Greentext stories of recent diversity experiences you've had

I'll start.
Old thread got pruned but I'd already typed up this longish post which im not willing to just let go.

>be me
>in Tesco opticians getting new glasses
>Middle aged muslim looking guy in front of me in queue, at till getting served
>has already picked his galsses (Its 25% off if youre over the age of 65 in Tesco)
>He takes fucking ages asking loads of questions about how much they cost , in broken english
>He asks how much the anti-glare film costs 3 times (That i counted, he probably asked more)
>Got the same answer 3 times
>he's either really thick or a cheapskate looking for a deal
>Eventually comes round to payment
>Turns out he's under 65
>Isn't getting 25 % off
>Doesn't buy the glasses
>Just walks away, doesnt even say bye or anything to the guy at the till

I sit down at the till and have the glasses i want in my hand, guy at the till is very relieved to see me (I can tell, but he doesn't say it explicitly)

We have a calm, swift, easy transaction, I pay promptly for the item, I leave, we wish each other a good day

well good to know Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general is receptive to well written, original content, thoughtful, on-topic posts, and not just full of spam shill copypasta threads...
oh wait. I might stop coming here desu.

>in high school
>late 90's
>first ever run with liberal women and niggers
>Taking bus home
>standing in rear stepwell where the exit doors are
>at stop
>nigger slamming doors telling me to open up
>ignore him
>some white libshit cunt opens it for him
>he gets on the bus without paying his fare and gets up in my face
>asks me why I didnt open it for him
>tell him I paid my fare and he should too
>libshit is backing him up
>he gets more uppity
>he's in my face trying to provoke me
>libshit berates me with 'he's a poor underpriviliged inner city minority'
>Tell her I dont care everyone here has paid their fair share to ride the bus
>he hits me
>we get into a fight
>libshit is attacking me too
>I'm getting wailed on by a nigger in the front and getting slapped by a cunt in the back
>eventually pin him into the doors
>driver opens it and we both fall out in the street
>he breaks my fall
>he's unconscious
>libshit gets out and is screaming bloody murder
>nigger is bleeding from the back of his head badly
>run away
>dont take that bus route ever again

>be at grocery store with friend
>we go to checkout
>it's a ugly fat Filipino woman there she's about 50
>tell my friend I don't want a foreign cashier
>people give me a look
>we go to the cute young white girl who's there to save up for college

>went out
>saw many niggers on bus
>bad day

Today a white woman on the bus was talking to a Muslim woman about how she worked at Taco Bell until she was 30. Then she went on talking about the town she was from where it's mostly white men, isn't "diverse" and always blame "others who are different". If I wasn't working I would have said something.

Happened today desu,

>at work
>Get up and put tool under chair
>go looking for hardware
>come back
>no tool under chair
>look for 20 mins
>spics speaking Spanish are laughing and looking at me
>keep looking
>get curious
>walk buy his station
>my tool on his bench
>spic has same type of tool but mine is new and shiny
>looks like mine
>he leaves
>i grab tool and look for split in handle of grip
>its mine
>ask him when he gets back
>gives me that tone that he has been caught
>i say "friend must have grabbed it by accident"
>shrug it off
>feel like he stole it on purpose
>end of day
>locking up tool box
>bringing home some tools in my bag
>set bag on table
>turn around lock toolbox
>reach for bag
>not there
>ask where it went
>same mexicunts dont say anything
>another guy acts like he was fucking with me
> figure it was him and go look where he was
>its there
>as im walking back mexicunt walks buy me and stares me down like he is going to hit me
>lock eyes and as "whats up?"
>doesnt say anything but still has that stupid look on his face
>brush him off and wait to clock out

dont know if i should report his behavior to HR and call ICE or just call ICE and wait for him to attack me and beat him within an inch of his life.

ice, also what do you do


>Be me
>Find out the middle class white girl gets her ATAR marked up
>She's 1/8th Abo
>Meanwhile there are poor non-abo kids who struggle to get through
>but nope we need to give those "poor dumb abos stuff, we took their land afterall"

I asked him whats up and he didnt say anything, just stood there looking retarded.

six other coworkers saw the whole thing, it was awkward as fuck famalam, but i am not one to let shit like that slide without speaking up.

kinda wish i would have asked them before all this shit happened where they grew up to see if they are really from mexico.

