What did Mattel mean by this?
What did Mattel mean by this?
They only care about money and being (((diverse))) is the only way to make money these days.
gay ken incoming
will there be a long nosed one, or a muslim one?
so are you guys just mad they made black barbie dolls? you do realize black people exist even if you don't want them to.
>complete with cornrows
fuck me
I'm just here to make jokes about Barbie getting BLACKED.
I mad that instead of giving him his own name and personality they just call them all Ken
Yes but they don't have an original bone in their bodies. They rip off and piggyback off everything.
>black superman cause dat sun was melanin
You know I'm right!
Someone wants to make a loss.
>What does the share holder mean by this?
>Man buns
Not diverse enough yet!
Black Barbie dolls have existed since the 80's if not earlier, you fucking baboon. Go out of your house for once.
I always thought Ken was supposed to be gay. The overly preppy outfits despite being an adult don't really help his case much.
I'm more offended by man buns than brown barbies desu
Holy shit, even your toys will be BLACKED, this really is the greatest timeline.
White women are sooo stupid.
They are attracted to whatever society or tv says is attractive.
What a bunch of idiots.
Giving them voting rights was a mistake.
>classic Barbie getting blacked
lolno, that's for problemhair McPorkums over here