Chimpout incoming


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digits confirm...

Train your cops better, Jesus Fuck!

I don't see any problems here. Move along.

what do you think i am? a souless human?
I need the sound of the nigger screaming man, the video has no's like the feeling when waching a movie downloaded and it stops because the file is corrupted.
You subtly hurt my feelings, man.
I can't even see the guy getting shot or dying slowly.... wtf is wrong with you?

>Cop: License and registration
>Nigger: Ok but I have a fire arm
>Cop: Don't reach for it. Stop. Stop reaching for it.
>Nigger: I have to mayne
>Cop: pew pew pew
>Cop: Fucking niggers! FUCK!
>Nigress: Did you just kill mah boyfriend?
>Niglet: Waaaaah
>Cop: FUCK

wtf was skippy doing?

Chimpout? More like concerned citizens who are mad abut extrajudicial government executions.

Agreed! The driver almost had time to present his gun and fire at the police. Cop needs to work on that quickdraw.

fuck off nigger

This. The officer 'smelled marijuana' when he walked up but never mentioned it at all because why bother stating that on video when you can lie about it after the fact.

He pulled over a black dude because he had a wideset nose then shot him to death after the dude told him he was a legal concealed carry holder and was going to show him his license. For fucks sake, it's disgusting.

he was obviously reaching for something and got shot for it... more nigs just being nigs.... nothing to see here

Fuck off stormfag.

watch the actual video, audio tells a different story..

>Ima have to reach for it

What did he mean by this?

More like

pew pew pew pew pew pew pew

just imagine lad...
*pew pew*
*nigger makes a short scream as he gets shot while trapped in the car barely capable of physically reacting to the shot because of lack of space*
*he shrinks his face expression and his short dreadlocks swing to the front of his face*
*pierced in several areas of the boddy soon to bleed*

I have been to the US many times, speak English and I am not black, I have dirty blonde hair and light colored eyes.

Never had a prob with cops.
Had a tail light issue one time, when I showed him my passport he was very friendly and welcomed me to the USA, gave me a warning, tips on where to eat, what to see.

Just don't give them a reason to shoot your ass, they already on fucking edge and do the most dangerous job

whats the purpose of a webm like that.
thanks sir

>ima have to reach for it mayne

what the fuck?

Honestly I wouldn't even mind if the cop only shot him twice.

He shot him 7 fucking times, with a kid in the car.

His training was garbage and he panicked like a bitch.

If you're not a white woman, even if it's just a simple pullover KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE WHEEL. This happened because both parties were stupid. The cop gave contradictory instructions to give him information and not reach for the gun in way of said information. The nigger had a brainfart and it cost him his life.

1. Keep hands on wheel unless instructed otherwise
2. if confused, do nothing and ask verbally for clarification WHILE KEEPING YOUR HANDS ON WHEEL

Fug now I feel bad for the child

top fucking tip

shooting to wound isnt a thing. if you pull the trigger on your weapon, it's to kill just saying brah

>tells him not to reach for his gun multiple times
>nigger does it anyway
>tested positive for drugs, judging by how his speech sounded he was probably high at the time
>pictures of the aftermath confirm the gun was on his lap
>implying the cop did anything wrong

These lolbertarian posts pretending to be mad are some kind of D&C psyop, not even the lolbergs are that dumb. Niggers should learn to comply with orders if they don't want to get shot, but as we all know that's a big ask for most niggers.

He had a stationary target poiint blanke.

If he can't fire 2 for a kill he needs to be fired regardless.

Pls, I got so excieted Friday night and was disappoint. Niggers couldn't even riot right.

On a plus side, we did get this golden gem of a meme

>don't pull it out
>i'ma have to pull it out

why is this nig so stupid? it's clear from the video that he didn't intend to pull out his fucking gun but to let the officer know before hand that he had one and that he will show his permit to carry it.

but it just comes out "i have to pull it out"


> chimpout

I've only ever shot at targets 200-300m away in the Afghan mountains and I like, completely lost my mind the first time, totally whiffed every shot. I don't blame the dude for freaking out, as this was likely the first time he ever fired his weapon at a person.