>be me Hungaryan
>no diversity
>feels good man

>be american
>driving muh chevy v8 turbo
>wtf is that?! A nigger moslem in a dress
>slow down and shout "fuck you nigger" as I drive by
>go to 7-11 and eat 5 hot dogs and drink a beer
>get in gun fight at the gas station while filling
>get home and watch fox news in my underwear

laughing at my bad day

tfw sad

>dont take that bus route ever again
mesa rata da store a 88/14

why not both?

2 chances of success

That word is pejorative you swine, never use it.

pretty sure he meant what job

work in the trades

kill yourself nigger

>well good to know Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general is receptive to well written, original content, thoughtful, on-topic posts, and not just full of spam shill copypasta threads

Just where the fuck do you think you are, newfag?

Contact ICE and watch your back.

kek i wish this was real

Seems like every week at my office job we have to hear about the wonders of diversity. There's always "diversity seminars" and presentations about the values of having a diverse workplace. Its fucking weird.

ahah passive aggressive feminine britbong fag XDDD
>inb4 i wuz just "pretending" to be retarded

I doubt the Gypsies magically went away. I also saw many Turks and even Chinese last time I was there.


>staff is 55% male
>senior managers/partners are 90+% male
>tfw all those fucking diversity reports and shit going on about how this is such a terrible injustice and how we should plan to get it to 50/50
Effectively hiding your power level is a full-time job on its own

I'm a europoor in NYC, I've never experienced this much ((diversity)) before.

This city is like a dystopian novel

At least this place redpilled my parents

This is why, despite my ability to claim to something like this, I will not take it. I am middle class, well off and can afford\do it myself.

I would prefer that these advantages go to people that need it, like have an actual means test to it, etc. But of course would go ape over that since they and their middle class friends can no longer exploit it then.

>be me security guard
> work at building that is semi public (like a museum)
> 2nd gen Somali mudslime women come in without shoes on.
>tell them to put shoes on everyone has to wear shoes
>they refuse they are going to pray.
>insist they put on shoes explain hygiene that I have already told others to put their shoes on. Not fair to them.
>They refuse.
>I start to escalate tell them I don’t care that they are praying.
>Start getting pissed when Somali cunt starts recording.
>Tell them to leave when they are done or I am calling the police.
>Bitch gets uppity but they leave as I glare at them (bad optics dragging slimes through the lobby at a libshit place)
>Emails the head of visiting dept. (apparently used to intern on a diversity hire bullshit)
>Have to have mandatory sensitivity training.
>Nothing happens because libshits forgot 2 days later because they don’t know how to run a business.

^** the left would go ape shit

Fuck I need to proof read my posts

I'm moving there soon. Wish we could meet up. Tell me about it, got any stories?

I've only been here for a couple of days. I imagine I would enjoy the city more before being redpilled. It's basically a leftist end game of a city. Maximum diversity reached, black population and spic population pasified but ready to be rallied against whites in case they get unruly. Jews securely in control and very prominant in the city streets.

All kinds of lefty propaganda around you at all times in the form of giant billboards pushing homosexuality or reminding non whites at all time that they are discriminated against.

Passification of the muds is complete though, they're rarely really bad around these parts at least. One thing I noticed is that as a genius welfare scheme there are tons and tons of ''fake jobs''. Basically nigger tier jobs are everywhere, holding signs for tourists, museum catering staff. All of them are niggers and about 3 times the amount you would realistically need for that situation.

I actually think it's a genius alternative for regular welfare, though it's not official policy.

