Maybe I'm just getting old, but I decided to check out music videos on YouTube with 50-200 million views.
First, this Nicki Minaj is yelling about her pussy (it's called "rap" music), and she just keeps repeating the same verses. She keeps calling herself the queen.
The "men" in the video are literally acting retarded, as if they have a speech impediment and physical disabilities.
Then I click on "Post Malone". 259 MILLION views. This White Jewish looking nerd, again speaking as if he's mentally challenged, and trying to act like a nigger from the ghetto.
People in the comments are celebrating these heroes of theirs, commenting things like "when you music lit".
Idiocracy isn't in the future.
Idiocracy is happening now!
Did anyone else notice when Jared Kushner came out to publicly speak for the first time? Every. Single. Comment... both on YouTube, and also here on Pol, was "he sounds gay" or "he talks like a fag".
Jesus Christ, the kid is a prodigy who made millions in real estate before the are of 25. He's an intellectual elite.
B..b...but he talks like a fag, bruh! It's lit, bruh!
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I fucking hate this ignorant nigger culture we have now.
The other day, my beautiful intelligent niece wanted to show me she could do the "nay nay", whatever the fuck that is.
Can we fix this or is it too late?