Meet Gena Turgel
>Gas Chamber Survivor
Meet Gena Turgel
>Gas Chamber Survivor
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Somehow it doesn't sound plausible:
>In the most notorious of all, Auschwitz-Birkeanau, she was herded naked into a gas chamber with hundreds of others.
>Yet Turgel, who was 21 at the time, walked out alive.
my great uncle, Avi Sturnburg survived six gassings
Oy vey!
Thats not funny
My grandparents were murdered in a concentration camp (buchenwald)
So fuck off nazi
>"I just never realized I was in the gas chamber ... it must not have worked."
She's obviously trolling the goyim.
shes not trolling
gassings were real
its an established historical fact, no one cares what fuckhead nazi revisionists say
two of my grandparents were murdered
my aunt was also murdered
they would never lie
My youngest son also died there, I know your pain. Someone will have to pay for this.
My wifes black son's great uncle died on the holocoaster, truly evil people.
Yeah they can't lie if they're dead you're right.
She's not trolling?
>survived a gas chamber
>took care of Anne Frank
>encountered Mengele
She's trolling extremely hard.
I will remember her face for on the day of the rope I shall reacquire her, grab some zyclon and finish the job
cant believe that tards on this forum cant see that jews as a race arent even real
Ram 25 cm up her ass
Do it now, with a bagle
>was herded naked
>walked out alive
Maybe it was just a shower?
The whole holocaust myth was created by rumors inside the camps (inmates had no idea what was really happening).
>the kids had to dig their own graves
>the parents had to carry wood for the kids bodies to be burned
the old cunt cant even go two seconds without fucking up her story
She claims to have encountered Mengele
>Gena would go on to survive THREE concentration camps, a gruelling death march, and encounters with the ‘Angel of Death’ Dr Josef Mengele – famous for his sick experiments on camp inmates.
Good catch, goy
Is she a Robocop?
>tfw the gas chambers were spraying out water
By her own admission the "gas chambers" the other kikes were memeing about ACTUALLY WERE SHOWERS.
Okay so, she survived the so called gassing. She just walks out of the chamber like nothing happened? Wouldn't germans just put a bullet in her head?
Holy shit it all sounds so fake. I know, people died (shootings, starvation, pure brutality) but the whole idea to create gas chambers instead of shooting people NKVD style is so fucking stupid. Why spend money on research, construction, overseeing this shit when you can make hans shoot the people.
Considering all of this, no wonder people wanted to get rid of jews.
Yah·weh damn it, you be me to that.
Are you actually a jew? If so why would you acknowledge my post?
Did she survive the masturbation machines, the acid lakes and the decapitation mine carts too?
I'm a goy kafir, goy
>it was real in my mind
They were forced to dig their own graves....and then the Germans burned the bodies......
How do you survive a gassing? I just don't understand how some people survive six or seven gassings, and walk out just fine. Also, I don't understand how denying the Jews were murdered is so bad. It doesn't mean you hate them, you just think it didn't happen. Weird
To call a jew a liar is no different than to murder 10,000 million of them with your own hands.
How can you live with yourself?
Looks like a dude wearing prosthetics.
Because if you did that their entire victimhood narrative would fall apart.
someome should gas you for fucking real this time
I like how they cut to her hands.
Click gif
i dont know if they do it in europe, but in the us they put military recruits in a gas chamber called the "confidence chamber" then they fill the room with tear gas. the point of the exercise is to show you that your gas mask works and what happens when you dont upkeep it properly. so you stand in there with your mask on, then they fill the room and make you take off your mask to see how fucked up the actual gas can be without the mask
there is no fucking way anyone would survive an actual gassing with lethal gas. in a proper chamber it hits you immediately, and it hits you hard. unless you are able to escape the room itself there is no way a human being could survive a single gassing
next up on Oy Vey:Holocaust Edition: Meet Shlohomine the oven survivor
>that's not funny
no user its not funny. My great aunt was the famous "wolf girl". There were no men in that forest to introduce her to womanhood, only the male wolves.
How many times do you think that ring has been through her colon?
have done that before. it sucks balls. snot and tears. even when you wash your clothes afterwards then put them on, they start burning all over again