You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
now that the "body positivity is anti-health" meme has been blown out of the water, what excuse do you have left???
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
now that the "body positivity is anti-health" meme has been blown out of the water, what excuse do you have left???
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Is that a fat woman weighlifter or a fat weighlifting man that happens to crossdress?
Fat people are strong. This is news? Gotta be strong just to get that bulk out of bed in the morning.
that doesn't look like that much weight desu.
Aint there some photos of a little asian fella in the olympics lifting WAY more than that?
Passed a certain point when it comes to power lifters, it's kind of hard to tell.
Also, 130 kg is hardly peak performance, even among female lifters.
Looks like a sack of potatoes
No, most fat people are weak. The woman(?) is highly trained. That being said, she's still at greatly elevated risk for many diseases including beetus, atherosclerosis, and stroke due to her massive girth
More like pork performance amirite
>overhead pressing 290 pounds
Maybe for a woman.
what's his name?
cardiologist here
no matter how much you bitch, being fat will never ever ever be fucking healthy. I hope you can do shit like this, so your heart attack is more worthwhile.
its on her shirt, Usa. Usa Mann.
First of all, that's a clean and jerk, secondly, a 290 ohp is world class
I am happy to see the special Olympics get publicity like this.
Oly lifting is a fucking meme.
The only people that end up looking good as a result are people who HAVE to look good because they're celebrities (klokov).
Pic related. the people on the right are competitive olympians who do olympic lifting.
tl;dr she's a fat fuck and isn't fit at all
nippon you're late
women who lift are disgusting
you'll never be strong or like men in any way stop trying
>now that the "body positivity is anti-health" meme has been blown out of the water
Fat ass, do you know the difference between a statistical trend and an outlier? No apparently you do not.
Nothing wrong with a chick getting fit
'Course, the key there is actually being fit, and not permabulking, which is stupid and shitty even for guys
>overhead press
More importantly, they apparently don't know the difference between being healthy and being strong
Her knees are going to blow out from being that fat and carrying all that weight everyday. If "she" was skinnier then could probably do competitive weight lifting longer.
Power lifters are fat and unhealthy regardless of gender
Om Yun-chol from Best Korea weighs 122 lbs and his total lifts at the 2016 Olympics were 303kg. Sarah Robles (OP's pic) weighs 310 lbs and her total lifts were 286kg.
She'd be able to lift more if she lost weight.
Power lifters are not healthy - they die literally all the time.
powerlifting and olympic weightlifting in the superfat class are not healthy pursuits
True, but this is not a power lifter, but an unusually fat oly lifter
k but doesn't everyone
Fat people are stronger in general, I normally am around 180, I've gained up to 215, and have gotten noticeably stronger, even though I don't even lift anymore.
>having a lot of arm muscle means you're healthy overall.
How the fuck do you think you're stronger if you don't lift
Lifting makes women sexy af, if you mean female bodybuilders then sure, but a girl doing some push ups so doesnt have flabby chicken arms, or squats for a tight butt, doesn't hurt at all.
weighing 300+ isn't healthy regardless of whether its muscle or fat,
>Om Yun-chol from Best Korea weighs 122 lbs and his total lifts at the 2016 Olympics were 303kg.
Holy fuck he's like a human ant.
I should clarify, I'm not stronger overall, because I injured myself and haven't been able to lift in 9 months, also why I gained weight in the first place, but I mean I've lost virtually no strength, and lifting regular shit is easier, whereas last time I went on a lifting hiatus and lost weight, I also lost a great deal of strength.
Been in a petty fights as well, and way easier manhandlign someone at 215 as a non lifter than it was as a lifter at 180,
TL:DR, I've obviously lost strenght on my lifts, but overall "functional" strength has improved
Powerlifting is terrible for your health
No wonder everyone is starving to death there.
Shes holding 150kg overhead, how many people here can even deadlift that
Here's your (you)
jesus christ
Sarah Robles calls herself "Super built"
Thats like saying since Bill Cosby didn't get convicted women lie all the time
most males I know could rep 300 at least once from the very first time.
