Friends who became mtf transgenders

What are your friends and acquaintances you know who became mtf transgenders?

The first one was a guy who I always played tabletop RPGs with. I really liked him, he was smart, he was funny, everyone seemed to like him, and he always had a lot of friends around him- I never detected anything that would suggest he's become a mtf transgender.

But he moved away to New York to go to a leftist university to go to grad school. "She" got a bunch of ugly tattoos, dyed "her" hair red, and posts slutty Facebook pictures now. And "she" got a job at some medical law firm- which she probably wouldn't have gotten if she was a full male. It makes me very sad that someone I really liked and cared about is basically dead. I hope s/he just stays in NY and never returns back home here, I don't want to see his face again irl.

Another one is also a guy I know from the same tabletop RPG group. He basically just changed his name to a girl's name. He doesn't look any different, still dresses like a man (plaid long shirt) still has the same hairstyle, still sounds like a man.

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You should do it too user to complete the trifecta

>mfw transgenderism is so common in the west that it's warranted to count who in your social circle is a trans
I want to go back to Soviet Union now.

cool story you fucking faggot

the worst out of my gaming group is my friend from way back just caught a felony for harassment for an altercation at a bar. He's got a weird thing for older chicks but whatever. He wants to be a bounty-hunter but I'm like nigga you can't even vote or carry a fire-arm any more, get with it

the only trannies i have seen where the freak shows on my college campus when i walked by them sometimes

i have never even met or talked to a tranny in real life and i hope i never have to

>mfw transgenderism is so common in the west that it's warranted to count who in your social circle is a trans
And I really only know a handful of people, its not like I'm popular. I probably only met less than 15 or so RPG gamers in total, and for 2 of them to become mtf transgenders is incredibly odd.

I do know a few gays too, but I can accept gays, "fine, your gay, whatever." But its not a good feeling when someone you care about basically killed themselves to become a mtf transgender.

Isn't Dog a felon too?

yeah which is why he never arrests anyone or carries a weapon

he was locked up years ago in Colorado for meth/racist dirtbaggery

I never had any friends and I'm not transgender.

I'm a liberal and support it though. I don't care what people do to themselves.

One was this SJW cultural marxist faggot on a manga website who harrassed the mods constantly into banning me when I tried to redpill people in their debate forum. "She" then got my IP address somehow and started harrassing me everywhere with "her" friends. I'm going to blow "her" head off with a shotgun one day

C-Chris is that you?

what a fucking cuck

gay people are just as bad if not worse

I knew two """trannies" in highschool, but both of them were clearly not transexual and just very ugly and wanted attention.

Trannies are worse IMO, but fags are degenerate too. The west needs an enima.

>feminine penis
>i'm such a slut

posting anime outside containment boards should be a permaban. it's what leads to shit like that. no, it's not 'redpilled' you sheltered 30 year old failure.

I don't get why you can't just fucking be a feminine dude and just chill. Why all that shit?

Tell me murifat, did Hitler like gays?

There is a huge overlap between being a trans and being autist. I'm not memeing here. I'm being fucking serious.

Dude, people with gender dysphoria are fucking sick. it is sad we as a society let them live a lie, which normally just leads them to suicide.

Looks like a boy with shriveled scrotum, no daddy syndrome

I don't make friends with attention whores.

>Posting anime outside of containment boards
Do you even know where the fuck you are? Everything except for Sup Forums is a containment board.

Traps should burn painfully.

True actually, you should see the rampant amount of trannies in the speedrun community. You have to have significant autism to even begin no-lifing a single game (usually over 10 years old) for the fastest time.

You mean faggots? I don't care.

It's simple, since most speedrunners are autistic losers that will never reach a woman, they become obsessed with being a female character in vidyas. So what do they do? They decide to become the same woman they will never reach.

Used to moderate a forum up until a few years ago. Within the past 2-3 years, they've had one admin, one mod (who I'm close friends with), and another former mod all become MtF trannies. The admin is a vocal brony and Steven Universe fan, and the former mod uses DeviantArt so those two don't really surprise me, but the other mod I'm friends with is perfectly normal otherwise.