Let me guess: the driver was black, dressed like a thug nigger (wasn't dressed like a human), spoke like a thug nigger (didn't speak a discernible human language), and associated with thug niggers (had a passenger that shared these similar traits).

Works the same everywhere, even in Brazil

If you dress normal and act polite, you won't get shot

Cops are trained to look at your demeanor

Chances are if you dress like something out of a rap video, you align yourself with the fuck the police mentality

easy way for the cops to know what you have between the ears

Not happening. We're back in Bush years now.

M8 thats almost a year old.

t. doesn't know shit about guns or shooting incidents, probably never shot a gun

You shoot to kill, retard. Life isn't a movie.

It is a great meme

you're missing the point, man....
its not about how many times the police shot.
it's about how the nigro got shot inside his car with the family in there.

The incident was a year ago, the verdict was reached on friday and the footage was released today.

>but it just comes out "i have to pull it out"

It was a catch-22 moment. I've see another video of this happening when the black fellow got shot at that gas station when getting out his information, too. He didn't die though.

finicky cop gives murky instructions to low IQ nigger

"Imma have to pull it out"

Should be a meme

I've shot more people than you have.

You don't need more than 2 for a stationary target.


Wow what a surprise the cop was very justified in feeling threatened because the guy said he had a gun, and then despite being told not to repeatedly, reached for SOMETHING while saying "I'ma have to pull it out".

Fucking media always lying about everything.


English: Officer I have a concealed carry gun
>okay don't pull it out
Okay officer but my license is actually right under it so I have to move my gun before I can give you my license I'll keep my hands on the wheel just so you feel safe.
>hmm... okay i'll disarm you

Nigaanese -> Offica i gots a gun
>okay don't pull it out

Actually I take that back, zetas and salvadorans aren't people

you're ignoring the previous instruction to give the cop his information, which we've found out was being obstructed by the gun.

Can someone give me a link to the song? sounds /comfy/

>imma have to pull it out
jesus fuck that's scary.
Fucking cop told him twice.
Did the coon have warrants?

>The pussy on the right who just runs away
He should be the next one shot

he had to pull it out to give him his licensee and registration which the cop commanded him to beforehand

More talking out of your ass. You shoot to kill in these situations. This is a very basic fact.

I hear "I'm not gonna pull it out". Seems like he was going for the permit since he already handed over his ID. Which is what I hear her say, not ID.

What I just wrote the license was behind his gun, Still doesn't change the fact he is stupid and reached for his gun when told not to.

But that's not what happened. Watch the video with audio before spreading bullshit.

Working as intended, but thanks for your concern leaf

not trying to say he should have reached for anything. that was stupid.

Once again, you don't need more than two point blank.

His emotions took over.

If he fired 12 instead of 7 would you still have the same reaction?

7 is fucking ridiculous dude.


probably said "ima have to pull it out" because it was restricting access to his wallet where he kept his license that he was reaching for
unfortunately for him he only had black people communication skills and situational understanding
cop had to shoot him, cannot give benefit of the doubt to anyone with a weapon (especially blacks, because they are dim)

Didja watch the video?

wtf, leaves look comfy as fuck

Whys the cop out of breath? Do you guys even cardio?


How long until we get live streams?

can someone link me to this meme? it sounds funny

He already gave the cop his ID you mongs. Watch the video with audio before spreading bullshit.


7 shots, nigga dead.

That's called adrenaline, you should leave your log cabin more

why do these cops not position themselves by the backseat door, forcing the driver to turn towards you, give you a lot more control.
Also what kind of idiot puts his weapon almost inside the car, use the distance to an advantage. You have the opportunity to take cover, they dont.

