Is this place just a GOP establishment hack board?
Why is (((pol))) shilling for an establishment neocon globalist hack?
this is a trumpanzee board. they don't really even know who these people are they're supporting.
Just to see the dems spend 50 million and get all cocky but lose once again. Its a symbolic victory
Because it triggers little faggots like you.
If you don't like Sup Forums, return to reddit where you belong, Obama leaf. You're clearly not interested in objective reality.
It's not about the man or his beliefs, it's literally only about that he promised a wall.
>establishment neocon globalist hack
>why do my demoshit heroes keep failing
Beats me
Literally this and only this.
Although I almost think it'd be more funny if Ossoff won just so the Dems would be even less likely to change their strategy.
Just look at the campaign contributions on this one. It's absolutely insane.
Only trump fags are redditors and boomers who came during the election. Most of us have moved on
Trump was a good meme, but there will be others in the future
You're right, if he'd won then they'd actually think they had a chance in 2018
Now that he lost they will run 100% Niggers in 2018
Karen Handel
That's actually pretty unnerving, nigs seem to win elections better than white or Jew liberals
Let's see here:
calling Sup Forums a cryptokike bunker
more tired out concern trolling
"hey guys! is this the word you all hate? i'm one of you know right? right?
Yup, another """quality""" leafpost.
>dumb leaf nigger posted same gif again
how about you take yourself
Fucking Google
Chaos board. We're here to trigger all.
Yes, it's all conjured up by the Koch brothers.
Look in the mirror shill
>yo dawg I heard you like blue pills
fuck off leaf were you not shilling for hillary
Oh hi obongo leaf, here is a (You) now go away.
> Nigger loving Jew worshipper Trump
> Literally any other candidates
Pick one
and yet obama is the biggest establishment shill to exist and you suck his cock
fuck off
kill your self commie
Lol, nice try dipshit. You've been found out with your false flag Russkie
why do racial masochist use Sup Forums memes incorrectly?
Yes OP to answer your question, the entire board is roughly meant to stroke the egos of the mind numbingly stupid retards that believe Drumpf is an actual president instead of just a retard 27th wealth.
yes this would be defiantly be better with hillary or sanders
fuck off
He serves a metapolitical purpose
I haven't seen any pro-Handel posts, just people wanting to laugh at Reddit
>fashies fighting commies
Yes yes!
Dance my puppets!
I'm just here to gather the liberal tears of the triggered faggots that lost yet again today. Twice.
As you were.