>be me
>live in oklahoma
>in highschool
>native americans fucking everywhere
>they get tons of school supplies and financial help
>still bitch and moan about white man with privileges
>they live in a home made by their goverment, its nice central heat and air, stable
>i live in home with a roof caving in with lil to no income
>they are set for life while im struggling
>please explain how im privileged and they aren't
god im so glad i left there oklahoma is a shithole

PS. Basically it's a really exhausting city, which can be exciting to some people. But through the lense of a polack it's even more exhausting than usual.

I work in a Mexican restaurant in the South so I see diversity all the time.
The Hispanics aren't that bad because the restaurant isn't a shitty, cheap one.
But the niggers.

>Minding my own business, bartending
>Two black whales waddle in
>Both African beauties wearing tight dresses that show off every roll of fat
>Visibly out of breath by the time they make it to a table
>Struggle to get in chair
>Have to go greet them and shit
>"Hey welcome can we get you started with anything to drink?"
>Panting noises and the sound of gurgling fat
Have you ever met someone that was so morbidly obese that they couldn't communicate?
>Several tries
>Cant figure out if they want margaritas or mojitos or if they want them frozen
>Getting a little frustrated
>But then the juggling fat bounces a gold necklace around as she tries to form words
>An ankh necklace
Spent the rest of the time chuckling to myself.

black guy does things and I'm all like you cool lad!!! XD

>be couple months ago
>be in walmart in south east 'murica
>shit tons of brown people here now, dont know why
>go into walmart looking for cable
>guy at the electronics desk has 3 indians at the counter (dot kind, not feather kind)
>walk up and wait
>mfw they are actually trying to get a discount on an ipad
>mfw theres even more indians at the checkout upfront
>mfw there is an indian running the register

lel I thought the whole KANGZ thing was just a meme

Shit, you're Polish? I DESPERATELY want to move to Poland. How hard is it to get in? I have tremendous respect for your refusal to accept rapefugees. I hope you are voting man, you guys and Hungary may be our last chances. I have to go to new York for school.

Just realive you probably me as nt Sup Forumsack. Advice on how to move to Poland would still be appreciated

>dont know if i should report his behavior to HR and call ICE or just call ICE and wait for him to attack me and beat him within an inch of his life.

report him to hr
then call ice
then beat him to a half inch of his life while you are waiting on them to show up
bonus points if they show up during the fight and you throw it so they just see "an illegal assaulting an American citizen"

>I DESPERATELY want to move to Poland.
Don't do it. The refugee policy is great but polish people are rotten and stupid to their core.

Source: I'm polish

Also polish women age like milk. They look great until they hit their expiry date, and then quickly go sour.

>b me getting donuts for the guys in my department
>it's 5:30 am, i'm in line behind a camel-munching curry fucker
>the guy in front of me apparently has no idea i'm behind, no one at register
>camel munching curry fucker begins using at least four fingers to scratch an itch in his lower colon
>notices me when i clear my throat
>casually walks around counter and asks to take my order
>me "juss looking k-thx-bye"

>live in Dearborn
>everyone wears a garbage bag

Just end my life

>be korean
>interviewed for a med program

>whole interview this asian lady was glaring at me
>at the end she said "you know user, as an asian you don't stand out much"

>next day mexican friend took interview
>her marks/research/volunteering are all objectively lower than mine
>she said that the same asian lady said she was already in the program and how california needs more spanish speaking doctors ect ect


Do not buy into the Pole meme too much. Life quality there is still worse than the more western countries, even considering lack of rapefugees.

I'm sure their resilience will make them a much safer country in 50-100 years but for now you'd be a fool to move there. Just move to a white part of the US instead.

Never forget, the same hostility to outsiders that Poles have towards immigrants applies to you.

that has to be illegal under the same discrimination laws that prevent banks giving loans based on race or gender and landlords from renting based on race or gender.


Fuck I'm interning in Newark NJ this summer so I have a bunch.

