What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
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He's looking for wandering Russians in the desert and in Kansas.
Obama is 1000000000 times better than him, believe me
Literal Manchurian candidate
He's an irrelevant loser who never became President and is buttmad that a reality tv star did it while he is crippled from Viet Cong torture.
Also he lost to a nigger
He is a true american hero in a country full of traitors.
>his problem
It's a simple explanation. He's a neo-con, which means he is a Trotskyist. Also, he's a career politician, which means he is a card carrying member of the Washington D.C. establishment. That is a corruptible combination. John McCain is a corrupted man who feeds on corruption and exists to sell corruption.
>What the fuck is his problem?
"Judge a man by the company he keeps."
I really regret voting for this faggot in 2008. Not like it made any difference, but really felt low energy as fuck doing it.
There are lots more American heros from World War 2 and the Korean War. They're not asking questions at the Senate Intelligence Committee anymore.
He's a crotchety old crook
>He is a true traitor in a country full of traitors.
He's a fraud and a democrat operative. His most notable military contribution was blowing up his own ship and killing 100 sailors.
Oh wow Soros too. Yeah ok fuck McCain
He hasn't taken a shit in six months.
I think he mad. Mad that his puppet army in Syria got rekt