>Be this man
>One of the greatest comedians of your generation
>Start small working at strip malls and bars
>Grind and grind and grind
>Go on O & A five hundred times
>Refine your craft, find your voice
>Years go by
>Comedy gets sharper. More insightful
>One day your collectively roast Philadelphia on the cuff
>Slowly your specials start building steam
>Become a voice of sanity and reason
>Call out the cucks
>Rail against marriage
>Destroy the feminists
>Don't get a house you have no freedom
>Play the drums and get drunk, watch football, travel the world
>Made It.Jpeg
>Marry a literal SJW succubus
>She ruins your podcast
>Last two specials bomb
>Gets rid of your drums
>Makes you get a dog, then get rid of it
>Can't talk to your friends anymore
>Makes you into a cuck
>Now you work for her, own a house you never wanted
>She uses her connections for her "movie career"
>Have a kid that you're not sure is yours
>Wew lad the Greeks couldn't write this shit
The Fall of Bill Burr
Other urls found in this thread:
True but the only good commie is a dead commie
Patrice is attempting to roll in his very stuffy grave
>that you're not sure is yours
sauce me
I feel like Patrice was a couple years from blowing up. But his shit was too real. He would have to dumb it down and become less "agressive" looking to normal people, like Kevin Hart. He's shit was incredibly on point. He'd probably break Stephen Colbert tiny little mind
this nigger
>Have a kid that you're not sure is yours
Where's the pasta about that? I haven't seen that anywhere outside /tv.
Proof he was just playing to a target audience.
there isn't a future in which Patrice isn't dead from diabetus
it was a part of him just as strong as his comedy and terrible taste in hats
christ almighty
that poor bastard
Burr that's cold *shivering*
just listen to the man's podcast
this is all truth.
It makes no sense. He would have had a decent pick at any white women.
Good rule of thumb. Balding gingers are always cucks
can we convince him to drop his wife and "child"
is the thing about the dog true?
i didnt know she was a nigress, i just knew she was a bad person due to the dog killing and drum banishment.
wow. poor bill.
he did it to himself.
no sympathy.
Gave up ten years of his life. Comedians kill with women. He got the fear. Didn't want to die alone. So went for the nuclear option.
>cuckholdry is a bad thing
surprised paternity tests aren't mandatory by now
Sad. Just sad...
Now he's all over Colbert and MSM. He married a nigger and will get a TV show from it.
She killed a dog?
i listened to the podcast again, they gave it away turns out or so they say
not as bad, but shes still a cunt
Hey bro, I also listen to his podcast. Podcastbros.
Colberts gone off the deep end.
Uber creepy vibes with Andrew Garfield. Kissed him btw. Was weird with Bill in an interview a few nights ago. And was a cunt to Oliver Stone. Dude did a legit 4 part interview with Putin and couldn't deal with a different point of view.
Is Bill Burr a homosexual?
They gave it away. He talks about seeing the dog a few times. The dog was abused, not something you want to raise a child around. No probs with that.
Doesn't seem like it. Seems like the dog was unadjusted and a ticking time bomb.
Fucking sad though, man ):
Dog brehs are real brehs...
Shes ruined the podcast. She's his Yoko Ono. He's comedy has bombed in recent years. Incredibly shit. Hopefully he does a Dave Chappelle and can find a different way. I have hope for the bastard. Feel affection for him like no other celebrity. Like one of the good guys won.
Shit, user. In some places they're illegal.
RGIII was a cornball brother. His favorite band was probably like The Swans or something, swear to god.
Money whores aren't worthy.
He'll never top the Arnold bit.
>empty space
I'll take dark energy for 500, Alex.
Yeah, like in France.
>your wife gets pregnant
>shits out a half coon
>you have to pay child support because you can't prove it isn't yours
>if you try to get a paternity test, you'll get screwed even more
CAPTCHA: French street signs
>Colberts gone off the deep end.
>Uber creepy vibes with Andrew Garfield. Kissed him btw
That's fucking disgusting.
You burn the coal you pay the toll.
His animated series "F is for Family" will go down as the greatest adult cartoon of all time, mark my words, and these gets
Dude not joking. There was something incredibly creepy about it. I've gone clubbing in SF. Lots of faggots around doing gay shit didn't bother me. But they was something predatory in his eyes
Patrice's death was the beginning of the end for him.
And yet, Stanhope is still just Stanhope.
I call her Coco Ono.
Stanhope is a bit overrated. He reminds me of some of my old alcoholic friends.
This is Burr's best bit imo, and this is how he'll probably end up as well:
He's not funny though. He's a crazy fucker who tells outrageous stories about himself and rants for 4 hours about Hitler
>ITT: autists mad that a man found love and happiness.
Oh fuck that's nice.
Almost as good as the guy in the bawleeted spider thread where that one dude talked about toy spiders coming to life being a sure sign of the happening happening.
Patrice was the only thing keeping Burr & CK from going full cuck routine
O'Neal would be destroying them right now for how pathetic they all are
I saw Doug live one time and he had the alkie shakes on stage. Had to sit down on a stool and cross his arms to keep from dropping the mic.
the only true god
Patrice was literally raising a kid that wasn't his own.
Link clip? Body language of assertive predatory dominance is fascinating
He's great for those reasons though.
And he's the only goy com I've ever heard pull off a legit critique of jewry-
There are funnier comedians, of yeah. But they always seem to end up like Burr. Even Carlin ended up a whiny old complaining fart at the end.
Yeah, he is like the guy who everyone knows is a mess, but he is entertaining/mildly entertaining, so people egg him on. I don't think it's worth being that much of a degenerate to be funny.