Also had an old friend of mine who I recently found out is becoming a FtM trans. She was a scene kid in high school, can't say I'm too surprised.


>Steven Universe fan

Male mildly autistic nerd who was bottom of the barrel, bullied and had zero luck with women. The youngest child in a family of all boys. The father was lost his temper a lot but was only verbally abusive. Instead of risking a 4th boy they adopted a girl and spoiled her. Pretty sure that fucked with his head and so he secretly envied her his whole life, finally became what they always "wanted."


>vocal brony
>Steven Universe fan
Really joggins those noggins


this guy needs to hurry up and make headline news already. getting tired of waiting on this ticking time bomb.

I almost did it user, yes it's the liberal environment

I had been basically soft indocrinated all my life on male desires, pursuits, and attitudes being a bad thing by the educational system and the internet. Thank God tumblr wasn't around back then or I might have dug deeper before they could pull me out.

Do reach out to the guy though, at the end of the day he fucked up yes, he's a disgrace sure, but he should still be your friend regardless


Conspiracy Theory General

Post info about the very large subject area of politically-related conspiracy theories: JFK, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Pizzagate-Pedowood-Franklin-Jeffrey Epstein-Catholic Pedo Priests, (((Jews)))-War For Israel-Iraq War 2, GATE.

Keep it reality-based. Supernatural topics belong on .

When will chrischan stop being a girl to get a girlfriend?

>I almost did it user
Greentext time, faggot

>mentally ill
The holy trifecta

Acquaintance. Not a friend. Worked for a lawyer. (He didn't pay much or at all.) He had money saved up from creating a Trust so that 3 people could get married. DEGENERATE warning sign.

I quit (for lack of the pay thing). Look him up later. Find him in a different state with long hair and a new female name.

Saw one today on a hike, walking with another guy. "She" had huge triceps. Dressed like a woman.

Also at the apartments I used to live there was a mtf trans, wore dresses and makeup amd had long hair but talked and acted like a dude-bruh. I really couldn't wrap my head around it. Almost like he was doing it as a joke that went on for years.

Sorry, I messed up. Go here:

Does ChrisChan count?

Generals are cancer, stop making/promoting them.

He always counts.

Transgender virus targets the weak of mind, don't cry for them; they were already dead long before becoming trannies.

We're everywhere, you just haven't noticed. Your mother was a man.

Had a few friends with weak dads growing up. One went mtf and now hates his dad for no reason despite being given everything in the world except discipline, he looks a LOT like the OP pic, other one is Hapa and turned openly anti-white and bisexual. Don't associate with either of them anymore. Sad stuff for me, actually

Whats with all mods becoming trannies, I got urinonically suspended for using the term trap as a joke.

Good thing I aint got any friends, so I couldn't give a shit if they did to themselves.

If anyone I knew has, I hope they accidentally walk in front of a truck of peace


>be me
>rough childhood, bullied a little
>mom was always the breadwinner in the house, lacked a male frame of reference because dad is lazy and unemployed
>grow up on a diet of psychological estrogen, total sissy
>fail at being a normie
>bullied again, this time more
>Some time passes. Edgelord, 14 or so
>getting into emo crap then taking a detour into becoming a failed normie
>emo mentality comes back with a vengeance
>always fed the "It's okay to be gay, to dress like a girl!" on the internet and elsewhere
>slowly start adapting my style to androgyny. Become a goth and start wearing black and worshipping fags like David Bowie for no reason.
>become THE degenerate, just always was puritanical about sex. Everything else from black metal to being dysfunctional on purpose is fair game. Life was a mess, barely slept due to being an anxious, broken fuck
>parents decide enough is enough and tell me to stop being a faggot
>I autistically screech at them about muh rights, muh democratic socialism, and all the garbage I learned at school. I just want to paint my nails and dye my hair and those old idiots are in my way.
>I discover Sup Forums and Sup Forums to be edgy. Because I'm paranoid I start browsing
>conspiracy theories. I'm fucking spooped.
>at the end of my last year of school, I miraculously convert to Christianity
>become libertarian edgelord, but become more sensible about it
>ever since then, it's been a tough ride with lots of problems but I did learn to love myself, my sex, and my people
>fast forward to today
>conservative christian who listens to classical music

It's been one hell of a ride, but thank God it all ended up right.

ya no unlike your defective brain mine can recognize a man in a dress, the voice gives it away regardless anyways

>What are your friends and acquaintances you know who became mtf transgenders?

