Are we heading towards a star trek style society?

since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive, will the earth collectively shed tribalism and come together as a single, unified species? war, poverty and racism will vanish quickly as we head for distant star systems. I give it about 10 years until the world is unified under one governing body and we begin searching for the ayy's to set up lucrative interplanetary trade deals

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>I actually have no idea about anything

Thanks for sharing

No. It will not resemble the humanity and themes of star trek. Humans as we know them will not exist.

>are we heading towards a star trek style society?

No. We are heading towards Africa.

it's illogical to assume black people cannot contribute to creating a unified earth, free of the many problems it currently faces

Humans fragment into cultures across a body of water. They will fragment across space without faster than light communication to unify them.

Go to africa and say that.

The chinese will transform us into the borg
we will be used to mine bitcoin

Our future is Mad Max, not Star Trek.

I can't wait to go to war with martian scum and belter freaks. Terran pride universe wide.

No and here's why

Mad max and all other apocalyptic shit is propaganda created by the elite to make us fear a future free of the elite control

Stop where are you: You are a few steps away from transniggerdom. Please reverse course or you will be exiled from Heaven.

>star trek style society
the federation is kinda what it would be like if the nazis won the planet by accepting everyone except the jews. if you don't believe me, pls note Captian Picard's reaction to the ferengi. this was intentional.

>since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive

we aren't. we can't even conceive a theory in which those things would be possible.

> will the earth collectively shed tribalism and come together as a single, unified species? war, poverty and racism will vanish quickly as we head for distant star systems.

the only way to get rid of tribalism is to kill all other tribes. most of them don't even understand basic arithmetic.

>since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive

We aren't

>since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive,
not even in your dreams deluded dumbfuck

>come together as a single, unified species?
I agree. We must set up super sperm banks to breed an entire new race of super humans via artificial insemination. These super humans will turn the earth into a nation-less utopia with no war, hunger, suffering, violence, racism, hatred. It will be glorious.

you mean one where we destroy the earth and a benevolent alien race comes and saves our ass?

No. Definitely not.

>star trek style society
You mean communism like how the creator modeled it after? No, we aren't. At least not here or unless they kill off the 60% of the population that vehemently oppose it.

>since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive,

>since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive, will the earth collectively shed tribalism and come together as a single, unified species?

People see themselves as their race or religion first. A muslim see himself as a muslim, a Mexican sees himself as a Mexican, etc. This is one of the greatest failures of you globalists. There is either Assimilation or there is tolerance. You cannot have both. Until you give people a common identity that they can rally behind, you will get the Tower of Babel, not Star Trek. And right now, Globalists fucking REFUSE to force assimilation. Which is going to cause an interethnic conflict between Whites and Nonwhites.

By the way, the economy fucking sucks. Globalists have produced GDP growth comparable to the Soviet Union. Globalists are so bad at economics, they LITERALLY have to buy stock in companies because private investors refuse to invest. The whole "Globalism is good for the economy" is a fucking meme.

Name one successful black country.

lmao look how tiny that penis is. For the same reason your nose is narrow and lips are thin. Because of the ancient cold and natural selection.

Didn't stop us conquering the world.

this. the notion that we cant overcome these self imposed obstacles exists solely in our collective psyche. we can create a utopian society quickly, and elevate all walks of life so that they can contribute to the greatest cause ever. visionaries like elon musk will pave the way

It would probably be more like Halo where different groups spread out across the galaxy to avoid control by the government

actually, even in the star trek lore that is exactly what happened.

>Rising from the ashes of the Eugenics Wars of the mid-1990s, the era of World War III was a period of global conflict on Earth that eventually escalated into a nuclear cataclysm and genocidal war over issues including genetic manipulation and Human genome enhancement.

>World War III itself ultimately lasted from 2026 through 2053, and resulted in the death of some six hundred million Humans. By that time, many of the planet's major cities and governments had been destroyed.

>The war culminated circa 2053, when several of Earth's governments met in San Francisco to declare a cease-fire, effectively ending the war. (ENT: "Demons") As a result of this world war, like the two before it, whole generations were nearly wiped out. (ENT: "Judgment") The use of nuclear weapons engulfed Earth with an immense dust cloud, resulting in numerous nuclear winters. (TNG: "A Matter of Time") When it was over, Earth's atmosphere was irradiated with a detectably heightened amount of radioactive isotopes.

