>But Muh Rap- Get Out Nigger!
>But Muh Rock- KYS Ya Fuckin Degenerate
>But Muh Country- Back To The Field Peasant
>But Muh Metal- You Can Stay, There's Still Hope For You
DAILY REMINDER: If You're White & Don't Listen To Classical European You're A Fuckin Degenerate
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classical is for nerds lmao
is (((weird al))) redpilled?
Sabaton is where it's at. youtube.com
>metal is non-degenerate
>steely dan is degenerate
I got on this train awhile ago. I recently listened to Bach while playing Croquet. It was the farthest from niggerism I have ever strayed.
Reminder that Wagner was a far left degenerate
>Reminder that Wagner was a far left degenerate
Any good Egyptian composers to recommend?
>farthest from niggerism I have ever strayed.
Eh, my fellow leaf, eh.
these genres still exist? I thought every musician died of old age in 2016
Daily reminder
Only Classical and Electronic music (ambient) are white
Wear white headgear.
Wokestep is the only acceptable & non degenerate genre of music.
how is metal acceptable? it's fuckin trash
>how is metal acceptable?
I said there's still hope for them cause of classical trained guitarists. They'll grow out of it and become White Gentleman like the rest of us.
A fucking white male wrote the greatest music that will ever penetrate the ear of man for 1,000 years.
how is rock not classical trained guitar then?
Listen to epic music dude. Mix of classical choir and current 2edgy4life music. Excellent for working out and improving oneself.
Stop being mediocre and become that which you envision.
I'm going to school next year to study classical piano. Here's what I'm learning atm
My grandfather used to play stand up bass. He opened for the rat pack on a few occasions.
He would always come upstairs while I was playing guitar to give me some pointers and listen to what I was playing.
He would always tell me about the similarities between Jazz and Classic Death/Thrash metal.
Metal has ALOT of shit. But the classic, corner stones of the genre and sub-genres have their roots.
I'm pretty sure metal got me into classical music as well.
Go look up the band "Death". Their work is amazing in their later years.
If you don't like this you're some sort of gay nigger communist
Because it didn't fit with the rhythm of the OP
But yes, you're right
>Stop being mediocre and become that which you envision.
Vivaldi is the best.
Richard Strauss - An Alpine Symphony
Glorious . Fucking inspiring !!!
>But Muh Metal- You Can Stay, There's Still Hope For You
kys yourself
Listening exclusively to classical is the audio equivalent to fedora tipping.
This some good sheiiiiit mang
Will listening to more classically European music change the political climate?
Okay, but who should I listen to? I'm currently on Tchaikowsky
just like being an ancap
>Mfw I listen to this and classical
>Okay, but who should I listen to? I'm currently on Tchaikowsky
Here's a couple more Tchaikowsky ....
Tchaikovsky - Capriccio Italien op.4
Tchaikovsky - Violin Concerto in D major op.35
Take a look at Ravel, especially his piano music
Country comes from the hills, you impotent faggot.
Very demanding pieces. Good luck.
Oh no, some Magian asswipe thinks I'm a degenerate! How can I ever go on?
Our brains aren't meant for classical music anymore. We take in more information in a day than we used to in a year. We need more stimulation than classical music provides. So fuck off and find your favorite EDM shit. It's mostly instrumental and the least degenerate modern music out there, and there's something for everyone.
Have some moral music, best to drink full fat milk while listening
>Our brains aren't meant for classical music anymore.
You fucking vegetable !!!
Beethoven - Piano Concerto 5 (Es), op. 73 'Emperor'
I had an out of body experience listeing to Beethoven.. I think the second mvt of the 5th pc... laying on my couch the music pulled me out of my body through my forehead and danced me ravishingly around above my body..
For me it's the opposite, only classical music provides enough complexity and variety to keep me interested. I find popular music boring as fuck. A single fugue by Bach contains more musical information than the whole discography of your regular pop artist.
You're a Brazilian listen to the best Brazilian
Heitor Villa Lobos; youtube.com
>literally copypaste music made to sell more tickets for his theater in london
Classical is cuck music from another century. All that high pitched feminine faggotry was for the normies and faggot cuckboys of the time period. Beethoven is the Bieber of the 16th century. I don't want to hear that whiney shit. I want to hear the music of past warriors and vagabonds. Noble music is degeneracy.