>his country will fight WW3
>he will die for a jew over jewish things
>I will be here watching the world collapse at the beach drinking coconut water
feels good living in a neutral country :)

Other urls found in this thread:


youre too poor to participate lmao

We are richer than you lol

You joined last one, not simbolically like half the world, you actually fought. So who knows, you MIGHT die pal.

Now I am comfy as fuck.

>4 billion inhabitants
w-were richer than you!!

nah, if anything we will get a high tech industry technology for a couple soldiers in Italy like last time
and? it still doesn't prove me wrong

mm moito gostosa esa bundinha

lol what do you think is gonna happen to you monkeys when the white people have to drop you in order to wage war?

mass starvation.

Nethercuck go check the GDP of your country. Please.

>mass starvation.

The average Neanderthal is like 5 times richer than you.

southern cone will be the birthplace of the IV Reich my friend
we will survive the war and raise as the hope of this world


>mfw we as monkeys managed to become a top 10 economy of the world
how does that feel?


ah yes I am clicking that really safe link

>at the beach drinking coconut water

Until a 13 year old mullato from the favela puts you in a coma for your iphone.

Brazil is an absolute shithole.


But I think a unification Brasil, Argentina & Uruguai is a good idea.
(Only if: UR handles politics, BR provides workforce, ARG acts like people)


Only because the sheer population size. You can't expect Luxembourg or Monaco to have world tier economies, they don't have the means for that. They are still the richest countries in Earth.

dude, wtf is this monstrosity of a link?

What's the pratical age of consent in brazil, 12?

And are you implying that makes us worse due to it? Sheer population size is a sign of power. It's even better than having a high GDP per capita. Or you think Monaco is more important than India

when they stop looking like a child, I know a girl that lost her virginity with 12

only 2% (or less) of brazilians have Iphone.
And it is EASY AS FUCK to get a old model here.

So, yes.. we'll be at the beach, with our bitches, drinking coconut water and Beer.

Now, go fight in the ww3, please.. I wanna see you die for your country.. its funny

>On July 2, 1944, the first five thousand BEF soldiers, the 6th RCT, left Brazil for Europe aboard the USNS General Mann, and arrived in Italy on July 16. They disembarked in Naples, where they waited to join the US Task Force 45. They had landed without weapons, and since there was no arrangement for barracks, the troops remained on the docks. This caused controversy in the Brazilian media.[25]




12 is usually too young even for the ones who like the "novinhas"

If the purpose of a country is to give good and safe lifes to it's populace then they are far leading on that.



Ayyyy Lmao

We won solo against the Nazis tho in Northern Italy

We are richer than you lol

>If the purpose of a country is to give good and safe lifes to it's populace then they are far leading on that.
Well if you don't give a fuck about your culture and only about money yes it is. But since we want our culture to spread globally this is not the case

Are you top 9 economy of the world?

>Sheer population size is a sign of power.

LGBT people in Brazil represent 8.35% of the Brazilians, or approximately 20,000,000 LGBT citizens.[1]

cazzo in culo non fa dolore solo fa piacere

not as funny as watching some delusional loser posting his fantasies on a finnish line surfing website. have fun getting killed by judge dredd you filthy subhuman.

>We are richer


>he thinks he knows about how Brazil works by reading Sup Forums and watching liveleak videos
I laugh at you

>not being judge dredd yourself
it's your loss really

>But since we want our culture to spread globally this is not the case


3 Brasilians showed more backbone than all of Italy's army.

>Heroes of our Century!

>he never left the country
>he doesn't know about our geopolitical intents

Your country is filled with niggers, criminals and murderers. Your country is hell.

why does the media want me to love brown midget butts?

No, but we have less debt, more money on bank and more resources and money pr person.
Also, many million less black people. Enjoy the descent into chaos in the coming decades. Plz send more women, your whores are the cheapest and most eager. Also full of procedures so they're always tight.

Please, go to war. I wanna see it from my old sony triniton TV the mushroom nuclear cloud your death and everyone you love...

You know it's time to go to bed when some fucking disco ball starts shit posting threads like these


Rio Grande, Uruguay and Argentina can turn America Latina around
We will make ourselves the superpower of the southern hemisphere and defeat the eternal yankee

>Your country is hell.
Then I wonder why people are so happy here?

I'd rather die for the jews over living in Brazil.

Whatever you believe you still aren't richer than us my friend :)

>I'd rather die for the jews over living in Brazil.
So you are in the perfect country for doing so

>unironically proves my point by posting a nigger

No you won't

That dog is probably a rapist or a drug smuggler

our actual and only geopolitical intent is to get cucked by ameriburgers.

Our culture only is spread by corporations getting money for its exploitation, our government don't give a fuck about spreading our values worldwide

how did I prove your point my friend?

your country is better than his. brazil is broke af. imposing austerity and he says they have moar moneys XDDDDDDD. brazil is a shithole you go to for drugs, hookers, and illegal plastic surgery. argentina is a beautiful country with beautiful people, even if they are still socialist fucks, they at least know how to save money for when socialism fucks em up. didnt brazil just have a president ousted? or massive protests a couple months ago?

Are you retarded my friend?

