Shooting of Philando Castile: Who was in the right?

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Philando Castile was in the right. That cop murdered him for reaching for his wallet.

I wish they would murder all blacks this way.

False. He did not need to die. Don't tell a cop you have a gun then not obey orders the cop gives you. He is a retard, well was a retard, and now he is gone. Nigger.

Nah. I have a gun in my car every day. When I get pulled over I keep my hands on the wheel and ask the officer before I move or reach do anything. The correct response isn't" officer I have a gun and I'm reaching for it" Castiles CC instructor should have his permit pulled for not drilling it into his thick skull how to act around cops when you are armed.

>Don't tell a cop you have a gun then not obey orders the cop gives you.

The cop should have ordered him to step out of the car, then.

You can hear the dumb fuck say "Ima have to pull it out"

>shooting and killing someone before they actually produce a gun and before you can positively ID it as a gun.
Police cannot shot and kill someone for reaching for something, that is an absurd idea.

Without knowing any details about the case, I'm gonna say the cop.

The monkey was reaching for something right after he said I have a gun. The cop had time to say don't reach for it twice.

when you realize 8 years of republican control

It's not trolling if everyone can see through the ruse. Only an absolute faggot believes this.

Cop was right.
1. Nigger reaches after wallet nearby his gun. He told the cop he had a gun, but didn't say where it was.
2. Nigger continues reaching even when the cop told him several times to stop.
3. Nigger got himself killed by being a stupid moron.

if you watch the kikebook live vid its clear that the cop knew he fucked up, still got off though because hes a worthless pig

Jeronimo Yanez. Sad to say but that based spic did more than most of us have irl. Give him a few months plus a little cajoling from Sup Forums and he'll be George Zimmerman 2.

I'm not trolling. A cop needs to be able to think clearly and react to a situation accordingly, which includes knowing reaching for something does not mean they're going to pull out a gun and start shooting. Also, the cop was standing outside of the car, he could of easily been out of Castile's line of sight and gave verbal orders. This cop was just an idiot and murdered someone.

The wife or gf or whatever

Seriously trying your hardest to cover up for the actions of a fucking retard. This is just blatant stupid behavior because he was stoned.

found the nigger

lol nigga how you gonna get shot fo real just don't be in front of it nigga like bob and weave nigga lmao

Holy shit? Is that a spic cop with a spic surname? How the fuck are the niggers gonna spin this as whitey dun it?

Working as armed security I almost shot a man once. I was working at a Tech9 (nog music) show. End of the night we were pushing everyone out of the building. Huge crowd of people. Some nog saw his woman with another man in the parking lot. Pulls out a gun, screaming about what's up now nyuuuggggaaaaaaa. Sets off 3 rounds straight up. I drew down and started advancing on him. People between me and him. People behind him. Issueing commands to drop the weapon. About 10 feet away bbefore he sees I'm armed. Bolts down a row of cars. I follow, only to find him proned on his face having tossed the gun. He was apologizing profusely "I dint know yawl was arrmmed nigga I'm sorry" I cuffed him up and secured the weapon. After the 3rd round fired it had jammed. Stovepipe. If there hadn't been people behind him I would have shot him. Dead. You think the cops have it rough when they shoot a nog, imagine some turkey bacon, not even a real pig armed guard doing it.

Deadly force situations are scary as fuck. My adrenal response left me with tunnel vision and almost no hearing during and 15 minutes after the entire encounter. Learned a lot that fine summer evening. Glad he didn't shoot one of my guys. The cop was absolutely in line with empirical training doctrine.

The difference is the guy in your store pulled out a gun and was shooting, Philando Castile was reaching for his wallet.

But he wasn't. He disobeyed a direct order.

I reckon until you have been put in that position, you don't know how you will react. Hell I got yelled at for NOT shooting the fuck. Telling someone you have a gun and then making a hard reach, that is exactly how you get shot my dude. Especially at hugging distance

They're already blaming the "white system"

>He disobeyed a direct order.
This is what they train you for in a police academy. How to treat every situation and what force level to use. Disobeying an order does not mean to shoot and kill someone, especially when you cannot positively ID that he was reaching for a gun.

this is so hard for Sup Forums. either a mexican was right, or a black was right...i'm just watching you fat fucks work your little minds into these little philosophical pretzels. its hilarious.

