Get ready bitch's.. How many of Brazil, Argentina and Australia says that they will take displaced American's if this blows up.. Where are you going and why?
Get ready bitch's.. How many of Brazil...
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I for one welcome more whites to even the numbers here in Brazil.
We have the food, we have the land, we just need the people. Also bring guns.
yay i cant wait to move to australia hopeful fucking ly.
i wanna stay way far away from south america
What would happen if we detonated nuke in Yellowstone?
>Summer fags aren't real!
>Yellowstone threads through the roof
End yourselves
complete global saturation
>tfw NY
*dabs on u*
This an apocalypse user the fucking sky will be blocked out for millenia.
yeah btw these earthquakes happen every year and im sure the governments got a plan in place to make sure most of us wont die from this
I welcome the complete destruction of mankind.
Estimates are sketchy at this stage, but initial reports indicate we're full.
Will keep you updated...
Sorry were full mate
There was an offial paper released explaining that scientists believe there is high probability of an eruption before 2024. Also yes there is a plan. Argentina, Brazil, and Australia have agreed to accept American "refugees"
Good luck, Yellowstone-chan!
Americans can burn for all I care.
You people joke about how dumb [insert LA, poc, etc here], but the truth is that most are simply uneducated. Meanwhile, some americans folks are truly retarded. Especially in the south (black and precious WHITE people). Like, dumb as bricks.
Would you take the ones with actual life skills and valuable trades?
The earthquakes are good. It helps to elevate some of the pressure
I live in Florida. I'm not going anywhere.
>tfw live in northern colorado
gg lads
>Trusting the government to save you...
full is full
go to britain
>eruption before 2024
Where are you getting this?
I want to read that paper.
I'd like to go to australia but everything is poisonous. I guess brazil for thick huge asses.
It's not a happening. This is the equivalent of your uncle pooting after a few beers, not a volcanic shitruption that will obliterate North America under ash and rock turdlets.
When you get regular, continual mag 5+ quakes...then you start the happening thread.
Alleviate, not elevate.
The government has a plan to make sure the government doesnt die from this
I'd go to Argentina and start a new colony in Patagonia.
All americans welcome :^)
everyone on earth is fucked when it explodes, there is nowhere we can go.
>tfw live in Florida
Reread what you just typed my dear Hue and laugh at how ironic your post is.
Go mate with your abos, canguru perneta. I stand by what I've said.
might be our only chance to legit migrate to a non cold ass country !
In all the chaos surely a leaf can get through as an americano.
Bet the media is going to blame Trump. I wonder if we can blame The Deep State.
that retarded mutt probably doesn't even know what irony is
>implying that the sun would not be blocked out by poisonous volcanic ash, leading to temperatures dropping 22 degrees celsius and killing 90% of crops on earth, effectively collapsing society itself and starving the populous, leading humanity into another dark age for 1000's of years
yeah have fun with that lads
Nuke is less powerful than a major earthquake so probably nothing
>Implying we haven't survived this before
I'm not having fun at all. And fuck you for mass quoting me.
I really need that fucking article
>implying you dont have a 1% chance of surviving
You guys are more than welcome to exterminate the population of africa and the middle east to make room.
>tfw live in arizona
its fucking 120 degrees Fahrenheit today, i wouldnt mind some volcanic ash blocking out the sun. we'll be fine.
>tfw America goes tits-up but Europe won't take me as a refugee because I'm not a shitskin
Why can't science nerds just fix this shit?
Why is this not BS user pls stahp
Sorry to be such a newfag but i don't come here since last month, wtf are thoose new flags?
oh fug
these past few years show that america needs a great cleansing, i will be praying for this calamity
who /scared/ here lads?
>The probability of a large eruption at Yellowstone in the next year is currently calculated at one in 730,000.
The only reason we've made a deal with other countries in the event of an eruption is because we're "due" for one, just like we've been due for a major CA earthquake for like 3 decades.
>America's breadbasket destroyed
>global agriculture collapse
>most of America covered in several inches of ash, where even 6 could make a building collapse
>travel completely impossible for at least several months
>hundreds of millions dead
>"but hey, its colder!"
The fact they blew so much money on this makes me worried its really going to happen.
if Yellowstone erupted wouldn't it technically avert """global warming"""?
>tfw ohio
not me
>Idiot believes America spends tax dollars effectively
I really hope this happens. Fuck Oklahoma and any state it touches.
I mean I'm NY, but still. I don't want to see America collapse.
Post nuclear program
>he hasnt prepared for the apocalypse
That area of effect gets bigger every time the dude posts that image, Oklahoma isn't actually in danger.
>evangelicals vote in trump
>claims he will be the bringer of the apocalypse
>yellowstone popping
Like pottery
Busy finding more genders m8
So much for global warming. At least global cooling would finally come into effect.
If you live outside of America it doesn't matter. You might get a bit colder - that's it.
The projected ash cloud will go just past the east coast and into the Atlantic.
It won't cover the west coast. Commiefornia and other areas will receive a little bit of ash fall but not much.
Stop panicking unless you're in America... in which case you're fucked.
When the burgers fall the Empire shall rise again.
Prepare yourselves, faggots.
I live only 15 miles away from Yellowstone. I just kissed my daughters, my wife, and am now calling my parents to tell them I love them just in case. We will die as a family and happily see eachother in heaven
>he really thinks yellowstone will erupt
Where are your proofs, retards?
I'm just barely on the other side of the rocky mountains.
I'll be okay, r-right?
no thanks
would be cool, can I bring my dog?
>No New Zealand
well shucks
0 hope we all die
Looks like you fags are gonna die, and I'll be sipping lattes
White people from the suburbs here are pretty fucking ignorant and live in a bubble. Got that one right.
pls wipeout the Utards
If this shit actually happens, it will be the ultimate confines event. I will watch from my computer while millions die.
Americans are 60% PoC
climate cooling could last up to a decade. The temporary climate shift could alter rainfall patterns, and, along with severe frosts, cause widespread crop losses and famine.
Actually Soviets considered this for real.
It was hot af today, a cooling would be nice.
America exports hundreds of billions of dollars of food every year. We effectively feed the third world. Not to mention that global cooling on this scale will fuck up agriculture everywhere, not just America. This will also create a refugee crisis that makes the current one seem like a joke as tens of millions flee a continent ravaged both economically and ecologically. You are incredibly naive if you don't think this will fuck over Europe too.
>muh Yellowstone maymay
Fuck off
Tsar Bomba triggered many seismic earthquakes even though it was detonated in no seismic area.
pls hab mercy we are white
also pretty well prepared
>The probability of a large eruption at Yellowstone in the next year is currently calculated at one in 730,000.
Whats the hubbub bubs?
I'm going to mexico
South Africa
>Nah nigga we don't want no whites
Let that country burn for good.
Remember to like us on our memorial page on faceberg pls
>burger education
If Yellowstone errupts, it will be complete chaos. Darkies gonna be looting and chimping out, anarchy will be everywhere. Russia and China will be sweeping into the US as well. It will be the end of the United States.
>widespread crop losses and famine
Shit happens.
We'll take you Ameribros. No niggers though, sorry.
Its a supervolcano moron, the eruption will cause a continent scale earthquake.
>Implying the herald of the apocalypse wouldn't be a sweetie
its all fun and games until millions of refugees are at every gate
Wasn't there a report a few years ago about how the US would pay Africa during a temporary displacement from Yellowstone blowing up?
Would that work? That or nukes.
I'd rather die than be on the Afro-Eurasian continent
Come uk Europe bring guns and freedom we need both