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The Russians are there at the request of the Syrian government, we aren't.
>risking war with Russia because Israel doesn't like Assad
I mean, that's literally what Russia is doing in Ukraine, regardless of whether or not Crimea/East Ukraine should be part of Russia or not.
What is a poor invaded country to do.
The USA is crafty as fuck and will pull every trick in the book the Israeli master has shown them
What do you want to discuss about?
The fact that the US is always on the wrong side and helping wahhabi and other heacutters wherever they lay their fat fucking feet on?
fuck the usa hopefully you'll get nuked soon fàm
It's not that Israel doesn't like Assad, it's that Assad is currently ruling over future Jewish real estate.
There is a large Russian minority in Donbass fighting for their own people and land, and the Russians annexed Crimea so they could at least operate in the world's oceans like any other superpower should be able to.
We aren't the ones attacking, it's isreal making us. If anyone, attack them
American soldiers deserve every bullet they get. They chose to fight voluntarily for the Jew and kill people who dare to kill the terrorists destroying their land. More dead US Soldiers is a positive.
trump is a kike, we know this
>JTF2 isn't in Syria right now
Do yourself a favour and neck yourself, the US aren't the only chucklefucks in Syria.
As much as I hate Leafs, he's right.
Every deployment I've been on has had at the very least, Australians, Canadians and Brits in the same shit holes with US troops.
What is America in Syria for? Oh right for Israel of course
Ever been to Crimea????
they are 80% Russian by heritage and asked via vote to go back to Russia...
Americans just decided it was not a valid vote for their interests
Pretty sure Delta and JTF2 were the very first NATO troops in Afghanistan in October 2001 as well. Our special forces are training and giving aid to literal jihadists, really makes me think thoughts.
Again, I wasn't arguing whether or not they should have that land, but the way they took it was the same violation of sovereignty that U.S is doing here
>2020 primaries
>President Trump has given up on almost all of his nationalistic policies, but now enjoys the support of the Republican Party and a large amount of wealthy jewish donors
>Expects to win republican primaries without a challenge
>Only one unfunded candidate has decided to oppose him
>It's Jeb
>Trump has a initial lead of 99 points, however the media is hungry for another show like 2016, so Trump agrees to another televised debate, only to crush Jeb one more time
>The debate opens
>Trump: "Good to see you here Jeb, more energy than I expected from you to be honest."
>Jeb: "Yeah, I might be low energy, but at least I'm not a fucking cuck"
>The audience goes silent
>Trump: "Hey listen here..."
>Jeb: "You heard me, you're a pathetic cuck. What, are you gonna go cry to your kike masters? Where's the fucking wall Donald? Why are there still muslims in the country Donald? How come there are still ISIS members breathing Donald? I expected you to sell out the country, but I didn't expect you to do it this cheaply"
>Trump: "Listen, my daughter is Jewish and I won't have you..."
>Jeb: "A jew's whore you mean? She comes crying and you have us becoming ISIS' airforce? Did you lose your balls or something? Where I come from we call that treason."
>Trump: "I..."
>Jeb: "Listen, vote for me and I'll turn Saudi Arabia into a nuclear wasteland. I'll kick the beaners and sandniggers out so fast their heads will spin. White births will rise and Jewish media will be silenced. It's time to make the west great again."
>Everyone claps.
>President Jeb launces a new golden age
We need Jeb! more than ever
>the same violation
No at all since the Russians actually have a right to be there. Ethnic Russians. We're in Syria to stomp up the land and displace millions of people that would have otherwise been secondhand Israeli citizens.
And by "there" I mean Ukraine.
i'm with based /jeb/ in 2020
Prune the tree 2020
jeb = retarded man child with an ugly spic wife
Fuck that. Most of them are just doing it for college money or because they're from shit towns that don't have jobs. It's not their fault our government is run by Jews who pick where and when we go to war. Looks like you and the libcucks can agree on something.
>being this jealous
I mean if you wanna get technical, we were there before then, giving Stingers to the Muhjadeen to shoot down the HIPs.
You honestly think we left?
Also, look at all the Co-Manned Squadrons such as the 552nd Air Base Wing, and the Sorties coming out of Offutt.
I mean for fuck's sake, look at the roots of the OSS.
The fun part is that they just keep bombing and Russia/Assad hasn't done shit to stop it. Except for crying "Stahp pls, staaahp!" of course.
The "we" stops where the CIA begins.
>Ethnic Russians
It's still Ukrainian territory though. And technically where NATO is operating in Syria is mostly Kurdish territory. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a fan of our Israel first foreign policy.
>It's still Ukrainian territory though.