No I have not been in that situation, but I have served in the military and have been in very extreme situations in Afghanistan. But you cannot chalk it up to "you don't know what you'd do" in these instances. That is not a good excuse for murdering someone before they can even produce a weapon.

>mentions gun
>starts reaching for something
>even though he handed over his I'D already
>told to stop
>if-if-if I I I
>told to stop again
>doesn't stop
>pop pop pop

You are just weak with your game. You will never be right.

Oh man this will be juicy: spic vs nigger. Which side will bitch more?

The guy does say twice 'ima have to pull it out" even the fem says 'no' to him and the cop said twice 'dont reach for it'

Cop was right.

American cops overreact...

Again, he never produced a weapon. Shooting someone on the assumption that they will produce a weapon is wrong. I support police and understand they have the most stressful job imaginable. But this is one of the instances where the cop was wrong.

The police were wrong on this one


>keeps moving


>keeps moving

It was an unnecessary death, leave it at that. I don't know if the cop reacted the way he was taught, many here are saying that, but I didn't think Philando handled the situation wisely.

Remember, this happened a day after those new orleans shooting that the media used to further their agenda.

This will be my last comment. You're a faggot.

STFU with this horse shit. The cop shot a nigger that may have been about to pull a gun on him. The cop should get an award. The cop went home at the end of the day, the shady nigger died. Civilized Society Wins!

I can absolutely chalk it up to that. What's more is he came out alright in a court of law in front of a jury of his peers.

Obviously they didn't release the video before because more people would have supported the cop during the trial.

Watching the video will change a lot of opinions. There will likely be some retractions from some the "miscarriage of justice!" columnists who wrote immediately following acquittal.

>before you can positively ID it as a gun.
>Literally said he had a gun and that "imma have to pull it out"

Legally the cop was in the right but the cop seems like he can't handle pressure or control situations.

They can if they believe it is a weapon, especially if the cop said twice not to pull it out. Where did you get that idea?

>he disobeyed a direct order

literally North Korea tier
USA is a shitty place

Its an awesome place. I can purchase a pistol and take it home same day. Pasta niggers wouldn't know about such things.

No you obey the LEO, complain at the station.
It's fucking common sense, especially in the US with as many high powered weapons floating around.

>not owning guns

His wording "order" was wrong, but for you to get hung up on that and not understand the point he was making is worse. It was a request, and when a police officer requests something of you for both his/ her safety and your own, you better do it. You pasta fags wouldn't know much about respecting authority though, being that you killed Julius Caesar and all...

>lol look at pol
>the entity
>while I post on pol with my meme backslashes
>I probably call it "slash pole slash"
>haha I'm so cool

I hope you're the target of a robot. Also I'm pretty convinced that if a court of law saw ballistics that say the suspect was reaching for a gun, or a combination of ballistics and the recording shows reasonable doubt, it's good enough for me.

From the video alone though, I don't know. Looks and sounds like the officer fucked up.

Anyway you're cancer.

Police and the military are completely different things. Not even comparable.

>You pasta fags wouldn't know much about respecting authority though, being that you killed Julius Caesar and all...
pretty much this

Both professional bullies and killers in costumes.

Maybe he is just reacting to being forced to shoot someone, like a normal human being would be expected to do

Cop is in the right. Even if the police are jumpy the fuckers in BLM are always willing to kill a cop

its a completely obvious fake news HOAX

just look at the awful acting in the video

I'll just.. leave this here

Are niggers going to chimp out over this? Seems like the perfect time for it to happen
>Trump won
>muh raycis police

>Castiles CC instructor should have his permit pulled for not drilling it into his thick skull

Bullshit. Don't blame teachers for failing to teach creatures that are dumber than gorillas.

