>this is an american BOY in the year 2017
wtf is happening to our kids?
>boys becoming fags
>little girls being lewd on periscope streams
fucking jews are winning
>this is an american BOY in the year 2017
wtf is happening to our kids?
>boys becoming fags
>little girls being lewd on periscope streams
fucking jews are winning
Other urls found in this thread:
What is wrong with white people?
Nope. Jews have won.
>mfw my son only drinks filtered water and doesn't eat soy
>little girls being lewd on periscope streams
don't tell them fag. loose lips sink ships
is that a bruise on his left eye?
So basically you're telling me I'm gay?
I'm new here, what the fuck is this place? I love it
Oh my god...
who is she
And that thing is for sure a girl.
This is someones son..
Holy shit what a qt
Oh believe me this is just the beggining. It's only going to get worse and worse from now on. Well, eventually it's going to get better but before that it has to get much worse.
That said, the worse the degeneracy gets the more glorious the end of it all will be. Stay true user and focus on yourself.
Lack of a strong father figure.
Fuck America. It needs to die.
It's quite literally the cancer infesting the earth right now.
I'm not even kidding.
Too hard to find/no common keywords. Hard to ruin
how much cummies do you think she (male) drinks from her father?
>Too hard to find
oh look! it's a newfag!
The father must either be a libshit or have remarkable restraint for not killing his gay son and then himself to clean out the gene pool.
>confederate flag
>posts a nasty subhuman gook
off yourself
Where is the youbtube vid, I need to know what it is saying.
Why do parents allow this kind of shit? It has to be single moms right? I can't see any self-respecting male seeing their son become something like that...
>this is a turkish BOY in the year 2017
wtf is happening to our kids?
Bad diet, leading to too much estrogen in boys. Food industry is destroying us.
its not gay to top that
not enough
u kno thats what the romans thought......
Oh, thank God. I thought he was holding up a condom.
I blame single mothers.
You would be surprised at how cucked nu-males can get.
I'd fuck the shit out of Anzu
>Implying the jew on a stick didnt ruin rome
Would fuck, 10/10 western meat is the best.
Welcome. Come back after you've watched every episode of The Greatest Story NEVER Told.
hmmm bad buttslut boy he shouldn't be doing thisss
Every jap buisnessman in tokyo already did
>That black eye
>Giving the crazy eyes
>Black belt in dicksucking
>All at the age of 11
nigger beat you to it
I want to violenty sodomize that american boy
>katya a jew
Anyone else notice the semen stain on his shirt?
>meanwhile drains himself of testosterone by masturbating to subhumans
Really tinkers with my clock
>sodomizing a boy dressed as a girl
Immoral. Goes against the natural order.
time to unzip pants
To be honest I kinda dressed like a faggot in school too but I was also probably the most sexually active.
>Deliberately lacks reading comprehension
>Screams newfag
Read it again, you dumb motherfucker.
Dont give that jesus nonsense I'm argentinian
benis yamete
Pretty weak male animals get fucked by stronger male animals in nature
man i'm just disgusted by all of this
the complete degeneracy of the youth, bombarding them with sex so they never develop and never learn anything
and we call it freedom
all this disorder and nastiness is only going to give us another hitler
hitler rose into power because germany was in a complete state of chaos and degeneracy, so the more we see shit like this, the more likely we will see a hitler rise in power to fix this shit
brain washed post modernist kids, they are so disgusting they need to be cleansed
Homosexuality was always prevalent in "muh western race". There aren't enough young boys doing this to cause a demographic crackdown, calm down socialist scum.
>people are actually attracted by this disgusting abomination
jesus christ we keep sinking lower and lower
He's got some dsl.
Hes hot as fuck
Would bang
Canada or Sweden cause I can't tell them apart anymore.
This cancer is only present in densely populated cities. You'd have a hell of a time trying to find one of those freaks in a place like Wyoming.
I would fuck the shit out of this boy... no questions asked
Sad, many such cases.
I want to jettison my cum in his tight asshole.
would fug
Why is neo-Sup Forums so infatuated with fucking traps?
I'm not mad or anything, It's just sort of surprising to see so many people claim gay people are bad, while simultaneously shouting "Oh god I want to boy-pussy."
is it a boy? who can tell anymore
Wait, it that Lactatia?
Nice. What about this one?
>tfw completely straight but would completely wreck his boipucci
anyone else?
I got more repulsed at this kind of fags than at a cheap favela tranny. Absolutely repulsive.
white nationalists would probably fuck that if it were actual girl
This is what generations of divorce and single mothers have created folks. Men who don't know how to be men. So they either act like hypermasculine stereotypes to try and compensate or try to be like women. It's no wonder that throughout human history, when ever androgyny became popular, that civilization got taken over by a more masculine civilization.
i would like to cum on his face desu
>Why is neo-Sup Forums so infatuated with fucking traps?
Greetings newfag
and by the way
Whatever. They sterilize themselves and they have the decency to display clearly their deviancy through aposematism.
It's just another natural selection mechanism to eliminate the betas. We're too many humans anyway. Ever read about the Calhoun experiment? Overcrowded civilizations turn to degenerency.
Let them sterilize themselves.
What's with Americans and their stupid braces?
Anzu's not trans
someone gave birth to this
I would fight my son on sight
Is it even human?
>completely straight
>Wanting to fuck boipucci
Pick one user, you can't be both
it's just gross when they're over 25 and not feminine
...And pic related.
This is the Liberal Democrat plan in action. They want everyone to be bi sexual or gay.
They also want to sexualize young boys as a step in their plan to bring about the normalization of pedophelia.
>Canadian afraid to show his real flag
anyway, the reason you see so many feminine faggots online is not because they are prevalent but because they are a loud minority on the internet who use it as a tool to seek attention
>little girls being lewd
I thought you moralfags said kids are not sexual? What the fuck is happening?
reporting in
>live in decadent west
>still lusting women
The west is already dead. We are living in the last moments of a great civilization beyond salvation. No point indulging women anymore