I'm screwed guys!
I'm screwed guys!
It's supposed to hit my area. People around here are freaking out. We have been through Hurricane Rita and Ike. People freakout over anything. Hurricanes are good examples of what society looks like after the fall.
lel we have 15 of those a year. Suck it up faggot.
You will be okay user so long as you don't get overrun by lootinigs or dinodus
This is politics, fuck off to soc with that crybaby shit
if the eye of the storm goes straight through your house you're fine. its just outside the eye that has greatest effect
>tropical storm
jesus the weather has been disappointing lately.
But you don't have anything to lose anyways
Plenty of nature to lose right here
Yeah it has been pretty non happening for a while. I think this year is going to be big.
no its not
Are those smoke signals? Are the white man coming?
New Orleans is a nest of criminal subhumans that needs to be washed out.
Honestly, I work with such staggering idiotic white trash who are so lazy, selfish and dumb that every stupid looking person I see becomes more intolerable than they otherwise would be.
At this point I'm ready for all the ghetto-trash and white-trash and yuppy-trash to get washed out into the ocean.
A 100 foot tsunami flooding everything.
Only thing I like about falls is that after fall people turn better, and don't be big assholes they used to be.
lake charles or lafayette?
Bridge City.
New Orleans flooded and they moved all the trash to Houston.
That's what you get for living in the golden triangle faggot.
t. Lived in Beaumont for 9 months.
You're not joking. Literally hell.
Katrina young sister
I'm in Lafayette. We will be fine. Just a little warm up for later in the season.
I would expect it to go right, right for Orleans for building a city below sea level...
How's diet Houston?
I hate Hurricanes. Last time one hit I was without power for two weeks.
just make sure you out-survive the dundus, kill them on sight.
God, Beaumont is such a shithole.
Even Dayton is better now days.
lmao its a fucking tropical storm wtf. just bring an umbrella
OP is probably some underage little bitch that's never dealt with some rough weather. Suck it up you'll be fine.
Its just a hurricane you baby. I've lived through two of them and still had to walk to work drenched through them.
>It's supposed to hit my area.
Wat is dis? Antifa map?
It's just the end of te world, happens more often than you think it does.
I'm scared poncho.
I've been through the eye of a category 4 hurricane.. You realize the strongest winds are right on the edge of the eye, right?
Walking outside during the eye was really cool though. VERY SPOOKY. After the eye passes, the strongest wind hits again, but it's blowing the opposite direction. It breaks and destroys everything that was weakened before the eye passes. I was in Charleston,SC during hurricane Hugo. 1989
Yeah, and there's a hurricane coming too! Shit!
I've been in this area for about 13 years and have been hit by like 4. Ike flooded and destroyed my house. I'm not really worried about this being damaging, but my power goes out with a flee fart, so I expect to lose power.
>increasing nervous man says im finished for 122nd time this decade
it's not even a hurricane, it's a fucking tropical storm. stop beign a fagot.
cool, we never get them here.
Glad you're alive to tell the tale!
this. it's a babby storm, stay inside with some beers and snacks, and charge up your shit before the storm
It's literally going to pass over my house.
Get over yourself, its a TS and MAYBE, MAYBE a cat 1 if it does the increase as it landfalls.
I didn't even know about it till today, no one cares.
Donald Trump does not care about black people
Will D.C. get rain from this?
I have zero faith in his ability to run FEMA
good point
You too? Let's hang out and bro cuddle.
Bush was great for Texans.
That's where they shrink heads, need lots of smoke.
naw I gotta watch my plants senpai.
Gotta protect my babies
Did you actually think that over? Those winds surround the eye. If he goes outside in the eye dancing like a fag, he'll get smacked by a telephone pole.
>Live in Shreveport
Besides all the niggers and the fact all there is to do is gamble, at least it won't hit me so hard.
Why should he? Most of those dumb Negroes vote for the KKK party. You can't fix stupid.
yeah it would only work if the storm manifested directly atop of him and then subsequently dispersed without the eye crossing his path
Presidents can't BY LAW just go in and take over a state. The governor must request it or 72 hours must pass with no action.
Looks like a wimpy storm, lots of rain (flooding), possible tornadoes. You should be used to weather like that on the Gulf. Buy generators - you can make some good cash if trees go down and power's off for more than a few days.
Dress up in black face and get a new TV?
It's just a fucking Full Gale w/45mph winds.
Get a grip.
Houstonfag here. Just a tropical storm. Doesn't look like it's gonna sit over the city for days like Allison did. Not a happening.
what do you have against RAIN, faggot?
its not even a hurricane. Wait until the fall when HARVEY arrives
>misses new orleans
Welp, nothing to see here folks.
Westbank faggot.....you are in the LEAST affected area. SHUT THE FUCK UP
Bush isn't Texan, he's a fake from Connecticut.
Finally someone else understands.
>may get called on ride-out for this one at work
Good, fuck Lake Charles and their shitty casino resorts.
Of course this happens just in time to throw a bunch of fucking rain and shit on my local watermelon festival
How am I supposed to get my thump on with this crap?
it sure is