>its not addictive
biggest lie of our time right next to the holohoax
>its not addictive
biggest lie of our time right next to the holohoax
Other urls found in this thread:
It is addictive, I used to smoke that garbage 5 times a day for about 6 years.
Then I found Sup Forums
Pretty sure "hands up don't shoot" was the biggest hoax
It's not addictive. I just smoke everyday before and after work.
Oh and also during work too.
I could quit anytime but why.
>tfw can't quit it
how long does it take to get it out of your system if you're a hardcore stoner?
Literally just called my dealer for a quarter , life is good phampies
sorry you're easily manipulated and so naive, nazi piece of garbage.
well its a mental addiction not a chemical addiction just like how someone can get addicted to pop
>mfw nu/pol/ just projects their degeneracy onto everyone else and calls it a valid observation
Sorry you redditspacing child but it's objectively medically proven that cannabis is 100% harmless to "withdraw" from, compared to, say alcohol
Is this post satire? This is literally the mantra of every addict. Try actually quitting for a while before claiming that you can quit anytime.
Smoked it for 4 years straight in college
Quit without a problem and havent smoked since. It's just a habit.
Doesnt cause a physical dependancy only psychological for some.
Its not addictive
I would smoke during college semesters
But would take off summer and winter breaks off clean cause living at home
and i havent smoked since graduating 3 years ago
I was addicted to drinking to the point I would get the shakes if I stopped.
Weed ain't shit.
>5 times a day
Filthy casual
Smoked during university. After some years got bored of it and stopped from one to the other day. No sickness or bad feeling afterwards. Would not call it more addictive than chocolate.
If it's not addictive why can't I stop smoking weed?
You are the kind of weirdo who likes fringe shit just to be edgy.
I usually smoke everyday. I'm on day 3 of a tolerance break right now and I feel absolutely fine. No headaches, body pains, sweats, nothing that can be associated with a withdrawal.
Not addictive.
Enjoy your brain damage
asking for a friend too..
I do one week on one week off.
Literally EVERYTHING can be psychologically addictive.
It is mentally addictive but not physically. Still bad in excess
>from stoner addict to full blown nazi
looks like you have a problem with lack of willpower and personality. how does life as a spineless drone feel?
I haven't smoked in about 4 years now, 1st year was sort of shit, not even going to lie. But I'm fine without it now, I replaced smoking weed with working out.
Easily manipulated by what, bettering myself?
You should try it out sometime.
Weed is addictive if you let it be.
Some people will be very susceptible to becoming addicted to weed and others will find it easy to just do it whenever they like and avoid it on conscious command.
More times than not, I'd say the average weed smoker will continue to smoke for quite some time because they want to do it, however they will not be punished if they decide or are faced with the need to quit.
At most you'll think, "man, it'd be great if I could go smoke one right now", but it's incredibly easy for that want/thought to disappear.
Because you have zero willpower.
its extremely addictive once you are conditioned to it
it does not take much to become "conditioned"
literally everyone i know who smokes weed spends all their money on this shit. they will sacrifice all other luxuries to support their weed habit if they are not richfags.
they sit there in this deluded state like zombies, occasionally hacking up a lung which is the only time they actually seem alive
so many people do this shit.
yet supposedly its not a problem
meanwhile, nobody i know is an alcoholic or spends any significant amount on alcohol.
there is a reason why alcohol is legal and weed is still illegal (states do NOT override federal authority)
medfag: it's not physically addictive on a purely physiological basis. it won't cause withdrawals that are associated with opiates, alcohol or benzos. it is however, psychologically addictive, in the same way sex, vidya, gambling etc is.
>dindu flag
>this thread
Why don't you anti-weed faggots deal with your internet addiction first before knocking my nations official pass time.
Life feels hollow and empty without for me these days, I genuinely struggle to feel proper empathy until I smoke.
It forms a habit. You don't go through physical withdraws. Some people may experience mental withdraw.
