What was his fucking problem
What was his fucking problem
took being a brony serious
-no outlet
-nerd rage
-access to guns
and probably a million other things
he was a cool guy
I hope he's in heaven doing edgy things with his waifu and the ghost squad
who is this man?
honestly people who are bullied need to be on a watch list
he thought he'd become a ghost with tits and no butthole in the afterlife
he was completely overloaded with autism
Is that MysteriousMrFaggot?
I don't even know were to begin.
Watch Jim's video on him:
He's coming for you and going Ghost.
This kid was an epic fail.
Glad he's dead
not enough my little pony and too much ghost anime
>TFW you fall for brony meme, tranny meme, RTF meme and Columbine meme all at once
He wanted to go ghost.
being an edgy queer who hates his dad
Problem? He was a god-given lulzcow.
>not wanting to be a ten foot tall lesbian Ghost, lose your penis and butthole and get your vagina back and then haunting humans with your lover, Mackenzie West.
he wanted to live with his cartoon girlfriend "Ember McClain" Danny Phantom. Plus he wanted to me remembered and idolized.
Ember McClain in the show derives all her power from being remembered and idolized.
fuck this guy, dont remember him.
He really did go ghost now.
The VR realm where you can be whatever you want didn't come soon enough. If he had that available to him he'd have just rotted away without doing anything, without it, three retail workers died at the hands of the most embarrassing killer imaginable.
Curva Strada
Lack of Islam. If he were a muslim he would have had a community that supports him and he would have never been involved in his degeneracy.
Remember him as a faggot
No. He wanted to joing Ember's Ghost Squad, but he was in love with EGS member Mackenzie West.
Gis, lern to Biography this poor trans person.
I'm pretty sure this is the first time that a shooter's motive was so stupid and cringe-worthy that not even the mainstream media wants to talk about it.
wait then who is Rachael?
>tranny phantom
gee I dunno
the fact that they all have disproportionate tiny arms pisses me off
no, its because he's a tranny
>that shooting form
From wiki
"Rachael Shadows was originally born into Earth as Rachael Selenski. Although little is known about her earlier years of life, her final years were known to be surrounded by darkness and rage. Rachael was a very isolated and distant human being in high school. Attending Westborough High, she made very little friends and would frequently isolate herself from her classmates; her hood would constantly be pulled over her head. Teachers began to grow concerned in her freshman year and would make her stay after class on numerous occasions. Her grades were atrocious, and she rarely spoke, even when spoken to. It isn't known how many people were considered friends of Rachael but one student in particular seemed to bond quite well with the socially awkward teenager; Andrew Blaze."
He doesn't have a life.
He has an afterlife as a 10 tall lesbian ghost.
You WISH you had it that good. Although that vid of him trying to shoot a milk jug at ten feet and missing with a Mossy 500 and 00 Buck is a great laugh.
>Had a youtube channel that stagnated.
>Tried copying everyone and their grandmother. >Snapped, started doing edgy youtube videos of his OC
>Still no viewers. Snap, murder suicide to become his shit OC.
Dead. Not big surprise.
I really think he was suicidal and got his mind wrapped around some shitty obsession with being a martyr.
He could be the first Transsexual Ghost Brony terrorist considering his afterlife reward was being a ghost girl or something. Its pretty sad desu and its obvious he was wrapping his increasingly broken mind around shitty columbine fantasies.
Oh and he was as incompetent as could possibly be with that shotgun holy fuck. I feel bad for him but feel way worse for the innocent victims.
heres an excerpt from his manifesto where he describes what he's going to wear to the shooting.
nigga literally dressed up like ember from danny phantom, imagine clocking into work looking forward to going home and playing some video games after making some hard earned cash and then a shitty ember cosplay walks in dual wielding shotguns and starts killing motherfuckers.
my fellow americans, we're fucked
Why didn't he kill his parents too?
drugs probably
He wanted them to suffer. His dad in particular.
purple panties. my sides.
He just wanted to be daddys little girl....
Why though? Were they abusive or something? From what I've seen they seemed to have put up with a ton of his shit for decades and just kept loving him. They never kicked him out or took away his shit, never made him stop filming his gay videos, never pressed him to figure out what's with all the gay cartoons on his walls, etc, etc. What was so bad that this little faggot had to kill three innocent people over?
like you
He was mentally ill and he was also brainwashed with leftist bullshit.
his poor dad
He wanted to be Columbine+tranny+brony+daddy issues+assorted mental illness.
In his ivds, he talks about hating his dad, but never saying why.
Cause they were mean and wanted him to get a job and move out (he was 24)
he had a job. thats not what it was about.
