$25 million down the shitter for this? You can't help but feel bad for the American left at this point

$25 million down the shitter for this? You can't help but feel bad for the American left at this point.

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Is it official tho phampam

The Democratic Party is not the American left

The MOST expensive congressional campaign in US history, glad they departed with all that money for nothing

Radio was saying $50M famalam

I want the left to become pizzagate victims.

I will never feel bad for them.

$50 million chicken bones muh nigga

oh, then what is it?

Most of them WERE pizzagate victims as children, that's why they're mentally deranged enough to actually be a Democrat.

If we can end Pizzagate, we essentially gut the Democrat Party.

You can't call yourself a victim if you turn into what they have. They clearly fed off it.

Go, Handel! Win it!

This is what the left excels at, throwing mountains of cash at losing prospects.

>Not naming your son Jack Ossoff

What did they mean by this?

I still don't understand why everyone's making a huge deal out of this race.


what was that MONEY used for ???

maybe 30mil for ads (payment to MSM's 6 corporations)

most of the people are VOLUNTEERS, no?

who has the MONEY NOW?


Yes they are.

Just a furthering of the idea that thw Democrat party is circling the drain.
Cant win a congressional race, even after blowing 50 million.

It's very plain and simple. Delusional Democrats truly believe that they can be competitive in swing states in 2018, if they can win a strong Republican seat!

The left wants to win it really bad because it is in a traditionally red state, so if they won this race they could push that media narrative that trump's base it turning on him. Even though Trump didn't even win GA by a huge margin this is normally seen with republican candidates.

inb4 liberals make up excuses for losing
>muh racism
>muh populism
>muh dumb rednecks
>muh russian hackers

So just more pointless spin that blows up in their face again. Fantastic.

>retarded millenial loses to established secretary of state businesswoman

The sickening thing is that so much of this money is from out-of-state. Apparently somewhere around 14% of the money for Jon Ossoff came from Georgia and the rest came from out of state. Whoever wins this race is expected to represent their district's needs in the Federal arena. The Dems clearly aren't above mucking with other people's representation in order to advance their own goals.


A political campaign is like making a Hollywood movie.

Thousands upon thousands of people are paid for everything from personal assistants, researching, administrative, purchasing air time, production, directors, etc etc. It's just like making a movie, like in Wag the Dog.



I like how Dems now have to pay their own people to do damage control now. Someone start a new thread with the much higher much more accurate number

what reddit is tihs? link please

You think the Republican party represents the right?

You realize that most Republicans would condemn Hitler?

That's what enrages me about this shit. The whole point of having congressional districts is that the candidates are supposed to represent the interests of the people living there. Instead, we have vast sums of money being pumped in from the likes of Soros and other multinational jews, as well as a bunch of kikes in California and New York and the entire media status propping Ossoff up as well. It's complete and utter bullshit.

The establishment is busy screeching autistically about "muh russian interference" and yet this shit happens and nobody gives a fuck. Why the fuck are outside forces allowed to interfere in a local election at all?
For fucks sake, Ossoff doesn't even LIVE in the district he's running in!

FBI use your supercomputers or whatnot.

Nice trips. Are they really pushing for violence and shooting of Republican politicians? Secret service needs to talk to these shitheads.

John Osseff is:
>well spoken
>relatively good looking
>highly educated

This combo is incredibly rare for a jew. He's like their miracle child, they were hoping to propel him up the ladder Obama-style. Nurture him into a future senate or presidential candidate.

>b-but Democrats are the good guys, guys!


This is the third or fourth time this has happened. Lefty media focusing in and hyping up and then acting like nothing happened. Again and again. It is now a trend.

>You realize that most Republicans would condemn Hitler?
Oh, baby bird. I have bad news for you, sweetie.

Link for live polling results?

>Why the fuck are outside forces allowed to interfere in a local election at all?
Because these local elections affect the majority political powers in Congress, the house and Senate. You know this. Stop acting retarded just to spark a debate.


>spend 60 million on first special election
>"w-well we're actually winning because the margin is lower than normal!"
>spend 60 billion oon second special election
>lose again
>"w-well we're actually still winning even more because the margin is lower than normal! Drumpf is finished!"
>spend 60 trillion on third special election
>lose once again
>"w-well we're winning because the margin is still lower than before! Impeach Drumpf muh Russia collusion he's finished this time for real!"

Any more special elections? This shit keeps getting better.

>He's like their miracle child, they were hoping to propel him up the ladder Obama-style. Nurture him into a future senate or presidential candidate
This. He was supposed to be the next Obama, but looks like his career is dead before takeoff.


Do Democrats not understand how any portion of the government works?

>Democrats generally just want to help the people
> Livable wage
> Helping the poor
> Not recognizing that half of people below the poverty line don't have jobs, and that only 18% of people who benefit from minimum wage increases are actually considered poor.
> Not recognizing that the minimum wage has grown over 40% in most states over the last decade, and has actually grown faster than wages in aggregate, yet poverty and inequality continues to grow
> Not recognizing that the Democrats are continually involved in scandals and corruption
> Still pushing 'socialist' ideas despite the fact that slavery, racist housing policies, racist public schooling, mass incarceration, and supposedly racist law enforcement officers are all symptomatic of big, corrupt government, often times promoted by democrats

What a naive cucktard. Can't be too surprised though, it is Reddit after all.

It's their only chance at legislation they approve of.

hahaha its happening

Kek, it's not the left, it's just an end to fascism by creating their own socialist utopia which everyone is free and happy and thinks exactly the same and if you dont think the same, the happy patrol come and take you to candy land where sugar plum fairies help you with their weapons of correction... I mean feathers of joy tickle you.