If only I had the willpower to kill myself eh?
it isn't though. i honestly found masturbation to be a hell of a lot more addictive during the time i smoked
Everything that feels good is addictive and indulging in a vice doesn't make you a weak person. I get addicted to food (especially when I just smoked a bowl) and I'm the opposite of a fatass.
Because life is depressing and people just want to feel good again.
My ass it's not addictive, I've been spending the last few weeks cutting back slowly so I can actually eat without getting high first. I'm honestly glad I'm soon going to be in a situation where I have 0% chance of being able to get weed, having it around you everywhere makes it impossible to completely quit.
they had this bitch on the hollywood sign at one point
still remember seeing her stupid ass everyday
>but it's incredibly easy for that want/thought to disappear
That's what happens with weed related memory loss
It's not physically addictive. It has no addictive properties in it's chemical makeup. You can only become addicted to cannabis if you are mentally weak and easily succumb to wanton desire.
No, the mental state is addictive. It's not chemically addictive like something that will give you withdrawal syndrome.
>there is a reason why alcohol is legal and weed is still illegal
Yeah, because it puts half of the pharma racket out of business.
>No one has ever died because of marijuana
Also a lie. Driving while high has caused a shit ton of deaths. Fun fact: in Washington and Oregon police officers aren't allowed to include in their departmental reports that a car accident death or car vs. pedestrian death involved the driver being under the influence of marijuana. Really makes you think.
Why not prove to YOURSELF that you can actually quit? It may be easy in your mind to quit but some things are easier said than done. So, go at it. See if you really can quit you ADDICT
Why haven't you moved to Somalia yet, nigger?
Haha same
>MFW I see a pot head having an anxiety attack because he didn't smoke in 2 hours
It's psychologically addictive but not physically which is why people say it's "not addictive". You can get addicted to it, it's just not that big a deal since it's not the same tier of addictive as other drugs.
You won't find a homeless burnout pissing on the slides in park playgrounds because of weed, no, he might have started with weed but it was his choice to continue on to harder stuff that turned him that way.
t. leaf who bought the whole shtick and spent a few years smoking weed and understands its purpose as a low-risk conversation breaker (like what alcohol is supposed to be)
No shit you retard
Mostly because there's no way to prove level of intoxication with marijuana.
Bonds to fat cells for nearly a month.
Dude, weed, lmao.......
You made this, correct? Fix your fucking spacing you fucking cancer fuck. Fix the fucking grammar. Actually, just fucking delete it and start from scratch, or better yet, let someone else who isn't a 7, or 8/10 or so on the Full-Tard scale. God damn. You make the case for legalization worse, with you complete shit grammar, bud. You are hurting the cause. You make degenerate pot smokers look even more degenerate and retarded, you dumb fucking cunt. Jesus fuck
Pop might be chemically addictive to some extent. Or would that just be the caffeine? Anything else in there?
Or if your need to smoke isn't overly powerful and doesn't stay on your mind as much because your dependency isn't as strong.
This. Heavenly quads confirm.
>so I can actually eat without getting high first
oh god i have this so bad
>I can eat this delicious fajita
>or i can smoke a bowl and eat this FUCKING ASTOUNDING fajita
>you win again, drugs
Dear god you redditcucks are dense
>easily manipulated by the herbal Jew
>easily manipulated by looser's propaganda
you are weak in will, looking for a mental crutch
Weed isnt addictive now crack is addictive.
if its not addictive then why does not buying/using it require willpower?
exactly, no willpower
nigga filando castile died because he was high as fuck and literally couldn't understand the situation of his life being in immediate danger, nor could he understand the cop telling him numerous times to STOP
>understands its purpose as a low-risk conversation breaker (like what alcohol is supposed to be)
I do it for my anxiety. I have mental breakdowns if I go without for a day so it's actually medication. I never had bad anxiety before smoking weed though.
Its not addictive. I quit for my new job no problem. Sure I'd like to smoke still, but I'd rather make more money than get high.
