This woman needs to be educated

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She's right dude. whites and guns dont mix.

>gun simply being visible is "dangerous"
>she watched him the whole time, nothing dangerous happened
>still complains about the "danger" even though there was never any actual danger

fucking dumb bitch

Link her the fbi statistics

>More mass killings than any other group!
>"That's why I carry a gun."

tbf though, tucking a gun in the back of your shorts? Is that really a sensible to carry one's firearm?

She is just anti white whore. What triggered her was a white family and a white man being masculine

You assume these people know what a IWB/OWB-holstered looks like...

This is what happens when people haven't admitted that malevolence lives within us all and haven't faced it, they project their violent fantasies of possibility onto strangers who have enough self responsibility to not only reject them but also want to protect others from them.

>because I am a lunatic mama bear, I wanted to violate his rights and commit violence towards him
>but his gun stopped me
Sounds like his open carry served its purpose.

>this dad wore a GUN holstered into the top of his shorts
She doesn't know what a holster is. I'm almost positive it was carried correctly, because people who are confident enough to open carry know how to do so safely. I don't expect you to know this either, because your nation has already been disarmed and lubed up.

>America, you have a problem.
I hate this "lady".

Have you guys read the equally ignorant comments on this post?

Shall we drop in and say hello, anons?

Well, I learnt something new today.

Thank you for this thread OP

I do it because I love you motherfuckers

I hate it but everyday I see liberals as more subhuman. I know that's the confrontation (((they))) want but seriously the world would be a better place if all liberals were exterminated.

I would find it reassuring that such a guy would have my back and give him a nod and a smile. Liberals main issue with seeing a gun is that it reminds them that the world is not he nice place they insist it is. For conservatives seeing the same guy with a gun it just makes us happy that we are not alone in this knowledge.


Pretty sure the guy carrying the gun won't have any issue trashing the bitch if she even tried, guy earned it. In NYC it's harder to get a permit to carry than painting the sistine chapel within a week.

That's it.
That's the shit I like. Very well put.

Fuck that dog looks like a wolf!

goddamn that's some quality linguine

If she really felt so threatened for the safety of her shitty fucking children then she should move her family to a cucked state like NJ or NY so she can live in peace and tranquility.

Instead she makes a facebook post to let all her friends know how liberal she is.

Where is a van of peace when you need one

Check her faceberg out. It's full of virtue signaling.

>partially weapons trained!
the fuck does that mean.
Looks like security or an officer with a weird uniform, don't know NYCPD. Either way, there's no way she's getting that out of the holster before getting her huge nose broken by a well placed elbow.