Why would I have friend who would do that in the first place? It's even weirder that you assumed it a if it's normal to have a friend who starts dressing up like a girl and cutting his dick off

Wow. Using some primo faggot logic there.
>find out super cool person is trans
>a. rethink views on trans people
>b. rethink views on super cool person

>friends with 15 RPG gamers
>2 become trannies

So basically it's people who spend a lot of time online and who probably browsed Sup Forums who fall for the tranny meme....

I don't have tranny friends because I never hung out with faggots

>thank God it all ended up right.

Sure, man.

A lot of beta gamer cucks do this because they realize they're genetic failures who'll never get a girlfriend. Neogaf is full of faggots "transitioning".

I would never contact a friend again if they (((transitioned))) genders because they're fucking insane and I don't hang out with crazy people

Military guy I served with went MTF. Don't think he's fully transitioned or gotten the surgery yet.

He was always very

Massive sexual deviant and would attend BDSM parties with his extremely overweight and unstable GF.

I once took over a section after he posted, and while clearing out a cupboard, I found a plastic bag full of soiled female children's underwear.

My first instinct when I heard about his 'transition' was that he was doing it to get out of his relationship. He told people many times that she would threaten suicide if he left her, and even went as far to go off the pill without telling him so she could get pregnant and trap him. She then began threatening to suicide and take the kid with her if he left her.

He's a chubby little nugget of a man who could never pass for female.

A lot of 'outcasts' seem to do it because they subconsciously think they will be accepted into the new tribe and life will be rainbows and butterflies. Kind of like weeaboos.

I mean i'm kind of an outcast myself but I wouldn't fall for these memes.

same but with gay friends, have one friend who came out a bisexual who i no longer contact, and another friend who i suspect is bisexual as well (he always hangs around gay people, makes dick jokes and gay jokes 24/1)

>Tranny is a pedo too

imajiin mai shok

Proud to say I don't know anybody that mentally ill

>he was locked up years ago in Colorado for meth/racist dirtbaggery

arrested in texas for murder 1 in 1976

served 18 months of a 5 year sentence

paroled in 1979

why didn't you report the children's underwear

thats a massive red flag

>ya no unlike your defective brain mine can recognize a man in a dress...

And yet, you can't spot an obvious joke on a forum you visit on a regular basis.

Fuckin' sperg.

One of my friends (well i guess former now) came out as genderqueer, he'll probably go full blown tranny in a few years

I'm sick and tired of you homophobes. This beautiful young lady has her whole life in front of her and unlike you barbarians, she has the support of her parents AND most of her friends. Unfortunately there are still a bunch of primitive deplorable elements on our society who are trying to tell others how to behave, instead of accepting everyone for who they are. If you are a white western male you should at least feel free to experiment with your sexuality and get a gender change. Get with the times, bigots.

cant go back, is dead. and soviet propaganda did this to the west in the first place. welcome to the hell soviet created.


>I'm a liberal and support it though. I don't care what people do to themselves.

I used to be in this boat, but then people started using transgender shit as a political tool. Pushing shit like 'no biological basis for gender', and then degenerate parents started pushing it onto their children.

>Gender roles as a learned construct were brought into the mainstream by a pedophile supporting psychologist who conned a set of parents into getting their son surgically reassgned to female, then would get that boy and his twin brother to partake in sexual reharsals to reinforce the 'girls' gender role. He published his experiment as a massive success tricking the world into buying into the bullshit notion that gender roles are societal constructions. The 'girl' refused to identify as female and transitioned back to male in his teen. Later on both brothers would end up killing them selves

>David Reimer

I'm not friends with any because I'm not a dumbass

It's really pathetic and this homo/women/feminist shit is ruining video games. It's all just sad.

only trannies and ultra-autists are obsessive and lifeless enough to become forum moderators

they are all irc admins

It's a (((socially acceptable))) way to change your identity without running away. Everyone has to pretend you're brave instead of the fuck up that you actually are.