>smoke weed every day while unemployed
>get job
>don't have time to smoke every day anymore, smoking after work is a waste of a high because i have to sleep early
>now only smoke on the weekends
its not addictive
also smoke weed every day
Smoked on a 2-3 daily basis for over a year and a half, and then I quit it cold turkey when I started college. I had no withdraw symptoms, and my life continued regularly.
If you think weed is additive you are mentally weak and are looking for something to grow a dependency on. It's not the plant's fault your pathetic.
Food is addictive too, it doesn't mean you should stuff your face full of sugar and fats all day.
This is probably the leading cause of most drug addiction. I don't honestly think most people who abuse drugs are like "dude I just want to lay around and be a worthless shit lmao", I think it's more along the lines of "my life is shitty and painful and I need some way to escape from this existential nightmare".
By addictive they mean physically addictive you autistic faggot
wow you must know alot about pharmaceuticals and have read real articles which suggest weed has any curative properties.
Yeah. Sugar and corn syrup.
Its not addictive, i used to smoke every day for over a year than stopped because it got boring. Now i do crack.
I'm bad. Unless what I'm eating is top notch I will gag and sometimes throw up without smoking
what? it literally isnt addictive. let me guess, you crack and heroin arent addictive?
Maybe you should nut up and stop your cycle of anxiety?
but its not addictive. anyone with even a small amount of familiarity of weed knows this
weed doesn't do that to you unless you're a 17 year old smoking your first time
My dick is addictive but they ain't ban it yet.
lol we WILL.
ok, so you're agreeing that its addictive? what are you saying here?
your a nigger, its in your genes to smoke that shit, its with you for life
I dabbed 1g- 3g daily for about 7 years straight. my brother is a MMJ vendor in commiefornia, so I had all the weed I wanted to smoke. took me about 6-9 months for weed to fully leave my system. moved to arizona and quit smoking weed 1 year ago, so far I dont miss the herbal jew.
redditcucks are the type of people that are addicted to vapes and marijuana and feel the need to smoke that garbage everyday. What a weak bastard you are. Stay a nigger, NIGGER
People get their dosage all wrong. 1/20 gram mixed with marshmallow/ skullcap/ damiana/ personal favourite is all you need. Six times a week.
You have stomach cancer most likely.
I have generalized anxiety disorder and smoke all the time. I wonder if weed makes my anxiety worse or if it suppresses it.
I know weed is inherently degenerate and I should stop. Is weed bad for anxiety?
>diet coke
ok yeah you have me beat pretty good then.
A month.
Have you smoked pot before, to the state that one could be considered "addicted"?? I certainly have. And I assure you, there IS physical addiction. Unless, loss of appetite, and inability to sleep, are mental things. Granted, these only lasted a week to two weeks. Then I was back to normal. There is certainly 100% physical addiciton. It is just very minor and subtle and really easy to get through. The mental aspect of feeling like everything is god damn fucking boring and dull as shit is more profound.
Legazlie and tax the shit for fucks sakes. Money makes the world go round.. Lets get it going a little bit rounder a little bit faster. Build the wall with pot money I don't give a fuck.
Smoked daily since 2000 except when out of the country or on a business trip.
Not physically addictive...just mentally.
Plus the shits legal now in WA so that makes it a little better, right?
I do miss the illegal part though...
We will.
You have to exercise though, if you don't it'll stay in your fat cells for quite a while.
I never said it wasn't.
It's just such a weak addiction that it's really easy to mentally overcome it. Unless you lack the willpower.
A little self control goes a long way!
>sees flag
Oh who am I kidding?
Smoked it every day for 6 years, quit for 2 now smoke a quarter ounce every other month, don't get any withdrawals, so how is it addictive?
I just smoked last night I don't want to get high I'd much rather spend my money on cigarettes if I want something addicting which I'll probably go do
>tfw one month clean from the herbal jew
feels good having a clear head