>You will never be European
You will never be European
>Europe is still 90% white
Hol up
give it time, goyim.
so I won't have to be a weak effeminate cucklet and let black men fuck my wife? neat
>amerifats don't have this
enjoy your skyjewCRAPers
>you will never be irish and good looking
haha Turkey are begging to be in the EU.
of course we do
>half of the men are either literally faggots or weak jawed so no competition
>most of their women are so easy to fuck and know well how to handle a circumcised dick
it's raining pussy on me when I roam in gayrope. turkish bitches demand too much effort compared to them. wouldn't you want free access to easy pussy without having to deal with visa passport etc?
>Europe isn't the middle East. Smug.jpg
Thank goodness
Neither do you spic. That castle is in Normandy.
Norman master race
Oh yeah?
> Indicating i want to be European, sorry but i do not get turned on by watching my gf getting fked by black men, so i can possible not have anything in common with you honor less cucks.
how would you even know? racial statistics are illegal in europe lol
Take a boat, you don't see howany africans are becoming european?
Oh but you are
Becoming European would be like giving up your freedom and future for a rich heritage
>tfw stuck as an Amerimutt
Speak for yourself.
But I want to live in a log cabin in nature and kill grizz with my bare hands. I wish there were still injuns with unbroken spirits to shoot.
Thank the lord.
>be Europe
>be 99.99% white for 10,000 years
>throw it all away in a few decades because of commie faggot politics
all the smart Europeans left for america long ago Abdul
What a beautiful mosque.