What would an atheist Theocracy look like?
>Inb4 Communism.
What would an atheist capitalist Theocracy look like?
Just curious
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Swap out religion for political correctness.
The only tenant of atheism is not believing in a god. That's it, it could be literally anything.
Pretty sure that's just liberalism.
Actually, I'm certain it's just liberalism.
The two are separate beliefs.
I don't know, I feel like there would be something more to it.
Communism wasn't atheist as Communism is a Jewish cult.
Atheist theocracy would be a technocratic nature based society run by genetic Supermen.
Well I guess instead of having people harass believers either on the streets or Youtube channels, or dikes causing disturbances in churchs, or whatever, we would have the State apparatus directly involved in supressing religions, like in (yeah, you guessed it) early 20th century communist regimes.
Just look up what happened to Buddhists in Mongolia
>Swap out religion for political correctness.
PC is religion. You can't honestly deny that.
It's based on Christian values. It's Christianity 2.0
It would be a paradise.
>genetic supermen
Communism is Judaism. Stop covering it up.
What's PC in your words?
I disagree. Theocracies in the past have been, in and of themselves, rather unstable and miserable. However, I suppose Atheism could be different enough to not suffer the same downsides, though I would hesitate to call it paradise.
Kind of what we have now. A catlady-ocracy
This is the dawning of the sea otter. Know this, time child.
I fail to see the connection between charity and communism
>Atheist theocracy would be a technocratic nature based society run by genetic Supermen.
China is already splicing human genes to create superior humans. It's only because of you Jew worshipers and your Jewish masters and your SJW children that we are being left behind fucking subhuman chinks.
Alright, that made me laugh a little. Thank you.
It would look a lot like the last eight years and largly lead into what we have now.
>What's PC in your words?
Cultural Marxist (((morality))) = modern and permanent Christianity.
>It would look a lot like the last eight years and largly lead into what we have now.
That was Judaism. Stop covering for them
Could you rephrase it in a more similar way as words are defined in a dictionary?
Atheist Theocracy woukd likely be worship of the State. The only parallels I can think of are the Roman State Cult during the pre-Christian period of the Roman Empire and the Cardassian Union on Star Trek.
>I fail to see the connection between charity and communism
They're both scams to indoctrinate. Christianity and Communism promise through obligation to the Church-State, and through brotherly love that everyone will eat and peace will be attained. And then they rob you.
That image is completely stupid. If you really think what it says, please leave.
>What would an atheist Theocracy look like?
>obligation to the Church
Could you provide a modern example of this?
>And then they rob you.
How many times have you been robbed by Christians man?
I suppose that makes some sense, though I don't completely agree with them, I appreciate your opinion.
>What would an atheist theocracy look like?
You're living in it. It's called progressive liberalism.
He is just a christianophobe, obviously he doesn't know shit about christians.
National Socialism plus some vaporwave partys every week with lasershows and all that should do the job
Tenía curiosidad por ver si intenta explicarse o si va a seguir saltando de rama en rama como una ardilla esquizofrénica. Una de mis muchas debilidades es una curiosidad mórbida por los autistas del foro este
>Could you rephrase it in a more similar way as words are defined in a dictionary?
You want me to define PC for you? Did the EU cut off your internet access to anything but porn and corporate media?
>That image is completely stupid. If you really think what it says, please leave.
You leave Jew worshiper. You're a cancer here and all Christian threads are obviously shill threads by the way you behave just like SJW.
You might as well of said "delete this". No safe space for Jew worship!
>You want me to define PC for you? Did the EU cut off your internet access to anything but porn and corporate media?
Yes and yes
>No safe space for Jew worship!
Jesus was Jew!
>No safe space for Jew worship!
Jesus was Jew!
>No safe space for Jew worship!
Jesus was Jew!
>No safe space for Jew worship!
Jesus was Jew!
>No safe space for Jew worship!
Haters of Jew are haters of Jesus!
Jajaja buen trabajo tio. Continua asi.
Thank you, I'll give it a read.
>Could you provide a modern example of this?
"You're going to hell". Church obligations are stronger in Mormons, Catholics, Orthodoxy, and less so for Protestants. But Protestants still bug you if you leave the church because you're their customer.
