there are actually little girl refugees
>shill for mass immigration
>won't talk about Islam
These useful idiots have to be stopped.
It would be a shame if someone screencapped those 'stop deleting comments' comments and then posted a video of it on youtube...
Honestly the reaction to the video seems like a public declaration of some kind...
don't click this or some disposes 100€ from your bank account to the greens
Underrated, kek
>those comments
wew lad
Jew off shyster, teknik.io is our guy
you need to go back
That mayam girl or w/e went to Serbia, what a stupid cunt LOL
Did my duty. 134k dislikes. Keep em going.
YouTube Yes!
Literally.Fucking.No. Just because we had two noteworthy attacks in Britain that have received some backlash doesn't mean that anyone is doing anything about it. If someone was, Le Pen would have won, borders would already be closed. Stop posting memes, start saving Europe.
Remember to report the video for promoting terrorism
the comments arent even loading for me
Supreme leader has a solution
thats what you get when you fuck your cousins for generations
weaponised autism
I can confirm not disabled. Probably May and Merkle threatened youtube.
>How do The Young Turks qualify as creators?
Did did most of the roachsearch.
got my dislike and scathing comment in early, most refreshing to see so much honesty on that page, could it be,,,finally ,,,,they are waking up,,, or is it they are scared off being beheaded more than being a social outcast
top fucking kek
Hate speech against indigenous populations
You guys should be reporting it as inappropriate
I got banned from YouTube.
But I agree with you and I am a jew
lets hope they don't ban me because I'm actually proud to be one of the first people to have a youtube account (which is now a fkin google account, but still)
mhhh blocking all the negative voters because 80% are bots
Way to walk in to a trap
Found some more cancer everyone, these were the YouTubers involved in this project. MAKE IT HURT. ((((((((((((((((((THEY))))))))))))))))) WANT TO MAKE AD SHEKELS OFF OF LIBERAL IGNORANCE.
>how come Israel don't take any refugees
>how come Vatican city don't take any refugees
I didn't think it was possible...
but it looks like Trump is getting a second term
Undeniably based.
Gotta hand it to them, that video was very convincing. If I didn't know better I'd feel sympathy towards the actors in the video. In fact, it does make me think a little. Does Sup Forums hate all refugees? I bet there honestly are some that appreciate Western life more than most ungrateful natives. All my friends constantly complain about how shitty Western countries are such as America. It'd be nice to see people who actually appreciate how well we have it compared to most of the world.
Because Vatican City is one of the smallest nations on earth and is within a nation already taking refugees. Try harder.
>2013 George Soros
What a surprise...
The white man's burden is now to adopt and father these feral beings, and slowly dilute their inferior genes with white genes. That will be the final march of social justice.
>not answering the Israel question
Kill yourself, kike.
sometimes I lose faith in the world. then I see these videos getting down thumbed and I feel better
>my passion is rapping
dear god just what we need some fucking mudslime wanna be nigger. is that seriously supposed to make people want her in their country?
But user, rappers are our most valuable resource, we have a serious lack of them and they contribute so much to society.
> cut off their labias so they can't enjoy sex
virgin detected
Didn't answer the Israel question because it should have been rhetorical, the Jews don't have an excuse. They're closer, pro-migrant, and nearly homogeneous, and yet no migrants.
can we get a copy pasta of this?