It's really not Ukrainian territory if Ukrainians don't even live there.
Both not available in my country
jeez i wonder who could be behind this block
Phew, you wish.
Y'all are tucked in nice and tight with us.
The hat of the US is glued to our forehead.
Shit, I can travel to your country with just a driver's license. Eat some poutine, drink a gallon of syrup and have a Mountie give me a ride back to the border on his Timmy Ho's sponsored horse.
then what the fuck is Ruskies doing there?
Slavshills are the most retarded
>Voluntarily serving the Jew World Order for college money
They deserve their souls to burn in hell.
Is that guy describing the Israel land-grab playbook?
They were invited there by the Syrian Government you kike shill. The US wasn't, nor was their jihad factory at Al-Tanf.
Based Putin.
>by the Syrian Government
it's a fucking CIVIL WAR, if the Russians kept their fick in their pants it would have ended long time ago
Wow what the heck I love Jeb! now
>>it's a fucking CIVIL WAR
Canada is part of coalition. It's US-led tho
>Americans just decided it was not a valid vote for their interests
Where did I see this before..
ISIS invited
Israel Secretly Paying Syrian Terrorists:
you clearly don't know shit about history and international laws
>drumpftards mad they got tricked
lmaoing @ your life
>operate in the world's oceans
what are you implying user?
that there are no other black sea ports, baltic, pacific or arctic ports?
Crimea is their only warm-water port with 24/7, 365 days a year access to the world's oceans.
>It's not their fault our government is run by Jews who pick where and when we go to war.
we have the 2nd Amendment so actually it is our fault.
one of several
>Israel is so based xD
>Donald Truck will MAGA
>Shadilay pedes xDDD
You didnt really expeted trump not to be controlled opposition,did you?
>warm water port
Do you know what a warm water port is? Those are not warm water ports.
didn't vote, saw it coming a mile away
If anyone messes wit the Jews, you Isreali goy slaves will jump to their defence. There is no US-Israel separation.
divide and conquer, its a smart move. completely shun all allies for nonsensical flaws that way you always have an excuse to never actually have to fight and win for the change you claim to desire.
fucking smartest thing pol can do really, come up with nonsense to justify not doing anything at all
a good portion of this website is no better than welfare niggers.
what the fuck are you some fucking commie? stupid pansy
>>Everyone claps.
Syrian k*rds are not operating anywhere near "their" territory (where they not a majority either) for quite some time now. They are occupying Arab lands with help of Turkish, Iraqi and Iranian kurdish fighters. Arabs forces of SDF are minority and basically paid to paint the SDF not entirely kurdish, not that they could refuse in the first place.
It's a land grab supported by US, Saudis and Israel, aimed to create more conflict in the region.
that is a map showing Crimea to the west, and Krasnodar Krai to the east, along the black sea shore. All warm water ports.
that is commie propaganda
> burn ur draft card
> fukkin zog kikes
commie pieces of shit will do anything to divide
shut up fucking comnie
>All warm water ports
No, as these ports freeze during the winter making them not warm-water ports. Crimea is the only warm-water port owned by Russians that is also in Russian territory.
Then I guess it's a good thing we're not discussing Ukraine then, you fucking jew loving, cocksucking traitorous puke.
With jihadists in Damascus and 10 times more refugees on your dumb ass.
It's called a comparison you worthless sack of shit. Russia is boo-booing us for doing what they did not even 5 years ago in Ukraine.
*only warm water port with unfettered (when you take away the fact that they still need to sail through the Bosphorus) access to the world's oceans
Helping Assad made me reconsider Putin.Without Putins intervention there would be already greater israel.
>people actually support a zionist puppet president becuz he's so based XXXDDDD
How do we rollback Sup Forums to the factory settings
and saudi
I always wanted to see how the sukhois do against F18s. Soon we will be seing american pilots being burned alive in Syrias streets.
Sochi freezes in the winter? Wow we found us a retard.
Which couldn't even handle fucking Cruise Ships coming into port if they were more than 300m. Don't try to compare Sevastopol port to Sochi, you'll look like a retard.
>After the reconstruction the port was able to admit simultaneously two cruise ships and a ferry. In addition, hydrotechnical facilities were capitally repaired and the front side promenade was tidied up
>a good portion of this website is no better than welfare niggers.
kekistani migrant/refuguee invasion, all kool kids at skool now support Drumpf, they have declared war on our racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-semitic ways, taking our precious culture
did you not see the map? Crimea and Krasnodar are equally warm
they can sail through the bosphorus and gibraltar any time they like. Wishful thinking isn't going to stop international law and commerce. Besides They're more likely to use st. p or vladivostok, and don't forget the arctic, literally the country with the world's longest coast line
>but muh ice
from wooden viking long boats, to modern nuclear powered ice breakers, they've been getting around it for a considerable amount of time now
also they've got a med port in syria
Russia has really three options for military and commercial to the seas: St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and Sevastopol.