>How many times have you been robbed by Christians man?
Many times as a child. They take your money and promise gifts from God. Turn on TV once in awhile. They spend all day saying "if you give money to god he repays 10 fold". It's biblical law to give at least 10% of your income. That could of been considered a tax in fictional Israel (Israel never existed) but now churches openly use it as a tactic of theaft.
How fucking stupid are you that I have to explain how churches get their money? Did you think it came from god?
Christianity is a sales business. So is Communism. They sell false hope and give you shit in return. At best you meet another crazy person to mate with. That's why their are so many beta males in churches or at Communist SJW protests looking for pussy.
PC = thought crime
Christianity if full of thought crime. Jesus even defined looking at women as a thought crime.
atheists should recognize that religion is part of science, a necessary (and probably natural) part of human evolution meant to keep our species running smoothly.
and that religious values (discouraging degeneracy, cruelty, rudeness and punishing criminals, etc) should still be enforced.
i unironically believe that satan and god are real, and that satan is an inherent cunt, and his followers should be punished.
good and bad are not objective, this goes for mudslimes too, they know in their heart that killing innocents is wrong.
>>They take your money and promise gifts from God.
Look your experience about christianity seems very odd for me, I've never heard about that but let me explain you the situation here:
How does the catholic church get the money? Christians give it freely, they are not forced to.
How do they spend it? At least in Spain there are a lot of catholics organizations that help the poor (like one called Caritas), give education to children... Also they spend it on paying salary to the priests (obvioulsy they need to eat) and some for reparing things or paying bills.
I have never met a priest getting rich with the money of the people, and at least I know 7. If you want money, it's better to be an engineer.
>What would an atheist Theocracy look like?
>"You're going to hell"
They aren't taking you there, are they?
>They take your money. It's biblical law to give at least 10% of your income
And how's this law enforced exactly? How did they get you to obey? Did they threaten to beat you up? Oh, taking you to hell, I remeber
>How fucking stupid are you that I have to explain how churches get their money? Did you think it came from god?
You said they steal it, like Commies stole the stuff of the "bourguoisie", yet you haven't provided any evidence
>Christianity is a sales business. So is Communism. They sell false hope and give you shit in return
I don't think you understand Communism.
For some it may be that, others however aren't promised anything, they are just abducted at 3am, dragged to the woods and shot
>atheists should recognize that religion is part of science, a necessary (and probably natural) part of human evolution meant to keep our species running smoothly.
That's retarded as fuck.
Paganism is apart of science not your Semitic kike god Jesus. Slavery to a cult is not part of science and never ran society in a smooth manner. Homosexual pedophile priests robbing people and calling them bad and threatening with etnernal damnation didn't do anything evolutionary. It was anti-evolution.
The same dis-eugenics that SJWs practice.
How do they (Christians) deal with thought criminals?
What are the rules exactly?
>how do they spend the money. In Spain the feed niggers
Catholic church is on the richest homosexual corporations in the world. It's on the New York Stock exchange. You can literally buy stocks of the Church. You're brainwashed as fuck.
>I have never met a rich priest
Priests are pedophiles. They're in it for the boy love. The Vatican has hundreds of gay night clubs in the city. That should tell you something. As far as some loser priest at a local parish maybe he's like you, a slave to the cult? Plently of low level Scientologists will never become Tom Cruise.
Look at Jesus. That's not a man. That's not a working man. That's a fucking depiction of a boyish homosexual.
>but they are commu-
>How do they (Christians) deal with thought criminals?
>What are the rules exactly?
read the bible and stop asking dumb questions.
>China produce so much!
A billions slaves
>You can literally buy stocks of the Church. You're brainwashed as fuck.
How does that change what I said? They still spend the money in the things I mentioned to you.
>Priests are pedophiles
Sure mate, every of them is a pedophile, me too and you too.
>The Vatican has hundreds of gay night clubs in the city.
Wow these 70 years old priests know how to have fun, Nice source by the way.
i never said i was a christian or that i 100% believe in a monotheistic deity.
>muh wage slavery! :(
Get a job commie.
The Bible is too big, I want to hear it from the horse's mouth. Looks like you have had a pretty dreadful experience with Christians in the past, I'm just curious
Good thread so far.