Prague happening?

Guys... What is going on.. I live in Prague and maybe 10 minutes ago we heard a loud explosion that made the building we live in shudder. This is the view from the roof: the Výstaviště burning immensely.

Normally I would think gas leak, but there were ÚRN vans (Czech SWAT) speeding towards it instead of firefighters. Also police has not said anything, which is pretty strange. I'll keep you updated.

Other urls found in this thread:

>1 post from this ID

>no other size of this image found

Post moar pics

Larping Trips are checked. Now fuck off faggot.

This I was wondering if it was cropped but it might be real.

Is there still some kind of euro economic forum going on there worth attacking?

Češko, príď na Slovensko, tu sa aj tak nič nedeje.

OP is not a fag?

(((Gas leak)))

Gunshots outside? Either that or fireworks or something that sounds like loud bangs echoing. Also sirens.

If it was 10 mins prior and this post is 5 mins old its starting to feel fake because I dont see anything on twitter yet.

You better not be lying op


should have given back the Sudetenland when you were asked to

Nothing on twitter yet....

Diversity comes to Prague

regular police are in my street now, seems like they're getting all people out of their houses.

will czech porn survive ?

Turn on your geographic location or you're a LARPing faggot.

Proofs nigger

>United Niggers


Not Praha:( Wish you the best czechbro


fake and gay

Dumbass gullible children. If there were a massive explosion it would've been all over social media sites by now.
>inb4 muh phoneposting

This is why we can't have nice boards.

Will give OP credit, did make me check twitter.

Apparently some black woman can't spell Prague

looks like your country fell over

i was turning my head the wrong way.
this was some kind of test of the emergency broadcast system, only wonder is which state?

Police are getting us out of our houses, heard them saying rukojmí, not sure how to translate.

That is a different photo from like a decade ago when there was a fire.

Also check czech twitter instead of english. it isn't a very international neighbourhood around the Výstaviště

It's all over Norwegian news too. Crazy fuckers



It was JUST on german news.

bye mate

Is it Germany bombing Prague?

Atleast I found this:


Fugg I love Prague. Stay safe Czech bro

Pls stay safe. :(

What's the big deal, I thought we settled on a few terror attacks per day?

That fire looks like a demon head

Enjoy your new European diversity

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
It is real or not?

Vltava will run red with the blood of infidels.


>mfw Prague has a terrorist attack before Holland and I see hundreds of Muslims every day

Police made us leave. Here is a video for you if you still dont believe.


They have also an unknown package in Sweden next to a church:


Why do people post fake stories here? I just don't get it

stay safe, Jaromir


Nothing on twitter, what is the town?

Pls be real

Stay safe bro

Make new vid from the same place and say "pol june 2017"

pol is shilltown

Probably have 5% of the pol pop is paid to start shit, spread disinfo

Part and parcel is coming to Visegrad.


Abdul forgot his kebab meat after fingering Aisha behind the mosque, who cares.

This OP. Want to see if this is the real deal.

Ok. How bad it is?
Does it looks like terror attack?

>21st of June

Nice try, last year!

Go and Czech it out bruv.

If this wasn't a LARP faggot would have his geographic location on.

I hope this is bait.
It's literally 12:21am is prague

we're next, I hope you don't go to amsterdam to often

It's 21st in prague dumb nigger

>be terrorist
>plan attack in amsterdam
>ayyy lmao

New explosions, like a volcano of fire. If it really was hostage I doubt there are any survivors.

Fucking hell! It's my favorite city

video from the terror attack

Bumping for interest. After all. Muslims are up at this time due to Ramadan for midnight meal and prayers.

Haha the eastern euro xenophobic v4 old commie bloc places blitzed before me. Comfy.

If this were real, you'd be showing your real flag to help quell doubt.

>ooga booga merican edumacation

This is clearly fake but you are doing a good job OP so keep up the LARP

Stop larping nigger or give us solid evidence

Nah, we are too deep in the Bilderberg group. It's not allowed here.

Gas explosion?

Video from the aftermath


disgusting when will europe rise up?

Twitter makes threads like these so easy to verify you dumb fucks

It's fake, OP is a fag of unparalleled proportions.

Gunshots again and screaming (mostly police)

Video of the after-aftermath


phoneposters are the cancer that kills Sup Forums

Enjoy your ban

Hopefully you'll get shot so you can take a photo of your bloody wound and we can still call you fake and gay

made up and homosexual

You are full of shit, nothing is happening here.

>Praha is DELET



The terrorists left this symbol on the scene. No one knows what it means.


amsterdam is the big city of the netherlands and the only logical place to plan an attack nigger

Klid, kokot ani nemá českou IP


we invented the bilderberg group