I wish I was German
fuck poorland
I wish I was German
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Imagine your Polish ancestors hearing you say that. Ungrateful shit.
should I be grateful for earning 500 euro a month and living around subhumans in places like picrel?
why are germans so superior?
best soldiers, best generals, best engineers, best scientists
>Got asses handed to them by a bunch of lefty slavs
>Proceed to become most cucked nation in Europe
I really don't see the appeal of being german, user
just look at this list
Yeah you actually should. Not to sound like a libcuck, but you have it pretty good in the grand scheme of things. Respect that your ancestors became a part of Western Christian civilization and rose above literally everyone else not in it, even if you aren't as affluent as some of your neighbors. Poland has a lot of unique contributions to the western world, though they might have been centuries and centuries ago. Poland is holding out really well so far when it comes to the syrian roadtrip crisis, remember that increased standard of living = increased likelihood of becoming a cucked society down the road.
When a crusade happens we'll still all be different, but at least on the same side
You can be, most of Germans are poles anyway.
id swap nationality with you in a heartbeat
Rzeczpospolita !
Wtf is wrong with you faggot? you are a shame.
Get out of Poland Hans. Back to your islamic hellhole
You can be a nat-soc, in our ideology, slavics are subhuman compared to Aryan and in a lesser extand other whites.
Obvious German is Obvious.
To be fair Germany would have beaten the soviets one on one. But Soviets got help from western allies
>t. silesian nigger
This user got it.
Hitler should trust his generals.
Thanks to (((Allies)))
>polish nigger from silesia complaining about not being gERMAN
Nothing new