>Three years later, Colonel Green gave an impassioned speech, asking for the impure to once again be purged from society. (ENT: "Demons")

>By the early 2100s – less than two generations after the post-atomic horror – Humanity was finally able to eliminate most if not all poverty, disease, war, and hunger. Along with it, a lot of other things disappeared from Humanity, including hopelessness, despair, and cruelty.

literally "oh shit if we don't get a fucking handle on these subhumans we're going to do ourselves in, anybody up for a bit of eugenics?"

Mad Max always seemed wonderful.
Except those annoying kids in the third movie.

We're headed for A Boy and His Dog style society

Yes it's always the elite and never a creative vision trying to be entertaining



Most people think apocalypse bad after seeing mad max 2 and 3

I had nightmares cause 1) Australia
2) Tina fucking Turner


The society you are talking about as theorized came about because of two more global wars. One was started by eugenics: this will happen. The elite will have access to designer genetics (if they don't already). The eventual emergence of a caste of super people is a certainty if genetic engineering advances far enough. The second was a devastating series of nuclear exchanges brought on by states jockeying for position in the wake of the Eugenics Wars and the decrease of resources.

Additionally, we got lucky and were found by some space buddies called Vulcans.

This type of political order will not emerge without humanity learning important lessons, first. The process of learning will cost billions more lives.

Interstellar civ is probably way off. We have to colonize and Balkanize a few dozen times in our own solar system for a few centuries before we advance to spreading our species to other star systems.


Kinda how the are seen as pure fucking hell but in reality there was

1) better treatment of the mentally ill, more humane treatment of people
2) more art and creative thinking going on

>the notion that we cant overcome these self imposed obstacles exists solely in our collective psyche.

Would you force a person to renounce Islam in order to fit in a Globalist society? No? Then don't delude yourself. You are exactly the reason why the species cannot be united. You lack the stomach to implement your regime out of political correctness, like a leper who refuses to notice his limbs falling off. Globalism will fail, Star Trek will never occur, and instead we will get the Turner Diaries.

The wrong side won the eugenics wars. Khan did nothing wrong.

Wipe out everything in Africa, China, and the Middle East and I'd be fine with a global society once that's done.

Kek'd a little....

>Didn't stop us conquering the world.
As relevant as Obama's legacy.

so where do the vulcans come and save our asses in all this?

I remember something about a rocket launch by a crazy inventor taking their attention

we'll simply skip the eugenics war and ww3 and surely given the immense size of our galaxy, there is a vulcan race waiting to befriend us

>since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive

it's really nice when an OP loudly signals "this thread is trash and not worth anyone's time" in the first sentence.

We will never have a warp drive. This hyopthetical technology is based on false mechanics. Thus it is just fiction.

Even if it were possible, I don't think it would be too good for the tadpoles

War in Europe is coming, dumbass. The world is literally falling apart, and you look to a TV show about how it's all going to work out. Enthralled by your own fantasy as the world collapses.

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we wont get warp drive being negative nancys now will we? what if you showed an air craft carrier to a 16th century pirate? or an oculus rift to a samurai?

The black guys have big dicks and white guys have small dicks theory is bullshit. Both races have small and big dicks across the board. It is the bush men that have huge dicks (and huge vaginas). While the bush have black skin and live in Africa they are as different from black people as they are from whites ect.

i wouldn't need to force anyone to do anything. the sheer power of a unified global movement would make most people, including muslims, to renounce their dated superstitions an contribute to the advancement of humanity. and the ones still clinging to ancient mythologies will quickly abandon them once the first alien species is discovered

>it is illogical to assume black people cannot contribute
>literally every fundamentally black nation is a violent, underdeveloped shithole with zero technology and economic power

Actually the only logical conclusion you can derive from blacks controlling anything is that it will be shit. Literally. Every black nation on Earth is a shit hole. Every black population even in first world white nations is made up of violent and poor apes with no critical thinking skills. The only possible assumption we can make about blacks taking over society is societal collapse.

