Rural georgia trumpanzees vote for yet another neocon billionaire shill because trickle down y'all

>rural georgia trumpanzees vote for yet another neocon billionaire shill because trickle down y'all
>they'll still be poor by time the next election comes around
why do they do it?

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Stockholm syndrome, or like a battered wife

Which president put a law in place that allowed Trump to avoid paying taxes? (Bill clinton)

Who avoided paying taxes? (Donald Trump)

>why do they do it?
Delusions of grandeur.
They think they'll be rich one day and therefore don't want policies they think will be bad for their future rich selves.
Americans believe themselves to be temporarily embarrassed millionaires, a wise man once said.

Is there anything sweeter than leftist butthurt?

When are you morons going to realize that both parties are completely nuts.

1. Work hard.
2. Get yourself some bitcoin.
3. Flee the country at the right time.
4. ???
5. Profit.

I suggest that the cities, being so inherently superior, secede from the lowly inferior rural areas.

>only leftists are against capitalism

Maybe economics is not the only issue that moves people to vote.

>Its okay to vote against your own interests because leftists are getting butthurt lmao

Because having a bunch of carpet-bagging celebs come down to campaign for a local politician puts a bad taste in Southerner's mouths

It drives you nuts.

That and Georgians don't like being told what to do by northern Merchants.

Because it was either a rich liberal kike or a rich neoliberal bitch. No decent alternatives in ((((democracy)))).

I don't know maybe liberals are smug trickle down types and trump is the protectionist.

Friendly reminder that all the (R) counties have reported in, the (D) counties are still counting. Ossoff can still get a boost.

Voting Democrat.

>Spend 50 million on a tiny election.
>Lose to candidate who spends 4 million.

Democrats solution to everything is to get the bankers that own people like Schumer and Clinton and just throw money at problems without providing actual solutions. They think if they throw money at things it will just fix it magically. The bankers candidate lost tonight because you can't buy elections.

You really think ol' slick willy payed taxes on the money he pocketed from the ClintonFoundation or Clinton Global Initiative? How boutas far back as the money he made from MENA airport activities as governor? Get real you fucking moron. Your understanding of all of these people is fundamentally flawed.

I didn't say anything about Clinton, I don't like either of them

Please enlighten me on how well the Democrats are running the state of Illinois

middle class vote Republican
lower class and rich elites vote Democrat

Fuck these guys they took away our health care and are now upset because they'll still get healthcare but obama's name isn't on it and because those suburban and rural retards who's families were forced out of cities generations ago now have the chance of getting healthcare fucking urban shitskins and smug ignorant liberals

The left openly humiliate, denigrate and hate whites, working class whites and in particular working class male whites. Your policies show that you actually want to replace them and are more interested in taxing them to give to their replacements.

If you look at some opinion research prior to the election many people stated that they will vote for Trump 'because he loves us and does not hate us'. You leftists need to do some soul searching re your racism and self righteous hate.


>Le "stupid rednecks voting against their economic interests!" meme

>The latte tribe insists that working-class peckerwoods are voting against their economic interests when they vote for Republican candidates. This may be true, but it doesn’t mean that voting for the tax-and-condescend party would be a vote for the economic interests of the world’s Archie Bunkers. NAFTA was a Clinton Administration achievement, after all. Why should Archie vote for the Meathead party that shipped his job to Mexico? Economists of all political stripes have also noted that low-income working families tend to pay an appreciable portion of their earnings in taxes. Maybe they get it all back in “services” somehow, but the working poor notice how the non-working poor live off the state without doing any work. They take it personally that working harder is penalized while left-wing policies reward being lazy and dependent. Palefaced plebeians also dislike the latte-tribe concept of “white privilege,” which says the Obama daughters should be given legal preference over poor white kids.