Three times he said, "don't reach for it." Any person with an ants piss worth of sense would have stopped moving towards "it"



only an absolute authority worshiping cuck believes otherwise

>granting other humans a right to kill people based off their feelings

what the fuck is wrong with you, do you have an foresight whatsoever you dumb faggot

Edgy teenagers in this thread. The lot of you. You should seriously consider killing yourself, and not because you're someone who's spending a lot of time here but because you really think that it's justified for American police to indiscriminately murder unarmed people. It's not a racial issue, LAPD shot a white man for holding a towel and a white man with dementia who just wandered off. Are you going to let those go? The biggest coward and the greatest traitor to America is someone who spends a lot of time encouraging people to think it's okay to allow corruption.

Well shit, jump off a building or something loser.

there's a famous case of a cop who gets shot dead by a vet at a road stop incident after arguing with him instead of controlling him
it is used in cops training all over your great nation, nigger
reaction times make it so that a cop cant afford to let any suspicious gesture go unhindered
they have to assume the worst
nigger shoulda let his hands on the wheel, period
found it
this video is alleged to be used worldwide to train cops more agressively
if you dont want cops to die in service from fucktards who cant follow orders, you know castillo had to be shot
but i suspect you want cops to die

Copfag here, neither of them.

Unless we can prove Philando's intent was to murder the officer, we won't know. Based on the facts and circumstances we have, we can't tell whether or not that was his intent. The officer said Philando reached for his gun, and continued after being told not to, and continued after his arm was grabbed. I wouldn't have reacted any differently based on my training and reasoning skills. Any reasonable person, having been trained to be a police officer, would likely have reacted the same way. So what it comes down to is we have an officer executing his duties in good faith, whether or not he made a mistake. Just as a surgeon cannot be punished for knicking an artery and killing someone, an officer cannot be punished for killing someone in the reasonable execution of his duties. Now if a nurse said the surgeon was in the operating room drunk and started stabbing the unconscious person, he would be criminally liable and charged with murder. The same concept applies to an officer in the execution of his duties. That's what was being examined in the officer Yanez's trial, whether or not he was negligent or had a previous intent to kill the guy. Based on the evidence and totality of circumstances, I don't feel either is applicable. Perhaps a mistake was made, but it appeared to be within reason, and worse mistakes were made by the other party in reaching for a gun during a law enforcement contact.

The failures of the teacher are expressed in the failures of the student. If castile wasn't ready, I wouldn't have signed on his permit. Simple as that. I do exactly that on a regular basis.

so you be sayin you gotta wait for the fucker to produce a weapon
good luck with that

found the antifa

Go fuck a monkey, you cocksucking nigger.

Daily reminder that there isn't a cop in this country trained to "shoot to kill". They're trained to shoot to "stop a threat".

i keep hearing him saying "i'm not pulling it out"

i am really listening for it. i dont hear what youre hearing.

And "to a reasonable person" carries a lot of shit with it. Stay safe bro.

you're the first to mention that, faggot

Why did they teach us headshots then? You can stop a threat by killing it. It depends on the threat though. A guy with a knife at a distance may be eligible for two to the chest or hip box, but a guy actively shooting or threatening to shoot (especially a hostage) is getting lead in his head and it'll easily be justifiable, at least in my uncucked state.

I'm here and it was all kinds of fucked up. Mostly because twice it took me two hours to go someplace it should take 20 minutes.

Also he wasn't a Michael Brown type criminal but way to stupid to tell a cop he had a gun before reaching for his wallet.

The worst was his sheboon live streaming instead of consoling.

marijuana in his system meaning his gun was illegal. Illegal firearm, high on drugs, you decide.

I am cop and we do have a problem, the issue is not all of us, really there is three type of officers who do this shit.
>Beta male loser victims of bullying
We have lot of these pussies who who were bullied in high school and then seek a career in law enforcement either to get back at the Chads and Tyrones who bullied them or as a attempt to look masculine. "I am going to be some super badass cop, just watch guys, you wont be laughing then!" I suspect the guy in the video is one of these faggots. They are either getting back at alpahas who bullied them or they are trying to be badass cowboys now that they have a gun, badge and power to hide behind
>Officer Chad
Not really a badguy, but this is the type of officer who is always looking for a fight. They are the ones you want having your back, like I said not bad guys at all, make amazing partners, but are always too eager to engage in a firefight or fist fight.The kid of cops who sees someone ressisting arrest and they see it as a change for "JUI JITSU TIME BRO! Flying arm bar rear neck choke to the throat bitch!!" They do really good in the SWAT team, anti gang task forces or as narcs but they dont belong out in the streets dealing with people. Most of them are former Infantrymen or Marines and as former Army infantrymen I can understand them, but they dont belong out there dealing with old ladies and people with tickets.
>Officer Law and Order
These guys are not bad at all, in fact some of the best cops out there. They are the less likely to be corrupted and follow the rules of the book like jihadist follows the Quran. I am not a big fan of them, since I tend to have a more orthodox way of doing things(I am an ex gang member) but they balance guys like me out, The problem is that they see the world in black and white. You are either good or bad, and if you are bad you deserve to be shot. You were speeding because you were on the way to the hospital to see your wife? Too bad you broke the fucking law

