Post your best racial joke
Post your best racial joke
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"wh*tes are human"
What do you call niggers in the family tree?
Louisiana Windchime
I'm not racist, I love blacks.
If I had money, I would buy one.
What do you say to a well-dressed black man?
"Will the defendant please rise?"
Italians are white.
Im White
A nigger applies for a job.
thanks for the laughs, man. Luv you
black people are just like everyone else
says the roach
Did you hear about ku klux kinevels latest stunt? He tried to jump 10 niggers in a stream roller
God was looking over his creation and after watching them for a while he decided to pick a group to support and help out from time to time.
He approached the niggers and said "Hi, I'm god and I want to help you. All you have to do is follow one rule and I'll take care of your people." The niggers said "alright, what's the rule?"
"Love your mother and father." "Shieeet man. We don't know who our mother or father is. Forget it!"
God looks around again and goes to the filthy Arabs. "Hi, I'm god and I want to help you. All you have to do is follow one rule and I'll take care of your people." The Arab scumbags ask "ok, what's the rule?" --- "Thou shalt not kill." ---"Dirka, Dirka, forget it bozo!"
God looks around again and approaches the scheming kike jews. "Hi, I'm god and I want to help you. All you have to do is follow one rule and I'll take care of your people. You'll be my chosen people forever."
"Ok,..what a minute! How much does this rule cost?!?"
"Nothing," replied god "it's free."
Jews: "We'll take 10 of them!"
How do you save a nigger from drowning?
Take your foot off his head.
Thanks for making me laugh
>Scientific proof that whites are superior.
What's similar between rape and extortion?
Slightly used farming equipment going up for sale
>Do we have any 1 at 100?
>50 bid
>Sold to the white superior male with the number 88
Or, I'm not prejudice, I think everyone should own two or three.
what's the difference between niggers and snow tires?
the tires don't start singing when you put chains on them
When does a black guy become a nigger?
As soon as he leaves the room.
How do the chinks name their kids ?
Throw a pan down the stairs
get the fuck out Onur!
Why are Jews circumcised?
Because their women can't resist anything that is 10% off
Jews contribute to humanity
Two black men are walking down the street when they see a sign that says "Become white today! Only 99 cents!" The only problem is that one of them has a dollar and the other has 98 cents. They come to an agreement that the one with the dollar will come out post-whitening and give the penny to the other black man. So the first black guy walks in, and he comes out stunningly white. The second one says "Alright homes, give me the penny!" The white man looks at him and says "Get a job, nigger."
What's the deal with black people?
They're not really black and they're not really people.
This boy is half black, and half Jewish. He goes to school one day and whitey tries selling him a bike for $40.
The boy goes home and asks his dad "Dad, am I more black, or more Jewish?"
"Why do you ask son?"
"Cause this guy at school wants to sell me his bike, and I'm trying to figure out if I should talk him down to $20, or just steal it"
>walking home from work
>See black guy running with flatscreen tv
>Run home to see if it's mine
> Nope, he's still in his cage
What's the difference between a bench and a nigger?
One can support a family.
How do you keep a nigger from going out?
Pour more gas on him
A black father.
What does a Jewish pedophile say?
"Hey kid, want to buy some candy?"
The other day, I saw a black man walking down the street with a large flat-screen television in his arms. I thought, "Oh shoot, that looks like mine." But then I realized it couldn't be mine -- Mine was at home shining my shoes.
A nigger and a spic fall from a tree, who hits the ground first?
The spic, the nigger never makes it because he's stopped by the rope
Why are aspirins white?
Because they work.
Not an American family
I think we should've picked our own cotton
What's wrong with four niggers in a cadillac going off a cliff?
A cadillac seats five!
>shows blacks have stronger genes
>why do black people run so fast?
all the slow ones are in jail.
>why do black people like basketball?
it involves running, shooting and stealing.
>why is life like a bowl of jellybeans?
nobody likes the black ones
Some people call me a racist, which is ridiculous...
I believe racism is a crime, and crime is for blacks.
"I'm colorblind"
Spic, nigger and a jew walk in the bar
Bartender says "Get the fuck out"
kek my name is really onur. seriously.