Georigia Special Election Results








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Even if Dems lose, they still win. It should never be as close as it's being predicted and is a sign that people are rejecting Trump and his agenda. Tonight is a good night for Democrats no matter what happens.

>3% of precincts reporting
lol, delusional drumpfkins everyone
watch as the rest of results come in and the republicuck is btfo'd

handel is behind, drumpfkin


>Even if Dems lose, they still win

Justin, is that you?

The mental gymnastics is strong with this one.

this, Its a deep red state

>Not posting links
What are you a new fag?



it's not
Trump won by only 1 or 2% in GA

Just fyi, with that tally, all early votes are counted. Republicans vote the day of the election to prevent fraud. Therefore, ossof is btfo, and Hollywood lost millions and millions supporting a shill.

Way to go. This is a reminder to not watch their movies if it costs you your ducats


GA Fag here. He's toast.

Fucking early voting was supposed to be his bread and butter and he only beat her out by ~2k votes.

The ONLY reason this district is at least somewhat competitive is that nigger lover flag desecration Roy Barnes nigger rigged the voting districts when he was governor 20 years ago.

How much did Trump win by again in this district in 2016?

Some dude spent $50m to potentially win a senate seat. Donald only spent 3x that and won the presidency. How the fuck are dems winning in this?

He lost the popular vote.

shocked it's so close for the south but still a win

>losing is the new winning
>checkmate drumpftedmate

5%. and that's with 3% who voted libertarian

heh democtats

Do you have any idea how many niggers live in the south, particularly in GA

>The state as a whole determines how demographics vote
Stay in Canadian politics, maplenigger

How big is the Dems' warchest that they can throw tens of millions at every election despite losing so hard?

The dems are retarded instead of working to fix what they did wrong during the election and trying to appeal to the voters they lost. They instead double down on their extreme left ideology and continue to call anyone who disagrees with them racist and uneducated. Will this finally serve as the wake up call they need?

Too early to tell, but even if the Democrats barely manage a win, they have spent so much that it's a terrible precedent for 'victory.'

This is just a single House seat.

>spends 23 million, almost entirely raised outside the state
>still loses

How can dems compete?

I've said this in multiple threads...

We have the US's biggest international airport and HQ quite a few large companies, also we are now making more films in Georgia than both Cali and NY so we have tons of non Georgians moving here and corrupting our politics

Says increasingly anally bleeding man

No matter who wins nobody should care it's just one fucking district.

>shilling for cuckservatives
>mobile posting
nu/pol/ pls go

just got back from the polling stations. not looking good for handel. everyone there said they voted for ossoff. this is a clear rejection of drumpf and his policies.

>a fucking leaf

>Even if Dems lose, they still win.

You're a winner.

so what the fuck is going on? is GA MAGAing or not faggots

We're celebrating liberal tears. Atlanta has turned into little california. all these fuckin' liberals coming in trying to fart sniff the place up.

They can't.

>Just one fucking district
A district that has been Red for 40 straight years

It isn't just a district, if it goes blue it shows a disturbing trend in Blue politics spreading into the most historically conservative areas

>No matter who wins nobody should care it's just one fucking district.

This. There's literally nothing remarkable about this race. It's literally a coin toss result, and Democrats have spent a shit ton of money just making it that far.

There's no greater message or trend one way or the other.

Guess again........ you clit fags keep saying trump lost. Mental gymnast you are. Right you are not. And dont cite the media that lied to you that Hillry had a 95% chance of winning... I wouldnt believe their bs either.

just got back from the polling stations. not looking good for handel. everyone there said they voted for ossoff. this is a clear rejection of drumpf and his policies.. georgis is not maga'ing


>tfw it rained like a motherfucker today

You realize that the cost isn't sustainable by Marxists, right?

You're retarded that area has been so blue the last 20 years the fact that it's this close is HUGE for Republicans... Democrats are so fucking delusional it's sad.

File name Shareblue-sample-05.jpg
please neck yourself faggot

Shut up fag. This is a nigger district and is changing. You guys wasted $50 million and thought you were gonna win. But you didnt like you have since november 2016 and will continue to for the forseeable future until you try a revolution and lose at that too. Then we put you down.