Wtf. I'll do like grandpa and move to Argieland then.

he is a Funk dancer, the br version obviously

No are you?

We kind of are.

only half your country is monkeylike. but your economy isnt doing as hot as you think lmao. you guys are in fucking austerity because youre whiny socialist pigs. youll only ever get so far before another collapse and austerity round. its the destiny of socialist losers who are to afraid of work. and maybe you personally are not like that, but most of your nasty country is. so yeah. take care of that then come talk.

>didnt brazil just have a president ousted? or massive protests a couple months ago?

all thanks to your country gov&corp interests.

>hue monkey is happy he isn't gonna fight in WW3
>fails to realize his country is just one big civil war

>our actual and only geopolitical intent is to get cucked by ameriburgers.
Then why are we one the most protectionist countries on earth? Why do we want a space program and a seat at the permanent security council so bad? Why do we want to unite LatAm so bad?

>>fails to realize his country is just one big civil war

your country too, dude

sheer population size is not gonna matter much in the 21st century LOL.
Gun laws in Brazil. In Brazil, all firearms are required to be registered with the minimum age for gun ownership being 25. It is illegal to carry a gun outside a residence, and a special permit is granted to certain groups, such as law enforcement officers.
good luck with that mate. your population has no balls because you dont have enough gunz.

t. thinks he can apply american logic to a country with a totally different culture

muh Panamericana commie dream basicaly

space program? LOL. good luck with that. you dont have a fucking clue how much that costs. and your country is hundreds of years away from affording that. maybe if you socialist pigs didnt spend so much on "human development" making stupid people procreate by giving them the resources to procreate more.

No are you?

>Then why are we one the most protectionist countries on earth?
Not at all

>Why do we want a space program and a seat at the permanent security council so bad?
Have you seen the news. we wont be able to get a "invitation" seat till ~2030

>Why do we want to unite LatAm so bad?
The actual gov don't give a fuck about LatAm now...

So either we become a US puppet and accept being second class citizens or we fight for being leader of Latin America and pursue our own independence. Which one do you choose

its simple math. culture is irrelevant in this regard. and your culture is pretty rotten. mine is pretty degenerate. but nothing close to brazil.

long story made short: imagine if Europeans never colonized Americas and Africa??

>ywn have a big ass Brazilian gf

>he will die having not fought in WW3

whats the point

>Not at all
We are m8, our national industry has priority over everything
>Have you seen the news. we wont be able to get a "invitation" seat till ~2030
Ok, but our intent is still valid
>The actual gov don't give a fuck about LatAm now...
The actual gov is dead
pic related
>culture is irrelevant in this regard.
hence why you are so ignorant, you analize everything as if it was in the US, you will never understand any country but yours

Rent one but beware of femine penis.

Rio Grande do Sul is leftist as fuck

a libertarian minarquist model, without investing in nonsensical foreign problems and in well stabelished international commerce without a Eurocuck Union model or being a puppet to (((whoever)))

>rumo ao hexa

You didn't do anything.


What is wrong with you?

>taking pride in being irrelevant
>"at the beach drinking coconut water" while surrounded by an infestation of overpopulated niggers and spics
>bu-b-but look at our women they're sooooOOOoo hotttt (as long as you like your women all used up and whorish)
Brazil shitposting is beginning to rival aussies. I once visited and Christ I'm never once again stepping foot in that shithole

Considering the fact Venezuela is about to turn into Syria 2.0 and become a nest of CIA cheap assassins and rapefugees, good luck kiddo.

Tremer kike in office
thinks he doesn't get gassed by (((police)))

nigger, please

nigger... PLEASE

what most brazilians think about the mercosur?

What's wrong with that, don't you like bunda?

Cameracrew know what's up.

>average white brazilian woman

Most like it, especially since we have access to Contra-Fillet Argentino and ID travel access to every South American Country

Ayy, better than the options you gave anĂ£o
Though I wouldn't want a full lolbertarian model, the risk of "dude we are all humans, why borders maan" and other degeneracies creeping in

you can claim ignorance of another all you want. doesnt change numbers. socialism is hiv. you can keep it hiv forever. but if you slip up for a second youll have full blown communism aids. LOL. keep thinking that dude. i dont care if its 'like the US' the US hasnt been fully capitalist for a while, but at least a significant number of us are trying to turn the tide. brazil however, regardless of culture, regardless of what you believe, is on a path to even worse economic times unless you desocialize a lot of your govt and industries. simple math doesnt lie. neither does history. look at even the scandanavian countries, they built up a great amount of wealth with a lassaiz faire market, and theyre starting to socialize it more, because they went to far in spending, and werent prepared for negro birth rates. you alreadyhave negro birth rates, but no truly free market. is t nintendo or sony you cannot even get shipped in without paying massive amounts of tariff? your protectionism is even flawed. it taxes things it shouldnt and doesnt bother with things it should. culture doesnt mean shit when mathematics comes into the equation. nice try though mate, and i do hope for the best for yall because you DO HAVE a beautiful country that could be very prosperous. you just have a cancerous culture where your ideas of government in the minds of the general population is concerned. and unless that changes, neither will the govt.

What was her goal supposed to be?

To show her ass on TV.