>The latte tribe are rabid tub-thumpers for the current immigration tidal wave. Mass immigration is very obviously against the interests of all working citizens who aren’t government bureaucrats. Why do we need a million legal immigrants a year when the U6 unemployment rate stands at 15%? The sweatshop wing of the Republican Party is also pro-immigration, but at least the Republicans aren’t completely hostile to citizens who would prefer we have fewer immigrants. Modern Democrats think those who aren’t so enthusiastic about the immigration tsunami are evil irrational racists rather than folks who are looking after their self-interest.

>insult rural people and make inaccurate assertions that reveal your total ignorance of opposition
>wonder why rural people vote for your opponents

Only a liberal could have their head so far up their own arses to not see the stupidity of this

Dead Ass you can't alienate the majority demographic and 70% of voters nationally and expect urban shitskins and rich smug ignorant liberals to save them. Hillary got 30% of the white vote, bill got 58% in 1992.

>the left all think the same
>your policies

>Virtue signaling "smart" Clintards vote for woman that receives money from a country where women are banned from driving.
>Call it feminism.

Why do they do it?

You readily acknowledged one without the other while both were in play and pertinent to the discussion. You posed half an idea which leads me to believe you are forced to half truths to support your beliefs. That or you are just a shitty troll. Either way you should go fuck yourself for being a moron.

Because the other option is even worse. Give them a better option without belittling them for not choosing your option sooner, and they will vote accordingly.

>claims dems are owned by bankers
>meanwhile Goldman Sachs is in Trump's cabinet

They don't want niggers to ruin their lives. Also, not all rednecks are poorfags. Maybe all liberals are, though. It might be why they want more gibs. Nobody respects that.

>middle class

democrat here

because we ran a jewish carpetbagger.

Hopefully they can sacrifice some of their worthless children in all the pointless conflicts Zlumpf and company start. It's a good way to thin their numbers and I'm cool with that. Fuck em

Look at Hillary's top ten donors and come back here. Compare them to Trump's donors. Also yes Trump put a banker as treasury head.

What the fuck are you saying? I find it almost impossible to navigate your post.

>dnc throws money at another election

Toothless retard

The lefties of the west just scream "Class enemy" to every self-respecting blue collar. If you really thing that I, my coworkers or my compatriots would seriously consider preaching from some wealthy over-privileged cunt living in the closed suburbs for daddies' and mommies' money, you are delusional.

But then again, growing in the USSR redpills you against trotskyist kumbaya bullshit even if you are a commie.

Nope, I don't like Bill, Hilary Clinton or Trump

You were implying that it was okay for Trump to avoid paying taxes because the laws were put in place by Clinton, which doesn't make it morally right

Could be worse
>live in California
>democrats have super majority
>claim everything they're doing is in everyone's best interest
>raise taxes on every fucking thing to line their own pockets
>pull a bunch of shady shit to rig elections in their favor and pass laws to keep themselves in power
>let all the convicts and meth addicts out of jail and onto the streets
>homeless junkies protected by the ACLU roam free and don't even get a slap on the wrist because "there is no room in prison" and are free to rob, burglarize, shit all over the place and fuck up public parks with impunity
>cops don't respond to calls even in good neighborhoods
>guns are de facto illegal outside your house
Tbh, I'd rather live in a red state that leaves people to fend for themselves and enforces laws than a hypocritical blue state that claims to care about its people, yet takes away all their rights and money.

>support universal healthcare
>want to make better education more readily available
>want to tax the rich to support the poor, literally a robin hood story
>"Fuck it, I'll vote for the Apprentice guy"

It doesn't matter you literally want to kill us slowly and physcological scar younger whites in America who unlike Europe are still around, you can't rely on an unstable heterogeneous non white voting block forever especially when we have criteria for voting.

And what would be voting "in their" interests, burger?
Asking seriously.

>If you really thing that I, my coworkers or my compatriots would seriously consider preaching from some wealthy over-privileged cunt living in the closed suburbs for daddies' and mommies' money, you are delusional.

I don't give a single shit what you or your coworkers do, I don't even know what country you are from

Not that you people reproduce


Gee, I wonder, why they voted Trump.

