Memes and larping as racists aside, he does have a point.
Memes and larping as racists aside, he does have a point
Ideology is to a large extent a function of race
even without the racism your ideology is shit, trumpanzee.
He's correct; color alone doesn't really matter. But the problem is that degenerate ideologies are strongly correlated with nonwhites
You anons need to start checking the color of a (((person's))) neighborhood before you let them virtue signal like this.
Shapiro likely lives in a very light skinned part of the country where the Cops are white, the Courts are white and Jewish, the Bankers are Jewish and white, the people who write the laws are white, etc.
Ask race mixer apologists why they are not leading the charge and putting their bodies where their mouths are. You will watch them fail to give a coherent answer.
Then ask them, "Will you be leading the charge on race mixing now that I have called you out? If not, why would you tell other people that it is a moral thing to do? If you yourself are not moral, why should you be listened to?"
Ideology is the mist. Color is the lake.
>Its ok to destroy white people and white culture as long as Jamal kindly ducks my daughter
You fedoras disgust me
Ben "What the fuck is a bell curve?" Shapiro
Benji's a cuck but he has a point.
Great, literally not a second goes by where shitposters and shills are all over pol/ with new threads. Dude fuck off u kike, how obvious can you be.
>thats right goy accept the browning of america
Dude fuck off and killyourself. But of course retards are gunna give this dumbass attention and its gonna have more than 100 replies.
>hurrr but youre giving him attention too
Fucking idiots
Lolbertarians and kikes proving themselves to be fucking retarded as always.
Your shilling is obvious you kike. Let me guess u love BASED BLACK MEN AND JEWS WOOOOO. Killyourself
Race shapes who you are and ultimately, your ideology, Ben Shapiro BTFO
Well yeah, he isn't white after all.
degenerate ideologies like ancap that are associated with somalians
I am shocked that (((Shapiro))) would say this. I wonder what ideology he is talking about.
Are you illiterate? That's not at all what he said.
Jewish ideology matters; race doesn't.
>Ben "Niggerlover" (((Shapiro)))
If races were equally capable we wouldn't need to distinguish between them.
It's not color it's 100,000yrs of DNA changes. Try to get an organ transplant from your hal nigger kid and see what happens!
Only a (((BERG))) can say this and not be called a Nazi.
>ywn have friendly banter with another tribesmen fully confident in the survival of your own wicked race
>these top tier jew bantz
are we turning (((them))) lads?
are we da jooz n shieeet nao?
It's difficult (I don't like to use the word "impossible" when talking about people) to separate race and ideology because ideology is itself a byproduct of culture and race has a significant impact on culture.
>Race doesn't matter
That literally means he don't care about race mixing meaning as long as a nigger "acts white" he can put his shit colored dick in his daughter
I lold, though.
Came to say that.
>If shapiro doesnt think whites are the sole reason America is what it is today, he should read a book
Newfags, pay attention. This man does not care if you are a minority in your own country, he is a Jew with no loyalty to either.
He is not "based," he is a Jew.
>heh, who cares everyone will be brown
Zionists know that the more they stay tribal, and the more they keep pushing for everyone else to be brown, then the more they keep their control.
>leaf detected
Post with your real flag faggot
Thanks to the Right of Return he can safely ruin America and flee to Israel and safety.
Why would a jew care about white people? Classic zionist bullshit from that kike :P
Think of all the money you could save on rent!
Is that why CEO's of american companies are indian?
If only. Kubrick was like that, but this is fake.
(((shapiro))) controlled opposition
oh wow, a kike supports the eradication of Whites
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you
spoken just like one of them because all of them are half black mixed breeds since prior to exodus all their women were bred by african black bulls which is fact and in their DNA today and they know it.
Ben you stupid kike!
A Jew doesn't care about Whites, what's fucking new?
Kek you have no basis this. Show me a concrete trend that proves this.
>ideology matters
> race doesn't
>ignores that most shitskins vote leftist
Does anyone take this faggot cut semite kike seriously?
Just accept brown america goy
>its ideology goyim dont blame (((us)))
> larping
But he is deeply concerned about the browning of Israel. Fuck this kike.
>Jew claims he don't care about browns
Lets see what he says when his daughter gets blacked
>having an opinion
>"White people deserve to die."
t. Ben "Closed Borders for Israel" Shapiro
>i dont care if the USA is turned into a brown third world shit hole
>i-i-isreal doesnt need refugees
And yet they don't vote for leftist in their own countries. It is logical for a minority to vote leftist, just like it's logical to vote right-wing if your suffering an invasion of immigrants.
The reason why Jews get full of angst when white people start to talk about race is because they've spent the last 200 years trying to blend into the population of the West, but in reality they are a separate race that utilize in-group nepotism to stay on the top of the totem pole.
Whites throwing out muzzies and beaners and gooks, even if they are explicitly NOT anti-jew, means an awakening of racial consciousness for whites and that has the potential to destroy all the Jewish usury schemes in the West if correctly handled.
That's why they are attempting to control the narrative so much with fake Jewish Alt-Right/Alt-Light figures from Rebel Media. These Jews WANT you to hate Muslims, but only for their religion, not their race. It's a form of misdirection. The best way to control things is to control government, but because our system of democracy controlling one party is not enough. You have to control the opposition as well so when the opposition wins an election and becomes the government, you can start the cycle again.
In addition to this, if a fringe opposition movement is gaining traction you need to control that as well just in case.
Nice argument. I'm not seeing any proof.
He won't give a fuck because the little mudkid would still be Jewish.
Thats why Jews arent fucking human.
Lul look at pic related. Mike Cernovich destroyed Benji's kikey hypocritical argument.