Guess which one doesn't freeze during the winter and require constant ice-breakers?
>med port in Syria
Which is not Russian territory, is it?
>muh ice
Really spells out how much you don't understand the importance of unfettered access to the sea.
Don't question Russian propaganda. It's useful. Lets us know who's an America-hating puke and who isn't.
the russkies will just bomb the shit out of murican aircraft carriers, fuck dogfighting, WWIII awaits, senpai
>from wooden viking long boats, to modern nuclear powered ice breakers, they've been getting around it for a considerable amount of time now
Might as well take a crack at that BS too. The only reason they've been able to "get around for a considerable amount of time" is because they had to spend the last 700 years fighting the Swedes and Poles for access.
Leave it to retarded burgers with two gigantic coasts to say "who needs coastlines lol" Russia does NOT have the world's largest coastline, the north is fucking FROZEN.
Every piece of equipment and soldier Russia has in Syria will get literally vaporized in less than an hour if Americans took the kiddie gloves off, and I ain't talking nukes either.
I'm so glad we get the privilege of fighting another war for Israel.
That's all the US military is. A little bitch to Israel.
I'm going to stick to my statement and say that there are ways around the ice, if they want to they'll go sailing
ice never stopped the Canadians nor the Nords
>thinking Russia is a threat
>I'm going to stick to my statement and say that there are ways around the ice, if they want to they'll go sailing
And I'm telling you Russia doesn't want to rely on icebreakers for military and commercial access.
>ice never stopped the Canadians nor the Nords
Just stop posting my man, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Possible, but american forces are more spread out and the russians have been updating their equipment, if fighting does break out, expect iranian and chinese involvement, american regional allies won't help if isreal isn't threatened
>Russia doesn't want to rely on icebreakers
its not like they have to 100% of the time
I'm sure they're plenty satisfied with cold water ports
>its not like they have to 100% of the time
The point is so they won't have to do it at all.
>I'm sure they're plenty satisfied with cold water ports
Then why did they annex Crimea? Just a prank bro?
This is coming from someone who thinks having Crimean ports without a viable railhead is somehow useful commercially.
For starters, if this isn’t a “pot and kettle” situation, I don’t know what is. The list of nations with whom Putin has had military clashes is miniscule compared to ours. Off the top of my head, we have recently bombed or invaded Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Serbia, Bosnia, and Haiti. I’m sure there are a few more that I’m missing, but you get the idea.
As for Putin’s Russia, discounting the Chechen Wars (which occurred inside Russian territory), I can only think of two: Ukraine and Georgia (I’m not counting Syria, since the internationally recognized government of Syria has invited the Russians into their country to help them fight ISIS). While I won’t belabor the long histories of Crimea and Georgia, both of those conflicts were not solely acts of Russian aggression. Crimea is historically part of Russia, is populated overwhelmingly by Russians (who voted to join Russia) and the Crimea only left Ukrainian control after a CIA-aided putsch overthrew the pro-Russian, elected president. Russia only entered the fray in Georgia after the Georgian government broke a peace agreement and launched an attack on South Ossetia (which killed several Russian peacekeepers).
Despite the complicated history, these two incidents do not, in my opinion, warrant the level of hatred that is being directed at Putin’s Russia, and they come nowhere near the level of American military aggression we’ve seen these past decades. Nothing that Putin has ever done even remotely compares to our invasion of Iraq, which was a totally unjustified and illegal act of aggression shrouded in propaganda and lies (and which killed nearly a million people).
So no, whatever the source of the hatred, it is not due to an objective assessment of Russian military adventurism.
Crimea is more than just a port, there's always Krasnodar and Sochi
Syria doesn't have a claim to sovereignty anymore
>So no, whatever the source of the hatred, it is not due to an objective assessment of Russian military adventurism.
I didn't say it was military adventurism. I've specifically said it's about having year long military and commercial access to the ocean. You don't generally need or use ports for anything else.
Russia also wants to build a Blue-Water Navy, and for good reason. Need warm water for that.
Railroads are easier to build than ports.
>Crimea is useless
I'd like to see how you'd argue something like that.
Can't handle more than 3 cruise ships
200km away from the coast and not in any way as useful as Sevastopol.
Delta Force, the CIA, and botched covert ops in Syria:
Syria conflict: Why are air combat kills so rare?