As a concealed carrier, am sympathetic. But he completely screwed up, and that cop overreacted insanely. Been pulled out of muh vehicle and put in the forward prone a couple times. Did not, and would never, reach. The cop should be 100% fired and liable for civil penalties. Am split on criminal charges. Whoever was responsible for Castile's CWP course should probably also be liable as well. This was a confluence of fail. Nothing good will come of this.

Headshots are taught. But they're always the followup to centermass and last resort. For my firearms qualification I did a grand total of 2 headshots out of 24 shots. 4 if you account for the fact that we had to run the course twice successfully to qualify.

Who cares? They're both brown

No, they're trained to, "shoot to kill," but you take that to mean they keep shooting you after you've surrendered, which is false.

Well turns out when you shoot something to stop a threat, it generally dies. That's why it's called, "shoot to kill," because shooting someone until they are no longer a threat results in death, or in other words, a kill.

God, I remember your stupid ass from last thread.

What fucking departments trains headshots? Stop bullshitting.

This is obvious fucking bait and you know damn well what he said you filthy leftist fuck I hope you fucking get cancer

Literally false. "Shoot to kill" is a meme.

Anyone trained in the use of a firearm in the US is taught to shoot center mass. Period. The only exception is trained snipers with anti-material rifles shooting equipment..

SeeThey're minimal at best but you do have to make a couple.

Fuck off nigger, it's fucking real, whether your semantic mental gymnastics try to convince you otherwise or not.

And how much state mandated firearms training do you have?

Nigga did nothing wrong, but bootlickers will defend the cop. They probably don't realize whites get shot by pigs at a higher rate than niggers kek

>they're always the followup to centermass

Not how I was taught. If there's an active threat, say someone pointing a gun at someone else, you shouldn't bother with center mass. The best way to end the threat in that case is to end it as immediately as possible, and that's with a head shot. Furthermore if we're shooting someone I would assume the prerequisites for deadly force have been met. There is no "shooting to wound," they teach center mass because it's easier to hit than the head. I can think of few situations where I would shoot for the head first, even up close because it's not a good tactic to attempt precision shots while shitting a purple Twinkie, and I'm a perfect shot by department standards.

How much deadly force training do you have? Have you ever been in a lasershot booth running shoot/don't shoot drills? Have you ever seen the stair step escalation of force diagram? Have you ever even been pepper sprayed outside of a college protest setting?

"Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to destroy"

This is basic stuff in US military. A firearm is a deadly weapon and you shoot to kill. Period.

Now, please tell me where you were trained in the use of firearms. I was trained in the US army on multiple weapons systems and they are all the same. Deadly force.

You're not even mandated. Or you're in a state that has a lot of this shit happening and you have a lot of use of force incidents. But I still think you're full of shit.

>Who was in the right?
Who cares? There's one less nigger in the country.

>What fucking departments trains headshots?
Which one doesn't? Have you actually been through a police academy or are you assuming? Maybe cuck states don't though, idk. I know most aren't allowed to punch people in the face to gain compliance when they're passively resisting, that must suck. Don't assume some departments policies and practices apply to all.

Hahahahahaha. Stale bait is stale.

Who trained you?

Oh and GA. POST mandated peace officer.

No way in hell. Last time I checked the suicide by cop rate was roughly similar while niggers make up 14-17% of the population.

>Which one doesn't?
Police and military are taught to shoot center mass