Any man who works does not want to pay taxes so that shitskins can thrive. Whites do not get the same benefits that browns do, so even if they make just marginally above minimum wage, they don't want to be taxed more. It's not about being a potential millionaire, but about wanting to keep what you already have. Fuck Shitskins, they're not getting my taxes.

Maybe because she ran against a nu male 50 million dollar neoliberal Clinton dog who would make them even poorer by trickling down their money to lazy baboons?

>I don't give a single shit what you or your coworkers do

And I don't give a single shit about your feefees and will prefer an actual Hitler to people like you.

What else do you have left besides intersectionality?

You guys gave up the class war when you sat back and allowed the unions to go bust in the 80s and now you have allied with the globalist elite to break up the only institutions that we have left that protect the working class.

You guys are dumb as fuck really - get an education that involves critical thinking fuck wit.

And before you make some smart ass comment - I was a leftist for years, even card carrying for our main party he in OZ. Now I work to see you fall.

The future is nationalist right and our numbers grow day by day.

Trump whinged increasingly about Goldman Sachs donating to Hillary, and then put them on his cabinet. This is but one example of his hypocrisy, pic related.

Im not the first poster. I simply called you out for half assing it. I didnt imply anything about trump. Your reading comprehension is poor. Check post history before attempting to respond. You made a statement that appears as utter bullshit bc it addresses half of an issue and is targeted at some user that you then later confuse as me because i called you out for being a fucking weasel.

Universal healthcare for one. In fact that is in everyones interest apart from the people making a lot of money from it

Because they dont want big government breathing down their necks...

LOL white lives have birth rate of Singapore white evangelicals have 3 kids "oh look whites are dying off" number of whites in blue states drop numerically has whites become more conservative can't put 2&2 together, thinks we are trickle down trump sycophants, calls for death of our younger relatives and family.

Flee to where though?

>rural georgia trumpanzees vote for yet another neocon billionaire shill because trickle down y'all
>they'll still be poor by time the next election comes around
7 times as much money was spent on the democrat. You can't keep up this facade forever.

Give an example of the Democratic party intentionally brainwashing children. While you're at it, get an appointment to have your tinfoil hat resized, it must be too tight.

>appears as utter bullshit bc it addresses half of an issue
>being a fucking weasel.

I have clarified my point of view already

>Im not the first poster.

Fine, my mistake

I never realized the Democratic party actively hated white men, while most of the party members are white men. This is olympic level mental gymnastics.

>Universal healthcare for one.

For them?
Or for niggers/fat retards/welfare queens because of the "affirmative action"?°

You do understand that communists had that little thing about "Who doesn't work, doesn't eat" and didn't give freebies "just because", you mongrel?

And even then, people don't fucking vote for Universal Healthcare, they vote for candidates, you dumbass.

Jesus christ, learn how to write a sentence you illiterate worm.

I don't get it
>Pay more than you're legally required
Trump payed double what Sanders payed in 2015.

Drag queen tranny gender fluid dancing and teaching about gender equality somewhere in The white affluent suburbs of D.C. in a library,liberals in Europe actively teach the few remaining young ethnic Europeans sensitivity,diversity,and anti colonial training.

>And even then, people don't fucking vote for Universal Healthcare, they vote for candidates, you dumbass.

Yes I know that, do you think I believe people vote for concepts you mong

Nah here in Texas we tried passing local ordinances like bag bans or no cracking and the state governemnt overruled it.

Your kidding with that statement. The Maine democrats in a 91% white state celebrated 20,000 white makes killing themeselves in 2016.

>People don't vote for universal healthcare, they vote for candidates
And rednecks consistently vote for candidates who refuse to support universal healthcare.

>universal healthcare for who?
Do you know the meaning of the word, "universal"?

Leftist funded propaganda aimed towards children.