>As an (((american))) I don't care about demographics! Ideology is what matters go-guys.
>B-but not for Israel. Demographics are important! Is a jewish state no browning for us are you an anti-semite?
When I see faggots/shills talk about "based" Ben Shapiro around here, I wonder if saving the white race is even a noble goal. Some of you stupid goys fall for this kike's bullshit so easy that maybe you do deserve to have jewish cock shoved down your throat
Look kike, you make threads like this EVERY FUCKING DAY they always end with
>Has a point
>always involve some retarded liberal/centrist shit
>never fucking works in subverting us
Do you havexa learning disability or something? YOU. CAN'T. CHANGE. US.
The Overton Window is Shifting, People are Waking Up at a Rapid Pace and there is NOTHING you can do about it.
Now gtfo.
>"and im jewish"
What proof do you have they don't vote leftist in their countries?
The Warrior Gene refers to certain copies (alleles) of the MAO-A gene that have been linked to violent anti-social behavior. One such copy, 2R, which I'll call the "violent ape allele", is 55x more common in niggers than in whites:
>Studies have found differences in the frequency distribution of variants of the MAOA gene between ethnic groups:[32][33] of the participants, 59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele, while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.[23][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40]
The reason a majority of niggers act like violent apes is because they carry the violent ape allele. This supports the hypothesis that niggers are genetically inferior subhumans.
Now you know... and knowing is half the battle.
>a kike doesn't give a good damn about the browning of America
Golly gee. What're the odds?
Only point is the end of his nose
Most minorities don't understand the conception of ideology. In most cases, a non-white votes for the party that allows them to reside in the country and that's where it ends.
Do you really think a Nigerian immigrant is fully on-board with all the modern leftist talking points regarding tranny bathrooms and fags in the military? They are superstitious tribalists that would burn people alive for this type of shit.
>he wont care
Bullshit he won't care. Having their daughter being blacked is a lovecraftian nightmare for Jews. You must not have met many Jews.
>Jews caring about anybody
Only money matters and when that's all debt, then Jew will migrate to another place like thousand times before.
They put fluoride in all our water
Black supremacists, white supremacists, they all use the same rhetoric and always say the same shit over and over again, the fact is the elites are against us all
As is crime
>0.81 correlation between blacks/Hispanics and crime
0.81 is insane. Its just facts. Notice how no one ever complains about Asians beyond trivialities.
Not at all, leftist ideology has perverted the idea of race to include it into identity politics. Would you say this about the many blacks who voted for the party of Lincoln?
Top Rabbis get expelled from Jewish associations for condoning interracial marriages.
Little Benny Boy doesn't strike me as a liberal Jew. He has a Jewish wife for a reason.
>Whites throwing out muzzies and beaners and gooks, even if they are explicitly NOT anti-jew, means an awakening of racial consciousness for whites and that has the potential to destroy all the Jewish usury schemes in the West if correctly handled.
This needs to happen. What do we need to do once all whites are awake?
would love to see this faggot say this when everyone around him is a nigger or a spic
Can we just not talk about this guy
LMFAO a correlation >.8 is sometimes an indication that you may be comparing the same variable - that just shows you that being brown is also almost indistinguishable to being a criminal, fuck that is funny.
t. ex penal colony
>Citing wikipedia.
Nice selective use of information. A quick skimming of the original study shows that both MAOA-3R and 2R are associated with violence.
An ideology that brown/black people don't give a fuck about.
If white nationalists actually get control of a government, I think the first method to deal with other races should be a peaceful one;
1. Stop all non-white immigration. ALL.
2. Incentivize non-white citizens to leave our country with monetary compensation. We could negotiate areas of Africa, Asia, etc etc for these people to return to with their respective governments.
3. If the above doesn't work, all non-whites get excluded from welfare or state-run healthcare.
4. Private social pressure, short of violence.
The only thing that could be an issue is the sizable black population in the USA. And by black I mean the obsolete tractor population. They should receive more compensation in the form of reparations, on the condition that they either leave the USA.
The above is very LARP'y though. I foresee balkanization before anything like above happening.
Also I'm not American so this is an outsiders perspective.
This is exactly what I'm saying, every group will vote for its collective interests. I can tell you for a fact that most Hispanics shit on trannies all the time, but we suck it up because we don't want our family deported. But back home we vote to have all the Hatian illegals deported and gay marriage banned because it's in our interests.
>perfectly happy to accept that different races have different genetics that determine appearance, strength, speed, muscle density, bone density, hearing, sight, and speech
>conveniently, the brain was not affected by hundreds of millions of years of evolution in radically different environments
>all races think the same and have the same IQ
>What is racial iq differences
Why didn't he marry a black Israelite?
thank christ the niggers are staying relatively constant
He blames it on culture.
That's a dumb way of looking at it as whites are rapidly declining.
Name 5 non shit hole brown majority countries
And that's why we can't really fully blame the non-whites flooding into our countries. 60 years ago none of you were here (at least in the Commonwealth countries), now you are here. Something diverged in history and Europeans need to look back to find out what it is.
Personally I think it's WW2 and it's immediate aftermath. British immigration policy prior to the 1950s was as harsh as the German one. But the key idea is that if race is not bound to the nation, then a citizen of the nation can be any race at all.
Perhaps it goes back even further.
This guy is so fake, the cringe almost hurts.
Another thing you can do is do policies that indirectly affect minorities - like shut down welfare, harsher prison sentences and have an IQ test for army/ public service admission. Stuff like that will fuck over POCs and stop the transfer of wealth that is currently happening in white countries, but at the same time noone on the left can scream that it is 'racist' as it will affect whites as well just disproportionately less whites will be affected.