You are too optimistic to be effective. Islam is MORE popular among second and third generation people than first generation people. Nationalism is growing by leaps and bounds among the native population. And Socialism is becoming the predominant position among the rising Left population. Those are three memes which are more attractive to people than actual "Globalism." Globalism has extremely weak memetic appeal, because it doesn't understand how memes work, and let's its opponents take advantage of it.

The whole idea that the world is going to be united under an unequal system where rich men horde all the wealth in secret societies that control the world from the shadows is absolute madness. There has never been a successful empire where hidden rule has worked out. The world is falling apart, like Communism and the Soviet Union, but you are too deluded by your ideology to see the rot in the system.

Fear. Fear is what you should be feeling for your NWO.

sure.remove kebab, then explore space in peace for the next 10k years

> sees a post I can actually chime in on
> its got tons of replies already

Actually as soon as we get our hands on the advanced tech the globalists have been hoarding We Will start to achieve something like Star Trek.

They don't want that. Im surprised that movies like S.T were allowed to be produced. Then again Paramount was sorta outside the loop.

its too late to reverse the effects of climate change and the seas have started rising, you better get to work on those warp drives

Not even close. Humanity will have to go through some really nasty totalitarianism before you'd get a fully united human race.

I can't remember which episode it was of TNG, but it was one focused around Picard and Q. Q was holding Picard on trial for some shit, and it was in a past reality. Sometime after they got the warp drive shit, but well before the current timeline Picard was in.

even if we don't get to the globalist's stash of advanced tech, visionaries like elon musk will figure it out and release it to the world

The irony is that we would be if we had a free market, but now we're moving more towards Mad Max desu. The pre mad max will be more like Equilibrium x V for Vendetta.

>since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive
Your definition of 'close' is unusual.
>inb4 'it's theoretically possible"

>since we are close to having replicator technology and warp drive

>Go to africa and say that
Why? It's not like they would understand

Ye it's basically reptilian brain/ego stuff holding humanity back.

I am fine with that as long as someone like John Frederick Paxton represents Earth. Have to keep those alien mudslimes from immigrating and living here.

>muh dick

really made me think

education would be free so they would understand eventually. imagine all the untapped talent we would get from africa

reminds me of my local friends group

All the technology in the world won't solve the fundamental flaw of it all: human nature itself. Evolved over millions of years. Hardwired general behaviours innate to our nature. Cannot be changed.

as an /o/tist musclefag id actually prefer this.

For that reason I suppose they created Somalia too?

yeah it will, once AI is more powerful than the human mind. not that that will necessarily be good for humans as we'll be no longer in control once that happens.

all i see are millions of people with their faces buried in cell phones. i'd say technology has fundamentally changed humanity already

If we are that close then Terra Prime like political groups need to step up their recruiting game.

"we" aren't a single species. The species of hominid that builds all the technology is only capable of doing so due to a fragmentary survival of prehistoric super-race DNA. There is no future for the detritus of modern humanity, only the final darkness of extinction.

As for the trek / esalen militarised communist future, why would communistic crap work any better "in the future" than it ever has in the past?

The novel 'DNA Cowboys' featured 'template machines' - 3D printers that could print ANYTHING including life (edited or natural). All it did was shift the commodity exchange from the items to the PATTERNS for the items. Same as in the 'Business As Usual During Alterations' science fiction short story.

>holodeck hookers

a real meritocracy is not communism.


>yfw some poor soul had to scrub all that jizz from the holodeck suits at quark's at night

Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.

Prove me wrong, oh wait - you literally cannot.

Why should we be unified?
>One world government
This implies one world culture. What will you do to people that are not interested in submitting themselves to your idea of a perfect society? You will have to commit yourself to horrors the likes of which this world has never seen in order to make your vision a reality.
>All bad things will vanish when we go to space
If anything it will get worse. If you think the disagreements between nations to be chaotic just wait until it's entire planets.

The Star Trek model of society is idealistic drivel just like Communism and every ideology that it spawned.

Omg I love leftys ,always looking at the world with rose tinted glasses.
Take em off if your can handle the truth
