If the jews are behind the death of western culture why would they help grow Islam which is a much bigger treat to them?
If the jews are behind the death of western culture why would they help grow Islam which is a much bigger treat to them?
It's got an 'h' in it you mong.
Also if the holocaust was a hoax then why did the jews deserve it?
They don't plan ahead. It benefits then at the moment
>If te jews are behind the death of western culture why would they help grow Islam which is a much bigger treat to them?
1. They'll still be in control of what was formally White society
2. They'll still have Israel.
When we'll be figthing civil war in our country, we won't care about what Israel will be doing to it's neighbor. They will go full nazi on non Jewish population and nonbody will give a shit because too busy elsewhere.
I suddenly have an urge to bake something Jewish.
because they know Islam will never challenge their power. look at what (((they've))) done to the middle east. Christian nations aka white western nations are the real threat. They are well on their way to destroying them though, through (((immigrants))).
this shit makes no sense they literally stole our holy land. not too mention they see christians and muslims as 2nd citizens in Israel. Jews also helped trump get into office in the first place
The jews have a problem with the muslims. They can't defeat them by themselves so they use white goy blood on the battlefield.
So I guess no bank robberies ever took place, right, seeing as all people are always logical and omniscient, and fully cognizant of longer-term consequences?
The real history of the Jews in its entirety is of a fat effeminate Jew reaching up to slap a huge Ukrainian peasant, over and over, and asking himself out loud why the peasant just lets him do that.
>Jews also helped trump get into office in the first place
Holocaust deniers btfo.
>taking anything these stormweenies say seriously
These are mentally ill people with very obvious symptoms of schizophrenia. Non of their conspiracy theories make any sense
simply put, the Jew would rather have Muslims as the gentiles
they hate Christianity like no other
It's not about religion, it's about racial destruction. Islam can be dealt with by controlling the countries themselves through money. Just like us.
I hate semites equally.
Anything to destroy Christianity.
The Jews are less afraid of Muslims than they are afraid of European Christians. Jews built their homeland surrounded by Muslims and have defeated them in wars on multiple occasions.
you seriously think once 2/3rd of the world is under sharia law that we wont retaliate against those filthy jews? Get outta here.
The real cause is because you let women into higher positions not because of some jewish bogeyman
These people are so deep in denial that instead of admitting they are being cucked hard by women and effeminate leftists from their race, they have to make up some Jewish boogeyman excuse it's hilarious
Jews are smart but they don't know when to quit while they are ahead.
Hence why every culture eventually gets fed up with their bullshit and either wants to exile them or lolocoast them.
They brought the muslims here so we would hate there enemies and it's worked like a charm. Now they're going to sit back and watch their enemies fight one another.
Good argument
>you seriously think once 2/3rd of the world is under sharia law that we wont retaliate against those filthy jews?
Jews have the bomb. They'll gladly nuke Mecca if they're about to face destruction. Haven't you ever heard of the Samson Option?
>Good argument
We have facts to back up our beliefs.
>The real cause is because you let women into higher positions
I unironically have to agree with the shitskin even under the greatest mentors women will always find a way to ruin it for everyone
Show your real flag israel
This. Anti-Semitism is a mental illness.
I personally would love for the elites to be culturally enriched.
>Anti-Semitism is a mental illness.
Anti-Semitism is a disease.
You catch it from Jews.
But seriously...you know what an anti-Semite is? It's someone the Jews don't like.
Anti-Semitic, it's a Trick We Always Use It
ther are some truth and then there is a lot of bullshit like illuminati but for the most part the jew saudi and americans are the greatest traitor of humanity
>ther are some truth and then there is a lot of bullshit like illuminati but for the most part the jew saudi and americans are the greatest traitor of humanity
Which is ironic coming from you posting with that flag considering the fact that Communism is Jewish.
>Islam which is a much bigger t[h]reat to them?
It isn't.
Saudi Family Is Jewish?
The Saudi Royal Family is Jewish! King and Prince are all Jews
Jews aren't very smart, contrary to what they'd have you believe. They're just close-knit and will take the time it takes to accomplish a task to subvert you, even if it takes generations.
> letting in jews into the white house
well done Jimbo