Oh my God

>Sup Forums
back to plebbit fag

Couldn't prove they were his.

Also just remember that this is the same guy who got in a tonne of shit early in his career because he was snapped using one of those extendable pen-mirror things to spy on females in the showers.

most of Sup Forums is full of "outcast"

or at least thats how it was before the redditfugee crisis

Sup Forums just channels its autism into far right wing ideologies and somehow comes out on top compared tot he other boards on this site

they shower females and males together in the military?

wtf sounds like rape central potential

I had friend living in Hiroshima who went to female. In Japan people will still treat you as male even if wearing dress. I tell him he is man. He suicide himself by one year after becoming female. I miss him but not "her."

My friend had a really cute and feminine girlfriend who decided she was non-binary. Got a really short boyish haircut, started dressing like a dude, took on they/them pronouns. Shame, she was really cute.

>What are your friends and acquaintances you know who became mtf transgenders?
>checks flag
What the fuck happened to you america?

Sick comeback, bro!

How do you only get 5 years for murder?

>Sup Forums full of degenerates
>The ones who end up on Sup Forums become racist right wingers
>The ones who end up everywhere else become traps, trannies, RL cucks, faggots, bronies, furries, pedophiles etc.

Right vs left boiled down to its very essence.

All the newfags itt that don't recognise Chris-Chan

Friend of mine from high school recently started acting like a fag and wearing women's clothing. He was always kind of unstable, but he joined the military and I thought it would straigthen (heh heh) him out. It didn't, he was just as worthless in life after he got out. He's hanging around with a bunch of leftist homos and such lately. He'd probably go full tranny if he wasn't too old, he's just doing it for attention and approval. I don't talk to him or his family any more. I couldn't handle the pretending it was normal. Shit is fucked up.

Generally separate, but some accommodation buildings have 'co-ed' bathrrooms. These are always the bathrooms that have big lockable cubicles.

>rape central
You don't need to rape military women. They root more than the men do. Also raping is for refugees. Don't have muslims and niggers in your military and you don't get all that much rape.

>this guy needs to hurry up and make headline news already.

He was just on the news for showing up at a vigil for Pulse Nightculb victims. Pretty crazy how he went from militantly antigay Jesus lover to MtF lesbian who supports gay rights.

>trap /tg/ friends
>not having them play out their healing with bjs
You some kinna fagget?

dear god you're autistic

You seem like a weak willed person.

There was some guy I was steam friends with back in the day who used to namefag on Sup Forums alot. He got cucked so hard he became a tranny faggot.

Always used to bitch to me that he can't get girls. One day we got into a dispute and he blocked me. I check the dude's twitter every now and then and he is full tranny leftist now that does gay shipping for Nintendo games.

Should have moved to Shinjuku with the rest of them.

my boyfriend has started to refer to "our engagement" as an inevitablity but I know he dated a trans woman in the past. To be fair, I pieced it together before we started dating but it was confirmed a week or so in. It would be one thing if the relationship were an abberration, if he met a girl he really liked and then found out she was trans, but I KNOW he's got a persistent thing for MtF, though he denies it. He's good to me and very devoted but as the talk of marriage is starting to surface, I can't let it go. I just can't shake the image of him with a man and the feeling that his attraction would break up our marriage, either by his actions or my resentment. To make matters worse, he occasionally makes jokes about how trans women are just mentally ill men. I'm not sure how he expects me to take him admitting he's attracted to men, albeit men in dresses. I just can't help but think that he wanted to be straight in public and gay in private. It's very hard to reconcile because he is a good man and is good to me. But I just don't know what to do. Barring some sudden change of heart on my part, I think we'll have to break up. I want him to be the father of my kids but at the same time I have serious reservations. I honestly wish I never knew about MtF gf

Based nip

Did you bone him?