This will be a quick one so get in fast.
Brit Risk
Go to bant you unbelievable faggots
Nope. At least not until we get dice.
Board is too slow to play risk games.
invade strathclyde
And this board is for political discussion, so it looks like you're shit out of fucking luck.
>he doesn't see the endless Risk threads already played on /bant/
>this asshurt
take mercia
Fuck off I'm not part of shitain
Bant is very slow so its really easy to "time" posts.
anyway its not really something to get upset over >inb4 we're sliding threads
>being this triggered over a meaningless geographical term
take sussex
You're sliding threads.
It has nothing to do with politics or news.
>Bangor is the capital of Wales and not Cardiff
Fuck off burger
>Le I'm autistic I put my post like this
Fuck off
>not knowing about catalog
arguably half of this board has nothing to do with politics or news
>800 AD
According to Wikipedia Cardiff only because the seat of assembly in the 50s
fill strathclyde
take the capital then move into kent
fill mercia
same again
Rip this bread
isle of man, rest of strathclyed