He was also a massive swinger, refused to marry, and loved getting his nipples sucked while having his balls played with.
He was a complex man with much wisdom to share
I thinks she's a nasty horse looking bitch, but he is happy and loves her. And that's all that matters to him.
Good lord she is hideous.
How many years until his divorce?
I give it two.
>but he is happy and loves her
I cannot wait until she divorces him, the material when he loses it will be top notch
What if he doesn't? What are you going to do then? Cum in your sock?
For sure, I'm kind of glad he didn't have to suffer through this SJW bullshit nowadays.
His last special didn't exactly bomb in my opionion, it was surely different. He experimented with a lot of different reactions. Wasn't as funny as the others for sure.
His wife is a huge SJW. I would say that she can be converted maybe, but it's impossible with a black woman for sure since that's what got her into show business in the first place.
I just saw him a month ago. He was definitely drunk as shit. Still made me laugh my ass off. And my friend, at the end, asked how Bingo was doing. Doug went off for ten minutes about them and sounded more sober than the entire set. Have nothing but well wishes for that guy and her.
I get sad whenever I hear him on Rogan's podcast, he sounds so... dead inside.
Yeah I remember not laughing at his special that was shot in b/w.
how could people help speed up the process...
>I cannot wait until she divorces him
And that's a pretty nasty wish leaf.
Why would you wish misery upon a man that has done nothing to you? Does the black void that is your existence make you hate and wish ill on others? Does it make you feel better about yourself?
The man does not care. That's what's admirable to me. He's someone who goes out into public and takes aim at assholery and takes the risk of "bullets" for those of us who feel we've too much to lose. That's what a good comedian does, even if he's not drop-dead hilarious. He says what we think, so at least there's a voice saying it. The fact that he's done everything he can to waste himself yet still keeps kicking just makes it all the sweeter.
Lesser men would have offed themselves.
He even lives in a state that's mostly inhabited by people who would want him in prison or dead, for the fun of it.
Stanhope is who he is, that's what I love about him. He doesn't change like a fucking ADHD infested dunce like Rogan and Burr
>One of the greatest comedians of your generation
Bullshit. He was never more than C-grade mediocre comedian at best.
Those eyes....
he's dead inside
He's dead
She seems like the type that's going to wait whatever the minimum amount of years it takes to get the ultimate payout in divorce court. Anyone know what that is in California?
>I heard he votes republican.
I fuckin' love Stanhope, but he's barely funny anymore. He's too goddamn slow, and his whole "fuck having kids and fuck the planet" shtick has been worn thin.
this is his best special
this is one of the greatest bits in comedy. Yes one of the best bits ever. Its that good. He is that good.
She has been unemployed for the past few years and lives 100% off him, much like a leech. Eventually she will divorce him.
I was so shocked that the last few specials kind of cuck for black people and attack white people. Then I see he married an ugly woman! This is a rich and famous manly man at the top of his game, and he picks an ugly ass broad with a bad attitude? I started to realize even his marriage to her was a weird virtue signaling. He's become a huge dissapointment to dudes everywhere
that show sucks
Too many comedians and ecelebs and the like are generally unprincipled and basically nobody ever knows where any of them are coming from, from a genuine place or a contrived one to appeal to a certain base. He's just another George Carlin wannabe, like that cuck Jim Jefferies...give me a break. Those same old, tired, stressed and elongated liberal talking points taking that cheap shot at America. Pfffft.
Well I guess he paid the toll. Couldn't he have bought a nice wife from Eastern Europe?
>gets divorce
>loses house, his jag, drums, the kid
>broken shell of a man
And that is when you tune in to his new special. A happy mans comedy is never as good as broken mans
He married a shitskin and got played. Bill Burr is so close to being an alpha male, but then he goes on and on about racists and how hitler is so bad without realizing the amount of propaganda that went into making him look bad and using hitler as a club against all political oppenents - and you realize Burr has been brainwashed as well. Hey Billy Boy, the blacks don't fuckin care about you. Patrice O'neal was a very rare individual. But black people don't care about you bud. Keep working toward individualist realism and stop drinking the diversity kool-aid.
Its actually decent. But like most shit today is living of this nostalgia 70/80's fetish that is infesting society. No one can come up with original shit.
Bill Burr is annoying. He has good jokes but something about him just annoys the fuck out of me and I can't listen.
That's what he gets for marrying a monkey.
i really liked him. i still enjoy his humor etc. but man, he really pussied out there towards the end. I know I know, comics can't get too political without alienating half the fans. But god damn, he is far to intelligent to just shrug shit off and act like a clueless dumbass. I didn't buy it then & I still don't buy it now. He just doesn't want it to affect his career. Sucks.
Rogan's comedy never really made me laugh, but his shit on the podcast can be great.
And he's the best interviewer in the US, when it comes to actual interesting guests.
The Hancock/Carlson episodes are among the best stuff I've ever seen on youtube, or in video format for that matter.
And it's always a riot when Joe and Alex get together.
Speaking of AJ-
ya fucked up bill, should have been listening to your own shit
Would Patrice have been able to break through Billy's white guilt?
It didnt bomb i agree, it had some great parts but i didnt like it as much as his previous b/w/ special.
His wife is irredeemable btw. Anytime shes on the podcast she is spewing some ridiculous shit and even when its clearly false bill just rolls over. There is no un-sjw'ing her its over the only thing to hope for is that bill realises this
Also does anyone know exactly what the fuck she even does? Like from what i can gather she just spends his cash for him?