What do you faggots want: stories about the niggers I work with or stories about the niggers on the streets (both are pretty entertaining)

why not both?

>Work 7pm-7am shift 6 days a week
>On my night off I'm at the gym
>Get done at 3 am and go to walmart since its the only shithole open
>Get some groceries and walk out
>Nignog is entering as I leave
>as soon as I'm out he bee-lines for me
>I drop my bags and reach behind my back for my carry.
>Nigger runs screaming back into walmart
>Pick up my shit and continue back to my vehicle.

I see these fucking niggers once a month, and they're always a walking stereotype.

Isn't that illegal? I am pretty sure that's illegal even with the pro-diversity crap.

Sue, and sue hard

From this trip and the internship I've done here I'd say open and clear legal and hiring descrimination against white men is par for the course in this country.

It's not illegal. The applicants are at the mercy of the interviewers in almost anything here

>live in Poland
>no diversity
>feels goodman.png

>at music festival
>30 year old 6'5 jacked nigger with 2 fine ass 20 year old white chicks
>has arms around both
>performers tell the girls to get up on shoulders
>the hotter if the two get in his mighty shoulders
>perfect ass
>look at my 190lb stump of a gf
>shake head
>next song comes on
>gf asks him if he can go on his shoulder
>he agrees
>I'm angered but playin cool cuz it's a chill festival
>we later go back to their camp for drinks
>the two chicks go in the tent and ask my girl if she wants to come in a smoke pot
>I'm chillin outside the tent with the nigger
>talkin basketball of course
>they call him over to the tent
>whisper a few things
>he says" only room for one more bruh
>kinda buzzed and confused
>th-thats cool
>Sit outside the tent for an hour listening to him fuck my gf
>we haven't spoken about it since



Really? If that was here it would be very, very illegal as you cannot hire someone based on their skin color and if you can prove that this was the case they can be slapped down hard.

I mean they talk about diversity caps here in Aus, but legally they cannot do it as they would be breaching workplace and anti-discrimination laws.

that's the point paco the taco

>21 years old
>Still a liberal in college
>Even though I spent my childhood in nigger schools around niggers
>Eating my lunch at a park
>Nigger family eating near me
>Had my wallet and cell phone on the table
>Had to throw away the wrapper to my sandwich but the trash can is kind of far away
>Surely these African-American citizens will not steal right in front of their kids. I can relax around these blacks.
>Go to throw my fucking wrapper away without securing my belongings
>When I come back, my wallet, phone, and the niggers are all gone

6 months later, I saw the parents getting arrested for drug possession in front of their kids in the same park so the story has a happy ending. I still feel really stupid and embarrassed that I trusted them. After all the experience I've had with niggers, I really should have known better. Now I know better than to override pattern recognition and since then, I have never given a nigger the benefit of the doubt.

>California right after prop 8 made gay marriage illegal.
>Ultra liberal jewbitch high school teacher ranting and ranting about how it's bigoted old white people who made gay marriage illegal
>"In a few years all this hatred will stop after all the old people die!"
>Black girls finally stop chatting in the back of the room like they normally do
>"OH MS JEW, being gay is a SIN and I am AGAINST gay marriage and all my friends and family voted AGAINST gay marriage"
>Murmuring sounds of "Mhm thas right, thas right"
>Jew teacher is damn near shaking, and quickly changes topic to today's lesson plan.


I can tell by how poles from poland act on Sup Forums. They are way too defensive and gung ho about their country all the time, like koreans

source: I'm korean

Dump her now you damn Cuck. Call her up, state that you have thought about it a lot and that she cross a boundary she shouldn't have crossed and dump her.

Sure you'll be single for a while but fuck me man... have some standards and some pride, in yourself.

Kill yourself, cuck.