Yes but if they keep doing it repeatedly in important rich districts like the 6th (Cobb and parts of Fulton) they will create laws that take money from the rich and give to the poor and this will result in the richer people leaving (as always happens) and thus the people who didn't vote for this shit get screwed because of the useful idiots and by the time this all happens we will all already be screwed.

Yuri Bezmenov said all of this years ago.

Dude, we spent A LOT on this.

charge your phone NOW YOU IDIOT

>Money you won't have for 2018 now

Its a house seat you dumb nigger

amen bro. the lefties are scum

I like how you're spreading this copypasta, reminds people that we're constantly under assault by basement nerd virgin shills from the DNC and Reddit. Keep up the good work, fag.

The DemoRats are bankrupting themselves on races like this. It isn't sustainable.

Look at these shills trying to backpedal when they were heralding this as the opening salvo for the beginning of the end of the God Emperor

John Ossoff cant even vote in his own election CAUSE DA NUGGA WHITE BOI DONT EEBN LIB DUR


The democrats blew more money than they ever have for a house congressional race in history for the sole purpose of framing this as a blow against trump. That combined with the fact that they made ossof lie and say he would cut taxes. The only thing it shows is even after spending and lying like democrats do best they still failed miserably.

So many contradictions in one post.

You can thank the film industry for that. Tons of huge productions are moving out to georgia. Not to mention the minority population boom

hi antifa

whats the best place for live results?

The other user is being ironically a dem you dumbshit faggot

NYT has Ossof winning by about 1000 votes.

Is it flipping?

Tax cuts aren't going to help much when you have to pay full price for health care.

thats what i saw which is why im wondering what's the best site

>if you lose the election you win

Probably old cause they don't wanna show it

Hi carpetbagger

Not gonna lie, former Handel voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Handel crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this girl get the chicken & waffles.

it isnt the Clinton 99.7 chance to win for sure website

Lmao exactly. Dems literally put all their eggs in one basket every fuckin time

Yeah, using your site now, NYT is old.

Still very close though.

Um sweetie, even if Dems lose, they still win sweetie. It should never be as close as it's being predicted sweetie and is a sign that people are rejecting Trump and his agenda sweetie. Tonight is a good night for Democrats no matter what happens sweetie.

Jew York times is not even reporting all the districts. Look at districts reported NYT vs Business Insider

You drooling retard, he was pointing out that Trump only won this district by 1%. That means that in a district that was already close, and with 50+ MILLION in funding, they couldn't take it. Hahahahaha what a dead party.


She's been slowly leaching votes and growing the lead as I've been watching but within what R got last time.


Das rite!

What did NYT mean by this?

for a congressional race
for a congressional race
for a congressional race
for a congressional race
for a congressional race
for a congressional race
for a congressional race

This is about mining salt, I doubt many here give a damn about the cunt.

That dial brings back so many good memories. Thanks for the nostalgia.

>6 of 208 precincts

you've noticed the "sweetie" trend too, I see.

i seriously think there is a training course out there that liberal shitposters go to that advocate a few words like this, meant to stir the pot.

i wonder if it actually ever works.

>they could have put that into shitcoins and funded 10 campaigns in 2018

The DNC should've just built a toilet big enough to flush $50 million dollars down the drain. It would've been a more effective use of the money.

Top fucking lel

keep in mind that the DNC was 25 million in debt after the 2014 shellacking

If you kill your enemies they win, I know the saying the gmom used to tell me it all the time

What did kek mean by this?


Um no the dems need this if they win this they can stop the bleeding if they don't then they are still dead in the water and the party has no real way forward. It is taking them far to long to get back on their feet after getting dealt blow after blow. They alienated millions of voters by appealing to a large vocal minority now it's biting them in the ass. If they win this all it does is show that they have a little fight left in them if not then it was a massive waste of resources. If you want the dems to win again stop doubling down on your extreme leftist agenda and try to gain back the voters you alienated. What you shouldn't do is double down and claim the moral high ground and call everyone racists and uneducated fools but surprise surprise that's exactly what's gonna happen most likely.


Says the man crying into his pillow.

Maybe dems shoulda used that money to help people in the community instead of running negative ads