She won't mind so much in the future when packing dad saves her daughter being raped by Pedro.

~~~~~~~DAILY REMINDER~~~~~~





Any sensible responsible gun owner conceal carries.



>that pic
>throwing bullets at an old ladies house

I'm with you, user. I'll never open carry. I think it's douchey. However, this is the commonwealth. We do what we want, regardless of what rich white liberals think.

>the fuck does that mean.
Means she had many-a nerf gun fight with her friends from book club.

>a weapon designes to kill

Oh the humanity

her profile pictures reveal she is jewish and she was a hillary supporter
what a surprise

>anti white

The term is "ANGLOPHOBIA"

Yeah it's the law, which in reality is needed. A big part of open carry back in the day was also connected with the transport of firearms publicly, which was obviously much more common back then.

Not for cletus and his gang of 400lb oath keepers in unfitted body armor make a once a month Sunday political statement on their local sidewalk in front of the elementary school. Tbh this applies to the guy at swimming pool with kids. It's just bizarre imo

Wouldn't the recoil, loud piston, and escaping cold gasses give her a case of permanent PTSD? What a brave woman for subjecting herself to such demanding training.

I am carrying a pistol in a non threatening manner. That means you should shoot me because I have a pistol I'm carrying in a non threatening manner.
What is it like to live in your world? What is it like to be so stupid?

>all police officers are attention seeking losers
I hope you're a sovereign citizen who gets your face mashed into the concrete after repeatedly disobeying an officer's orders on a regular traffic violation stop.

you tasteless fag.

For a fellow dane that arent allowed weapons
>How does the holster work? Since it obviously must have some sort mechanism to prevent that.

Meh, depending on where you live getting a CC license can be a pain in the ass. Also, you can't get one until you're 21 so I open carried 18-21. OC is also more comfortable.

>go into an area with intent to shoot the people inside
>don't first put a bullet in the fag visibly wearing a gun on his hip
Don't ever try for the high score.

Depends. Some are kydex, which is plastic that is vacuum-formed around a mold, plus screws that increase or decrease retention.
Some are leather, which have less retention.

Pretty unlikely scenario desu. I think you're just one of those faggots who looks for excuses to rage at people to quell your insecurities.

Although a crap holster, a good example:
Another one:

There is a very specific method to releasing the firearm that comes naturally to the carrier but not anyone else.

The Virginia Zoo is in Norfolk. There is military all over that city. Odds are this guy is a Marine or sailor who is more than qualified with a firearm.

> I could have disa-

This man needs some close air support. He's about to be in a target-rich environment.

>I could have disarmed this dude

hahahaha are you fucking serious


Maybe she thinks black children arent human?

Appreciate it.

>be you
>be incredibly nervous because you finally decided this is the day you get your revenge
>see guy with gun on his hip and assume he's a cop and a better shot than you are
>realize you've never actually shot a gun before
>go find a place where people don't appear to be wearing guns
>pull out your ak47 with tactical infrared laser you forgot to buy the goggles for
>point your antique weapon at first old lady you see
>get shot by the same guy you saw with a gun on his hip
>and the old lady

>shooter tries this in a real American state like Texas
>bullet is blocked and redirected through the power of prayer
>shooter quickly gets out his cell phone to post some hashtag bullshit on Tumblr
>victim returns fire
>shooter hit
>shooter bleeding out
>shooter finishes writing his statement on oppression and how black lives matter or what not
>can't quite reach the post button...

There are IWB (inside waistband) and OWB (on waistband) holsters with varying levels of "retention" which is exactly what it sounds like.

IWB is usually meant to be concealed. The holster goes inside the pants and hangs onto the belt or waistband of pants.

OWB is threaded through the belt and the gun goes outside of the waistband and belt. Think of the style holster a police officer wears, or like in Retention can be multiple levels. No retention would be just a gun in the waistband or a loose leather holster where it could fall out due to gravity. More retention would be a kydex holster which the gun "snaps" into but can be pulled out of with some force. Active retention involves unbuttoning a latch (like a cowboy) or pressing a button/lever which releases the weapon. This is beneficial to open carry because its a contingency against the unlikely event that someone comes up behind you and tries to grab your firearm.

>some bitch on faceberg espousing stupid libshit political views

Who fucking cares? Sage.

Yep, one of the replies to your post covered it, you usually pop your thumb down on the leather retention band/flap on the side nearest your body. Easy movement if you're wearing the holster, but hard to pull off without practice if you're approaching from an angle like someone trying to steal the gun. Lots of holsters also have a fake snap on the outside so your average goon just scrapes ineffectually at it trying to get it undone before the inevitable savage dick stomping.


>Because virginia allows registered gun owners to carry openly without a permit
Boy is she going to be mad when she finds out VA doesnt have a gun registry

Not sure why she's bitching so much, it's dangerous to visit the ghetto.

>Not for cletus and his gang of 400lb oath keepers in unfitted body armor make a once a month Sunday political statement on their local sidewalk in front of the elementary school.

You sound as retarded as those screencapped bitches. People around me open carry all the time. They're not making political statements.

I get how some parts of America it's weird. But open carry around here being a 2nd amendment political statement would be like going to church on Sunday being a 1st amendment political statement.

No, for some people it's normal fucking life. Not a big deal. No one gives it a second thought, except for mentally unstable liberals.

im not anti-gun, but people who carry like that are just over-compensating faggots. "durrr im hoping someone asks me what im afraid of so i can say 'well, nothing'." "hurrr i hope i can escalate a fight over a pracking spot into a justified murder hurrrrrrr"

>good shots

When LAPD was hunting chris dorner, they shot >200 bullets into a truck with 2 ladies in it, with one cop standing on the hood and firing into the windshield, and only 2 bullets connected.

literally shaking right now. it's like that gun will magically start killing children at any moment.

Hollywood cops.
Does anyone have the webm of the chicaco hostage situation where a car turn a corner, cop gets out and puts two shots on the shooting offender?

>mass killers are always whi--

it just makes you a tool. youre just a fucking dork

I don't care to finish reading that. Just kill these people already.

I agree with her.

It costs like $150 to get a CCL plus you have to go through background checks and can get denied based on bullshit in some states. There's nothing wrong with open carrying, you're just an insecure faggot who thinks this random guy who doesn't give a shit about you is trying to intimidate you or something. You're just like the people who feel the need to incessantly rage about every redneck in a lifted truck. Literally crabs in a bucket mentality. Kys.

She clearly wanted that man's seed while he put a gun to her head. It was the ultimate turn on for her and she just had to go to the internet to tell her story. Right after she ran to the zoo public bathroom to fap one out.

Nobody cares about your gunphobia you stupid bitch.

This is Mira's husband and you need to get these pictures OFF THE INTERNET NOW!

Do you realize, DO YOU REALIZE, how ILLEGAL this is!@

Yep. perfectly legal.

>Asks why a man would holster a weapon in a family friendly park with lots of kids.
>Acknowledges mass killings, any of which are committed by guns against defenseless people.

At what point in history did women declare a jihad on logic?

Piss off, Mira's (((husband)))

checking checked.

>we've had more mass killings by white males than by Muslims
She had no reason to bring Islam into this whatsoever, and that statistic is not really surprising in a country where 70% of people are white, while 0.9% are Muslim. Btw, how many of those shootings were commited by men with kids? Probably 0. Does she really think that some guy who's playing with his kids in a park is gonna start a mass shooting just because he has a handgun in clear view? And let's not even mention that there are many mass shootings committed by non-whites, e.g. the Virginia tech massacre.


>weapon designed to kill

I miss the good ol days when weapons were not designed to mame and kill

is she joking or not? this woman is what most might call a dumb cunt.


Look at her other posts. She obviously loves them.
>muh refugees

Don't get me wrong man I carry my revolver in my pocket. I'm just saying open carry SHOULDN'T make you more threatening or a larger/bigger/first target.
Anyone feeling threatened by a civilian carrying a pistol in the open is probably just as intimidated by peace officer carrying in the open. Are all cops supposed to dig their service weapons out of their ass now because "i'm scared?"

Not to mention most weapons conceal carried are smaller caliber and have fewer rounds.
Wouldn't you feel better with fifteen 45acp rounds at your disposal rather than six or seven 9mm?

I know, it just annoys me that she shoehorned in another political topic that has no relevance.

With all the added regulations it is almost more accurate to say that guns are overnegineered to be safe.

I'm thinking Mira's husband likes to watch black men fuck his wife.

Check 'em, cuck

M8, I carry a G19 (17+1) and a spare mag in the summertime (shorts/ t shirt) and nobody knows.

Liberals are afraid of guns because they don't trust themselves to handle one appropriately. They just need to learn how to use them, experience the gun culture, and most of them would be fine with it after that. But just like some people know to avoid alcohol, some of them just can't repress their murderous desires. So they say all guns should be banned because they don't understand that other people aren't like them.

Good shit man