Oh there are laws similar to that here too, but the problem is the interviewer can easily deny it and pursuiting a lawsuit will probably put me on some sort of list for med schools to reject. Word of mouth is a scary thing

will do this desu

>Going to the mall with my dad
>In the parking lot looking for a spot the place was filled with cars.
>suddenly one spot opens up
>As we head closer to the spot some fucking middle aged lady drives the wrong way into the parking starts making hand signs
>We park anyways
>She rolls down the windows and starts yelling "malditos rabiblancos blah blah blah" (fucking whities)
>I just look at my dad and laugh in her face

Ok. I'll start with nogs on the street

>Be me
>White as fuck
>First week interning in Newark
>Week ends (finally)
>Walk through nigger infested streets to get to train station
>Standing on platform
>See qt3.14 intern I met on the first day
>Start talking to her
>See middle aged, skinny ass homeless nigger coming up behind her
>Getting ready to fuck him up if he tries to hurt either of us
>Fucker walks right in between us in the middle of our conversation
>"Scuse me, lady and gentleman, I-I need yo halp. If each of yous could spare, just about too or tree fity *rest is indecipherable*"
>Look at him
>Tell him to fuck off
>Girl thinks I'm insensitive
>Chances are ruined

Fast forward a 8 days

>Be standing in train station again
>See old nigger walking up the platform again
>Starts walking towards me
>Start moving up the platform trying to avoid him
>"Now hol up there yung fella, I aint gon hurt you"
>Try to ignore him
>Nigger gets up right in front of me and pulls at my sleeve
>smells fucking disgusting and looks like he's high
>"Now I aint gonna hurt you" (as we're standing 3 feet away from the edge of the platform - could have easily pushed me)
>Pretend to play along - notice cross on his shirt and comment "Yeah you're a christian, of course you aren't going to hurt me"
>Asks me for 4.25 in same indecipherable voice
>tell him I don't have any and to fuck off

Next time I see this fucker, I'm going to pull his ass over to the transit cops and get him arrested. Could have lost my virginity to that girl


Not for racial shit like that.

Why not get an etcher/engraver and engrave "WHITES ONLY" on your tools?

holy shit.

Good thing you dumped that qt3.14, she sounds too stupid to date.

>Could have lost my virginity to that girl
Wouldn't have been worth it user. You find yourself a good prejudiced girl who knows what's up in the world. You lose your virginity to her.

>be me
>doing internship
>shadow old black lady with who smokes and has her ebonics dial set to 100 for the day

I'm sure she was doing a fine job teaching me if I could understand a thing she said. Other than that I don't have many experiences with other people because the county I've lived in for the last decade is 96% white.

Dont even tell her.
Did she tell him that she was going to fuck the nigger? no.
Cut the bitch out cold. Ignore all communications and move on with your life.

Another one (from work this time)

>Be me
>Intern at large financial institution
>Thinking I've made it big
>go in for first day of duty, supervisor and most of the people I work with are niggers
>Seem nice enough though so I don't mind
>Walk into bathroom later that day
>Smells fucking horrible
>Walk over to stall, see that someone took a massive shit, didn't flush, and then someone took a shit on top of that and clogged the toilet
>can't stand the fucking smell and appalled that someone would do this at such a large and well respected firm
>Think it must have been a series of mistakes on someone's part
>Go back next day
>Same fucking thing
>This continues for first four days before I meet one of the culprits
>Walk into bathroom
>See nigger walk out of stall
>Walk in and realize the fucker didn't flush
>Walk in same time next day, it's the same fucking nigger

Not sure who the other person is still, but now I'm 99% sure it's one of the other niggers. Why is it even the ones who have been given the best opportunities manage to be uncivilized apes?

all my tools are engraved, i just bought this like a month ago and haven't gotten around to engrave it.

gonna have to now with these fucking shitskins walking around.

haha, holy shit. If that's real, what a cuck you are

That's when you let the nigger drive her home or leave her stranded in what always happens to used up roasties eventually. You should not have been present the instant she talked to him.

