Karmas a bitch eh you fuckin leaf
Karmas a bitch eh you fuckin leaf
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>a fucking leaf
That's right mother fucker.
I am a fucking leaf.
Don't look down on me, you bastard. Leaves may fall down and wither away in autumn, but do you know what happens in the spring? They regrow on the tree, just as beautiful as they were before.
We're unkillable, we cannot die.
We WILL not die.
If you strike one of us down, we'll just grow back.
So yes, I am a FUCKING LEAF!!!
Now go ahead. Kill me. If I'm killed, I win. That was one of those memes you guys love so much right? "If you kill your enemies, they win". Well guess what? That goes both ways.
Kill us all and we win. Our victory is as inevitable as winter.
>by the year 2050 Canada will be a Superpower
> Second biggest country in the world, with more coastline than anyone else
>Canada's population is set to increase by 30% by 2050, a growth rate rivaling India's.
>Canadian immigration policy favors work skills and language above all else, even family reunification
>In terms of natural resources, Canada is almost unmatched (oil, gas, diamonds, gold, fresh water, rare metals, lumber, arable land)
>Arctic Ocean shipping lanes are opening up due to global warming
> 90% of world trade is done by sea, and will triple by 2050
>Canada borders 3 of the worlds 7 oceans
>Canada's stable government and financial markets make us attractive for business and investment, currently leading the G7 in growth
>Low corporate tax rate of 15% (compared with the U.S.’s 35%, India's 34% and China's 25%).
yeah but 2 out of 2 deserve it
calm down
they just want more money
The truth is more like 3/2 if you include cultural Canadians.
Lets make that number 1 in 1
Lmao. Keep dreaming, Pajeets.
>leafs are literally FUCKING CANCER
Like pottery.
that's a 50% cure rate.
it's progress
>99% of amerisharts will be fat
I remember ten years ago when they said 1 in 10 will get Cancer. Wtf is going on this shit isn't normal.
>the (((United Nations))) hasn't saved 1 human life
Praise Him and Fukushima fallout.
people are living longer so really it comes down to either your heart fucking up or cancer. these days it's really just a question of which one gets you first
Apparently the millenials are all getting prostate cancer due to being the most homosexual generation of all time.
No shit, really, the cucknadian health system is abhorrent. It's legitimately worse than the indian one by ALL METRICS (can you fucking imagine?). The reason cucknadians would die from cancer and disease are multifold, but mostly:
- ridiculously incompetent staff, will diagnose lung cancer as being just a cold, so you can never be treated in time
- no coverage for non-basic medical shit so it's really like pre-obamacare america if you're not a nigger clogging up the system to try to get free drugs to sell on the streets, or muh coughs and shit very urgent need emergency, etc.
- impossible wait times, so even if you went to the states to get diagnosed, you would never be able to start treatment before your death in cucknada.
The situation is disastrous, and that's putting it very lightly.
1 in 3 Americans will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in thier lives as well hippie boy.
God, I love this board.
Correction: 1 in 2 Canadians IS cancer.
ya right dipshit. 10 years ago people werent living longer than they are now.
purely from the sheer amount of cucking the average leaf does in a lifetime
Roughly 1/2 the countries a liberal... sounds about right.
tumor != cancer desu senpai make sure your shit is accurate on which one you mean.
>borders 3 of the world's 7 oceans
Is this a meme, or do Canadians have an even worse education system than the U.S.?
youre right but its more like 1 in two people now. so its actually gone up since the last time I checked which was only a couple years ago.
This, pretty much everyone over the age of 70 examined by the morgue that "died of old age" really just had a bunch of cancer of one type or the other.
The thing is we have a terrible modern diet that is not in tune with our bodies as well as being pumped full of artificial chemicals and free radicals of all sorts. the only way to live long is to live on the side of a secluded mountain and eat, drink and breath clean air and food as well as moving every day so you don't stagnate.
does anybody else read this as an ad for the cancer society?
>tfw Americans die by 40 from diabetes and shootings
>mfw this post
they aint got nothing else to die from
to be clear this is actual cancer diagnosed not tumors found.
the inbred fuckups with bad genetics we are importing are fucking up the bell curve
nigger my mom got cancer twice my dog got cancer and I got cancer. something is seriously wrong.
you live and eat like insects and have shit genetics, that's whats wrong
>holding a pizza on your hand
can niggers do anything right?
>the population is aging
>so so most people are now old and dying
CBC sure knows how to shill clickbait fearmongering tripe.
ya sure pal.
colorectal cancer alone is raising 2% per year consistently in people aged 50 and under. you arent going to be able to hide this shit forever.
Not surprised you raicst pieces of shit blame FUCKING CANCER on immigrants. God you 1488 larpers are pathetic.
When I got diagnosed with IBD my doctor said it was at a freakishly young age, but these days it's not even remarkable. Something is up, we're getting some illnesses a lot more commonly and at younger ages. Allergies are so much more common now too, and it's not all hypersensitive parents
The statistics are pretty much the same right across the west, you brain dead idiot.
Bruh that was done by a bonafide shitposting rap nigger. It's part of the joke.
I can't believe the Official CPC twitter tweeted this lmao. Scheer the absolute madman
preservatives seem to have a direct link. Its probably processed foods. I was forced to eat that crap all the time before I was able to buy my own food.
>nigger jokes
>rap nigger
a nigger nigger?
Also the rates of autism in children went from like 1 in 10,000 in the 1970's to 1 in 50 now
It's fucked and if you try and point out a potential cause people accuse you of being a conspiracy theorist
Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific. Dumbass burger.
too long didn't read
time to invest in fidget spinners.
Is America a big enough cesspool to be considered an ocean?
God wields a rake
Fucking leafs
Fugg eventually it'll be 1 : 1
thank goodness, hopefully it'll kill off all the refugees
thats what constant and unhinged shitposting does to you
i cant wait to get cancer and die so i dont have to live in this shithole country anymore
Do we have any stockpiles of agent orange left?! It's a matter of national security!
I heard Apricot seeds kill Cancer. This might be useful info to some.
kill yourself.
Yup, all this study means is people eventually get old and die. Fucking stupid.
Nice copypasta.
Btw, Canada will be less than 50% white by 2040.
Do the cancer rates change by country?