He was told not to reach for the gun, but he was under the impression that he still had to give him his information. So he reached for the gun not with malicious intent likeseem to think. It was a matter of stupidity on both parties. One overreacted the other failed realize the degree of danger in his situation

ok, then he was trying to get his conceal carry permit...

the theory does not change. he needed to take the gun out in order to reach whatever document he was trying to show to the officer.

No it isn't. You fucking magdump on niggers. It's a simple fact. I don't get what you don't understand about it.

You don't shoot 2 times, wait to see if the threat is stopped, shoot some more if not, because that pause is just the right amount of time to get fucking shot because you're a fucking moron for not making use of your 12 round magazine.

Fucking hate you fucks. Shoot a gun, get some training once in your life before fucking coming on here to berate people who know what they're doing.

Dumb as should have said "OK but my license is under the gun so you're going to need to get it."

Instead dumb ass reaches for his ID under the gun, making it look like he was reaching for it.

That's why the cop got off. Driver made a bad decision.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

This is why libertarians should also be RWDSed on the day of the rope.

What are you even trying to say? He shot to kill the nigger that he felt was potentially going to kill him.

Are you trying to say ammo is expensive and you're a stingy jew? What is your point? The nigger forfeit his life when he acted like a stupid nigger, end of story. If you're in a split second decision situation, firing multiple shots like that is a perfectly reasonable response to having your life put in danger.

As I said before, real life isn't a fucking movie where you're a slick OPERATOR tier commando, contrary to your LARP fantasy beliefs. Next you'll be telling me it's possible to shoot weapons out of a criminal's hand, or that they should shoot their legs to wound or something.

Yes, let's allow all police to be emotional bitches with zero oversight.

Great idea.

Video is private now.

Got mirror?

Even if he was you don't fucking do that of your own accord. You say "Officer I have a firearm" and you keep your hands on the fucking wheel. When he asks for the permit you go for the permit slowly, or you specifically ask "do you want my permit?" No wonder so many blacks get shot. They go all lone ebonics when they need to be fucking clear and wait for instructions. Fuck I'm a god damn cis white male and if I got pulled over with a firearm in my car I'd go 100% by the book, you don't mess around with that shit.
new link. I was kinda on the fence about this incident till I saw this video. The cop didn't do anything wrong.

So they can see their hands if they leave the steering wheel.

>Ima have to pull it out
>don't pull it out
Why did he keep on after being told no so many times?

ID wasn't all he was asked for, watch it again. He hadn't given the cop everything, and one piece of information was being obstructed by the gun which he reached for to get out the way.

this, it's not that fucking hard.

It's perfectly fine to let a cop clear your weapon outside the vehicle. It's safe and it won't end up in you getting shot to death

What does it change? I was assuming he was going for his permit which is near his gun.

It's a good one

Is it really that hard for you to put two into a head when the guy is stationary and you're less than a foot away?


because he is dimwitted, as i said, and as you appear to be

Where is the video?

While that may be true, he shouldn't have disregarded the cops orders involving a gun even though he may have had nothing but good intentions. It's a scenario where the guy didn't deserve to die, but the officer doesn't deserve to be put in prison for murder. It was just a failure to follow directions involving a lethal weapon.

>this video is private


you have never fired a weapon let alone at a moving target

>one overreacted
>other failed to realize

One was a cop in the height of the BLM riots last summer when cops were being targeted all over the country and the other was a nigger. Of course shit went south.

What was the verdict?

pls don't lump me in with those fags.

I want a white ethno-state, but I also like muh freedumbs.

This is from 2016. One does not typically see riots for things that happened over a year ago.

Why the fuck did the retard tell the cop he had to grab the gun? Like nigger, just put your hands on the dash and let them grab it if the gun is in the way.

Mag dumping is logical

>implying he pulled his gun out
>being stupid enough to think a guy who willingly tells you he's carrying with his wife and four year old daughter in the car is going to gun you down

Cop was a dumbass and deserves to be in jail. This shit is just amateur hour.

Was here but seems to be private now.

Just don't say he asked for an ID then shot him. He didn't.