More like the California supreme court just overturns the Voter's choice

I will bet it is the same guy.

Probably. I'm waiting for it to be a different one honestly.

It could also be a pajeet. There are a few of those walking around my floor


>be fireman in big city
>have to help nogs all day and enter their disgusting motel rooms filled with cigarette smoke and 8 kids who have 0 chance of making anything of their life

>just overturns the Voter's choice
commifornia doesnt have real elections. Im not even surprised.

Asian bros you get fucked harder than we do. But you get better IT jobs.

similar experience as an EMT

So glad I'm not Asian.

I got in this cycle and it's pitiful how easy minorities are treated. They can have shit tier stats and still get in. What's even worse is that every school tries to harp about their "diversity".

Not leaving and getting lighterfluid and lighting the tent on fire and leaving.

Seriously though nobody remembers names at festivals or even what you look like 1 hour after you meet them

I was at a conference at UCI recently and 80% of the Mexican med students I talked to had 2.8-3.1 GPA with less than stellar mcat scores. One of them even had a criminal record and another was an illegal immigrant

>co-worker invited me to his house for a party with board games
>don't know anybody else so I just observe and drink some beer
>be probably the only non-leftist not-man baby there
>a few women are there too
>one girl comes up and we introduce and talk a little
>in front of me, she turns to the coworker that invited me, and gave him a little attitude because he invited "yet another tall white guy"
>she apologized to me quickly, but it sounded pretty empty

>nigs for neighbors on either side of me
>many times had some loud nigger making a ruckus and pounding on doors and windows in the middle of the night over some nigger shit

>be me
>16 years old
>skipped school
>two Bolivian darkies jump me on the street
>demand I hand over my backpack
>tell them to fuck off
>get into a fist fight with both
>car slows down to see what's going on, scares them off, they scram
>cool dude asks me if I'm OK and offers me a ride

>not that interesting but when I was a kid I used to go to a cyber cafe owned by Koreans and they ate the weirdest shit
>over my time there I saw the owner eating squid soup, some rolls that smelled like onions, noodle soup of any smell you can imagine, and kimchi
>dude was always on the Yahoo! Korea version playing pool
>dressed in sweatpants and smelling really foul
>other Koreans I've met were based so I'll just pin it on that particular guy being weird af

>Vacations in Paris
>take the RER (metro)
>full of niggers and muslims
>I'm in wtf mode (didn't browse Sup Forums back then)
>Arab family asks me for directions thinking I'm French
>reply to them saying I'm a tourist in broken French
>don't believe me or something
>they curse me in French and walk away

Another street nigger one:

>Be me
>Part Italian (Also German)
>Walking to train station after work
>walk by statue of Christopher Columbus in park on way to train station
>Big, beautiful statue in the park
>Says something to the nature of "In memory of Christopher Columbus, the immortal Genoese who discovered America. Erected by the Italian communities of Newark in 1946"
>walking by statue on this day
>lots of nogs hanging out in the park
>Suddenly, one walks up to the statue, says "Fuck you white devil nigga" (or something like that, I can never understand niggers)
>Nigger pulls down pants
>shits on the statue
>Proceeds to throw the shit at Columbus's face and rub it on the plaque

That one hurt lads. My grandma (sweet old Italian lady) grew up in that city around the time this thing was built. If she was there watching that, it would have killed her. I can't imagine how she even can bear it knowing that the streets she used to play in are now almost too dangerous to walk

-Summer of 2007. 17 years.
-Playing basketball with 3 other friends.
-Wild SouthAmericans appear. 8 or 9.
-You need to pay to use the court.
-They beat the shit out of us.

>Be in year one
>Be in a school that is 90% Muslim
>Playing marbles with a group of Muslims in year six
>One of them wants one of my marbles
>Tell him he can't have it
>He bashes me over the head with a rock
>Cuts my skull open
>Go to hospital
>Kid gets no punishment from Anglo principal

We moved the next week