Lack of succ in his life
He as obsessed with killing his co worker Bryan for some reason.
There is a video I cant find right now. Tranny Phantom is driving rambling on.. "4 weeks until the day guys" "Maybe 2 weeks if I have to" "Bryan is talking about wanting to move shifts, he has been for a long time, he hates nights, and said he'd rather have another job if he has to keep working nights, so if he takes the day time position available in two weeks, I have to kill him then."
The dude was a major piece of shit, using leftist faggotry to mask his murderous rage.
He wanted to be reborn as a 10 foot titty ghost.
his dad probably hated him like any sane dad should because he was a beta retard with no interests besides his gay faggy cartoons
Watch the video to his parents, he cites how they wanted him move out and get a real job
Kek, this is just like Chris-chan writing himself into his Sonicu comic.
Can anyone link me some videos about/from this guy, besides the suicide note one.
Oh yeah one other very alarming fucking part of all of this.
His cartoon character "Andrew Blaze" committed suicide (after columbining his highschool w Mackenzie West) on June 8th, 2015. Exactly 2 years before Tranny Phantom decided to live this out IRL.
A lot of parents just simply don't like their children. Its not a commonly talked about thing but its absolutely true.
That said Randy was batshit insane by the time he was wanted to die so he could become a female ghost.
fucking leftist weeb shitheel. They're all like this, no exceptions.
>basing an entire murder suicide spree on become a ghost lesbian tranny
Pretty good overview. Suicide tapes are on YouTube
>Jim says the answer is to say "Fuck him"
Shit like that fuels edgy losers, they want to go out as their "yeah, fuck you too." The answer is to feel a little sorry for him, and then never think about him again. He wanted the attention and to be hated, he did not want to be pitied and ignored.
TGWTG Episode 3 when
Leftist weebs only ever stroke themselves while telling themselves that YoI is the best thing to ever exist because muh LGBTBBQ representation in nip toons
When you're obsessed with ugly, disgusting American cartoons instead of anime you know there's something very wrong.
couldnt get famous
I don't like how Jim went all moralfag about this fag, he usually doesn't do that. He's growing old.
Just enjoy the lulz, faggot.
chink cartoobs aka degeneracy
>degenerate people do degenerate shit
render my amazement
he's doing it for pr reasons or he'd get sjw swarmed.
What do you think flipped his switch? He talked about the car crash he was in and how it opened a part of his brain.
Can any psychology dudes explain that
thats probably a factor that lead to the shooting
His videos are unreal. On one of his like last will and testament videos he spends the first 5 minutes complaining about potholes and other drivers.
Also he totally throws his dad under the bus hard for basically just wanting him to grow up. I feel like this is of growing concern these days. My own brother is honestly I'm an even worse position than him. 20 still living with mom, no job not going to college. He's not obsessed with cartoons though, so at least he has that going for him.
just remember the good guys won the world wars :)
whatever happened with that ugly cosplayer arby's employee Rachel Something cunt that probably knew what was going to happen?
concussions can change personalities and make people do strange things. of course that didn't happen to this faggot, he's just dramatizing a parking lot accident he had.
>On one of his like last will and testament videos he spends the first 5 minutes complaining about potholes and other drivers.
Link? And/or any links to his videos about his dad?
she deleted all her social media which is something women never do unless they're in deep shit or potential deep shit.
He was always kinda a moral fag. Just watch his videos on headmates or his first Internet Insanity video.
Ok but I meant in which one(s) does he specifically rant about his dad
Search for Phineas Gage
His personality was changed forever after an accident
Has anyone gone through his entire body of work yet?
lol she is gonna get away with convincing this faggot to kill 3 people and himself.
Probably the message to parents ones. But he does it in all of them
she's a woman so there's already no accountability
He was likely developing schizophrenia.
It's not uncommon for them to have an event (like a friend/family member dying or something that shocks them) that pushes them over the edge and triggers a psychosis.
I even doubt he was doing drugs, since you need to be reasonably socially connected to find a dealer and he was an awkward loner who spent all his spare time jerking off in his room.
Well, they would defended him and called us racist for supporting the Jews.
He is probably the biggest autist in denial I've seen
>talks about how therapy wasn't for him
>I'm not schizophrenic but I hear ghost girl voices in my head
You don't have to be schizo to have auditory hallucinations.
My bet is, he had depression for a really long time and he developed psychosis which lead to him latching to Ember and having several Ember personas speaking to him.
Phineas Gage literally had a metal rod go through his prefrontal cortex, nothing of the sort happened to this fag.
Someone told the FBI about her and then she deleted her Facebook, lel
-no outlet
There was Youtube, though.