>Jack Ossoff
>Jack Osof
>Jack Osf
>Jack Off


I think it's $50 million.

When will nignog celebrities and liberals ever learn that giving money to the problem will not solve it?

he believes modern democrats are anything like FDR,Johnson, and Carter. they are fucking corporate democrats.

Good for the economy at least

>not getting that it would be "jack us off"

also, Jack isn't a name. It's a nickname for John. Naming someone Jack is retarded; like having a birth certificate say "Jimmy" Instead of James

>dumbfuck Hicks

Rural and suburban retards strike again!

Decision Desk HQ just called it for Karen Handel.

Out of all the options, the Dems pick a little Jewish boy to run in Georgia. He looks like an escapee from Comet Ping Pong.

That's both candidates combined.

These people REFUSE to live in reality

Someone crown him.

FDR was a crypto-communist who got us involved on the wrong side of WW2 and literally propped up the fucking USSR with lend lease bullshit, even while nominally being "neutral"
LBJ extended the welfare state bullshit that FDR started, and is directly responsible for all the debt and gibsmedat nonsense we have today
Carter was just a retarded peanut farmer who didn't know what the fuck he was doing.

no shit, the complete opposite of a corporate democrat. can you fucking read?

Thank you that's exactly what I was wanting

those fucking bigots don't understand that its




>how does incumbency work?

Because when it comes time to vote, only the people in those districts have a say. You can spend all the money you want but it still comes down to actual voters casting actual ballots.

They're going to start losing their donors heh

>When will nignog celebrities and liberals ever learn that giving money to the problem will not solve it?

The only problem is they haven't given *enough* money. If they spend $50 million per district in 2018 and 2020 that should definitely be enough to stop drumpf. (Or at least lose by a smaller-than-expected margin)

The Libtards must be strong from shovelling money into a furnace. Let's put them to work fixing our infrastructure - at gunpoint.

And yet we still have laws against foreign donations being used in the presidential campaign, no? So why shouldn't that hold true for local elections?

You can say all you want that it still comes down to that voter bloc, but the fact of the matter is that advertising and campaign efforts (which cost money) heavily influence elections. It's all about how much dosh candidates can get. The very fact that all these kikes from NYC and Cali get to have such a disproportionate say in local elections is utter bullshit. Our system wasn't designed for the possibility of centralized mass media

Maybe part of the problem is that they have lots of money but nothing else -- no experience, no phronesis, no scars, no fear of the underdog -- so they are doomed to misallocate huge amounts.

No they won't. It's not like these are bernie-tier small dollar amounts from actual people. These are million dollar donations from kike-owned corporations and banks. These are the same people who control the money supply. They can spent millions or billions no problem, and they'll just print some more out from the federal reserve to make up the costs

>Jack isn't a name

What? I know plenty of people legally called Jack both here and in the US.

Also, y'know, Jack and Jill. It's a pretty old name.

They're people who expect a return on their investment. If they don't get results they're going to jump ship.

>You can't help but feel bad for the American left at this point.

no, don't feel bad for them at all. eric trump was right about dems being inhuman. they're demons in people suits. fuck them.

you mean how they rail against money in politics but spend more than republicans on races that ultimately mean nothing? ha. no, it's funny except for the whole hating me for the color of my penis.

I don't feel sorry at all for these fucking sociopaths who tried to buy off another election.

Jack is almost always short for John (in the US anyway). Probably very very few people are actually named Jack.

by the time this is over, this asshole will have spent somewhere around $200 per vote for this dumb seat. what an ABSOLUTE LOSER

if there's one thing that pisses off georgians more than anything, it's carpetbaggers and their money. (except for floridians)

>Jack and Jill
Jill isn't a real name by itself either. It's a nickname for Jillian.

And I don't care if someone is young or old. If their legal name is a nickname like Jack, Timmy, Jim, or anything else of the sort, then that's the epitome of having parents who are complete retards.

Carpetbagging and outside donations should be illegal. This kike faggot DOES NOT EVEN LIVE IN THE DISTRICT. HE LITERALLY CANNOT VOTE FOR HIMSELF

Liberals get ZERO (0) pity. They get more lost elections, in fact.

>He was supposed to be the next Obama,

what? a fucking white male?

They thought they could pull a miracle.

In Georgia.

How can you honestly support the republican party what dot they do for the average american? To me, Republicans in general seem to have the mentality of low education factory works who's beliefs are based on some backwards moral code and bigotry.


>brony image


>They thought they could pull a miracle.
>In Georgia.

they must have believed the polls that said hillary was going to win georgia and texas

I went to school with a girl named Jackie Knoff

>You realize that most Republicans would condemn Hitler
>implying Hitler wasn't ultra left wing

I knew a Harry Bonner

OMG they could have just given 25 million people a million dollars each. What a waste of money

Correction, cucked Jew male.


Really doesn't need any editing, It already sounds like a Bart Simpson to Moe's Tavern prank phone call. Jack Ossoff Say it quickly and its "Jack us off"

How can you honestly support the republican party what dot they do for the average american? To me, Democrats in general seem to have the mentality of spoiled rich kids who's beliefs are based on trying to sound better than everyone else and belittling people.

> You can't help but feel bad for the American left at this point
I will never feel bad for the American left.

Hitler wasn't far right. He was highly authoritarian but about as centrist as you could be. The NSDAP was slightly left

Pinochet was far right and republicans helped put him into power. Republican government helped install a lot of far right authoritarian governments