Shillary or even Bernie Sanders would not have changed this. Private insurance is a massive juggernaut that too many people have built that careers around with economic inertia that is not going to go away short of a nuclear-war tier reshuffling of political and economic normalcy, which is pretty much what it took for Europe to widely adopt it after WW2.

Best we can hope for is low quality care subsidized for poorfags, which pretty much what we already have.

helped you out OP

And who are the faggots screaming about "white patriarchy", "textbook fascism", "poor POC", "1 in 5 women are raped" and push for nigger and women quotas for "muh diversity?" and other shit? Republicans?


I will never not find this word amusing.

Reported you to the SPLC and AIPAC.

That was from 2005 you disinfo shill.

We can't afford or even make sure we can all get healthcare without sacrificing quality of care which is the only part we should subsidize even a little bit.

Will they accept immigrants and refugees from the rural areas with welfare programs?

Taki is a good mag. I regularly go on to read Steve Sailor, Jim Goad and of course the one and only Pat Buchanan

Then give me a fucking name, instead of "HURRDURR MY HEALTHCARE", imbecile.

Or are you afraid to tell it? Are you afraid of be outed as Clinton shill?

>muh Europeans
I'm talking about America, faggot.
>muh 1 tranny reading books to children 1 time
Drag queens are funny, fuck off you prude.

They took healthcare away from us "suburban and rural retard trumpanzees" and now want to tell us they're going to give us free healthcare.

>Do you know the meaning of the word, "universal"?

I know how it turns out in real life by looking at such concept as "diversity quotas".

God bless you user, God bless you. I really should watch more maddow.

That was 1 man telling an awful joke, and it bombed. The entire room was filled with a tense, uneasy laughter as if to say, "I hope that was a joke..."
I cant believe I have to say this, but white genocide has never been an official policy of the Democratic party, no matter how you writhe like a snake

>1 post

>Went to a poor as fuck public school
>Has lived in a trailer
>Family values

>Elite private school
>Can't even vote for himself
>Literally Jewish
>Trust fund kiddo
>Career liberal arts student

I am pretty commie and not against the tuition and medical care and I plainly don't believe this bullshit.

They can't wrap around the thought that not all whites are privileged, that the men can be abused in marriage, that the blacks actually CAN BE CRIMINALS.

And I'm supposed to think they are for equality? For working class? For salt of the soil?

>funded by leftists = funded by the END
That's where you're wrong, cupcake.

I would literally stay in the country with no running water or electricity than accept welfare or hell workfare in a city

Right, because rural whites have SO much incentive to vote for democrats. It's not like democrats would blow all of their tax dollars on gibsmedats for niggers and dukras or anything... oh wait

>It's the government's job to make you rich
This is the greatest lie the Democrats have ever sold.

Yea yea yea I never said white genocide just pushing us out of everything good and bringing in immigrants who will take high skilled and low skilled jobs. And maybe he should stop trying to joke about the democrats negligence to the middle and work class/working poor white demographic who gave them power so many times.

Fuck this bait. No rational thought process would lead to this question. This is the manufactured product of a liberal "journalist".

Anyone even barely up to speed knows the only other option was some liberal cuck, who's not even from the area he was trying to win. Over 90% of Ossof contributions from outside the state of Georgia. What a piece of shit.

Fuck off liberals, kyselves.

Yeah, because poor workers really don't need tax cuts now do they?

And people put out of work shouldn't be able to get jobs, they should be put on social programmes so they become dependent on the Democrats, and will always vote for them.

Georgiafag here, Ossoff doesn't even live here. Why should I vote for him?

Those are SJW faggots. I have never heard a Democratic politician ever utter the phrase "white patriarchy" or any of the other nonsense you spew continuously.

>Literally Jewish
>Trust fund kiddo
>Career liberal arts student

And people vouching for him have communist flags.
Stalin would be spinning like a turbine of DneproHES, if he wasn't cremated.

Yea voting from them is really in our self interests.

They do it because democrats have nothing to offer