
>praise kek
>god emperor
>free kekistan
if you say any of this you are cancer and need to be gassed

Other urls found in this thread:

>praise kek, based, MAGA, god emperor are now bad

Go away, shill.

Fine, cool song
>praise kek
Good descriptor
>god emperor
It's a joke
Agree with this, awoo fags should be removed
>free kekistan
Was funny until it became a moderately cringe tier joke
Quality slogan

oh i forgot to add that randomly calling people shills is also cancer

Yep, you are a shill. Fuck off.

whats a shill

are you the kid in this video?

Neither. Because I think people who LARP as Kekistan are gross. They should be gassed. It seems you forget JIDF exists.

Newfag detected. Lurk more.

What's wrong with based? It's better than >fuckin sick bro dank man

another shit divide and conquer thread

For the Emprah

Yep. It was reddit tier cancer from the start and I can only ever imagine a fat slob neckbeard using those terms.


What's a newfag?

holy shit that guy would be hulk tier if he did some strength training

I want to kill you newfags

>muffled awooos

>being a flag fag

Get lost

Don't you have a video to downvote or something?

kys paedophile

Lurk more faggot

>muh shills
No these are all cringe tier memes now. They were funny at first until they were ran into the ground by Reddit
Also you need to go back immediately

i feel dirty everytime i kek at a post. can we go back to lol now?

Cringe. You faggots are nearly as bad as the stormfags.

yeah, esp shadilay should get double gassed

Fuck of shill.

You can not divide us. Doesn't matter how long you try.


Some of you fucks don't understand the concept of humor.
It's fine if you don't find this satirical movement funny, but the problem is some of you think it's serious.

>thinks memes should be used IRL

bravo pol, we have seen your face


wot about dese based black guyz democrapz are the real racizts
tsop being anti-trump you shillz

Nice try, you bigoted filthy jew.

seriously lazy jewing m8

>Quality slogan
I would wear that shirt.

holy shit that guy looks just like me

Fuck off (((OP))), Autism lives matter.
Weaponized Autism is our footsoldiers, gas your kike ass

They're no worse than the christcucks on this board.

I bet you've got the beer gut that goes along with it too.

What makes you the arbiter of shit to say?

>go back to plebbit
no u


>shilling intensifies

An obvious freedom hating Commie.

I know that's sounds like a cliche, but I am being serious!

>it's another user tries to pretend he wasn't a part of the meme magic episode

Why do you people let the reddit name calling get to you?

You just types them, faggot.

You prefer to be called a Nigger, Faggot, or just a Dick?

You forgot
>reddit spacing

Reddit spacing was never mentioned on Sup Forums prior to 2017 when redditors came here and pointed it out. Now redditors can point out reddit spacing to project their redditness onto people who have been using Sup Forums for years longer than the phrase "reddit" spacing existed.

The kekistani shit was always pretty bad, honestly. It was loved more by people like Sargon and his ilk.

what would you rather them say muhammad?
allah snackbar?
fak off

>le epic meme war
should've added it to the list

>they were funny at first
>at first
Nobody gives a fuck if you dont think it's funny. Take your downvotes somewhere else faggot

/soc/ is here and they'll never leave

i don't even know what shill means
but i call everyone that word just to fit in lel

it wakes people up I don't care if you think its cringy just like that fucking flag you post with that will be shoved up all the asses of you and your retarded ilk who do nothing but make everything worse


Welcome back you fucking losers

its funny online but we dont need to bring our autism out in public.

>uses nazi flag
>hates kekistan

Seems about right. You made your flag was co-opted or the fact that Kekistan is a parody of everything you love and hate blended together just to trigger you all.

>unironically posting that image
>kekistan wakes people up
holy shit kys

gas leddit race war now

gladly but ill take you with me

you're as bad as refugees chimping in carrying their trash together

B-but I say Awoo every day...


>i'll come in with epic memes xd who cares about integrating and not being obnoxious lmao
Found the muslim

Just shut the fuck up you insufferable newfaggot

whatever you say goatfucker

>NSA/JIDF think that killing aging memes will reduce Sup Forums's cultural appeal and kill Sup Forums

Stay ineffectual, arseweasels, while we do your job and set the west against its enemies.

>presidential campaign slogan abbreviation is on the same level as autistic memes
>nazi flag
either bait or you're more autistic than most here

kek, You could have a point but I just can't take anyone posting under a meme troll flag seriously, my based shillanon. May kek be with you.

Shadilay and awoo, you silly nigger.



You will never fit in here, your efforts have the opposite effect, and you really are too stupid to realize it. Imagining the frustration you must eventually feel makes me hard

Awoo is love, Awoo is life.

>When mommy tells me to take down my nazi flag and get a job, i go rage on /pol

but really, if you triggered af over how some /pol tards talk, you should gas yourself

not if they say it we are meme central not been here in a while i enjoy it but srys nt srys is the only way kek is 4 chans personification but it is not a solid line we all take

>shills once again try to get us to abandon meme magic by showing us pictures of redditors and claiming to be an oldfag.

David Brock is the greasiest person I have ever seen. No really he looks like wax figure made of lube.

>not Sup Forums
This triggers me tb h fa.m

shill is far to standard since the old days infarct shill needs to be in the sticky with a correct definition and carry more weight the fact it has been waterd down on THIS board is an abhorrent travesty

Are you a bot or a retard with a

>le maymay magik

ok i updated the list
>praise kek
>meme war
>god emperor
>free kekistan
>meme magic

what's wrong with based


>confederate flags
>anyone seriously advocating racism, genocide or a fascist system

This whole trend reminds me of all the fedoras and the m'ladys etc. it's super cringy.


it is cringe

neck yourself


>that image
Dude just stop. Where did that even come from at what in gods name compelled you to post it jesus christ

go back to /ptg/ cuck

Honestly don't care if I get called a shill for this, but it needs to be said. I'm actually glad there are people on Sup Forums who are starting to get tired of this meme shit Pepe, KEK, MAGA, and other random assortment of bullshit. The honeymoon phase for Trump winning the election is over. We should all be focusing on bettering ourselves as a community and all of this shit is completely counter intuitive to that. No one is saying that you can't have fun, but some of you have got to look at yourselves in the fucking mirror once in a while and see how fucking stupid you look doing this sort of shit

How can you see shit like this and honestly not think of yourselves as anything but dumb? Again, no one is saying that you can't fucking have fun, but is asking to tone it the fuck down a little and maybe NOT act like a complete fucking sperglord offline that much to ask for nowadays?

gas yourself nigger, praise kek

your autism is showing

fuck you iv been getting hit with moots spam filter like fuck



You NEED TO kys

You're a fat shareblue Mexican neck beard nigger.

>compiles a list of cringey words
>calls someone a cuck

AND you're a nigfag with a custom flag

>anarcho edgelord

>mfw schadenboner
Look at the audacity of you desperate losers. ABSOLUTELY pathetic. You influence literally noboy but pedestrians who dont share the humour and wont stick around or contribute anyways such as Good riddance nigger.

If I were your boss I'd have you commit suicide by reverse wrap-around headshot