So not really sure if you're being sarcastic, 300 for reps is something that can take a bit, but almost any man can do it once.
why am i not surprised
I bet all the middleweight and below women at the Olympics make fun of all the fat bitches in heavyweight
this chick is cisgendered.
I weigh 89kg and can deadlift 200kg for 6+ reps.
It's a false-flag, my man. Some group is using Canadian proxies and making abhorrent posts just to make leafs look bad. Don't fall for it.
Reminder that the woman in OP's pic tested positive for PEDs.
>doping for a bronze medal and a body like that
no I really do live in canada
Oh based leaf you got me.
Here's your well-earned (you).
I keked. I accepted. I came. I am ready for ever worse degeneracy. Bring it on...
>being physically strong means you're healthy
Zyzz was pretty weak for his size
Indeed he was, 6'2 225lbs, roided, and could only bench like 300, which is fairly light considering his physique.
Which validates the point even more. Zyzz was likely much healthier than the woman in OP even though he was probably juicing, and he cared more about perfecting his aesthetic than his strength.
>but overall "functional" strength has improved
Old man strength aka "dad strength".
Ya nah
she probably weighs more than she is lifting
Holy fuck I didn't realize Jabba the hutt was from Nigeria
Lost hard
It's 175 lbs clean jerk and and a 290 lb ohp is extremely difficult for a male
AKA gained a gut and have more weight to throw around, making me 'stronger' in certain areas
Trips don't lie.
Not true at all only heavy weights look like shit, people in other classes are super cut
>The sheer happiness in that almost human face
wasn't he clearly much less healthy, considering he died of a heart attack?
Daily reminder that the strongest man in the world is Polish.
I love stories like this, the left just can't cope with it.
Indeed, not much of a gut though, I carry fat rather well, it doesn't all build up on just one part like it does with most fat people I know, very evenly distributed, plus having a base amount of muscle makes it appear firm compared to most who just look like jelly.
Still though, going on a vegan diet as of last week, extra strength isn't worth the fact that cardio is miserable at 200+lbs and doing simple shit like tying my shoes takes more effort.
Only positive thing that came from gaining so much weight is an appreciation for football players, blows my mind how anybody that heavy can run so much, until I remember they're all on steroids.
Peak performance? You mean overweight people can carry more weight.
Peak performance are people who can perform both endurance and strength, not just brute strength over a handful of seconds.
You're telling me if I become a trans MMA fighter I can get paid to beat women??
and red pilled
No, because nobody is booking that faggot tranny for fights, it means you can be a media freak for about a month until people get bored.
Until promoters stop using you because no one will accept a fight with you.
Female MMA is a joke anyway.
Where does it end, Sup Forums? It's all crumbling down around our us, and we're just sitting here giggling. What's the end game?
It really is, the difference isn't only strength either, shitters like Joe Rogan pretend female mma fighters are just as technically skilled as the males, just weaker, when in reality, the women are also inferior on a technical level.
Painfully obvious at this point Ronda was never that great, females just had a weak af division. Saw a video on youtube where Ronda flipped a regular guy as a demonstration, and hurt herself doing it.
The only thing redeemable about female sports is sexy outfits on sexy athletes, without the sex appeal female sports are boring, and female fighters are dog ugly,
Pretty much this.
Puzzles me how Ronda was lauded as being beautiful, she's built like a fridge and has an ordinary face, she's pretty compared to her peers, that's about it, as for Holly Holm, she has the same problem a lot of the female fighers have, terrible skin, it's almost as if they're on some sort of exogenous substance that ruins their skin, I wonder what it could be.
I'm gonna wake up tomorrow to hear there was a dirty bomb attack in Our Us, and I won't even be surprised. I wouldn't even be surprised. It's never going to end, is it? I'm not even in the Yellowstone insta-killzone.
Just fucking do it, already.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk is legit. Her stand up is absolutely beautiful to watch. You can't look at her and say the technique isn't there.
Do I think she'd do well against male fighters? No. But she is definitely technically sound.
>I wouldn't even be surprised
I don't know which side of my ancestry to thank for my messed up genes. Anglos fuck up everything, I guess. If Slavs are the niggers of the white world, then Anglos are the heebs. Good night.
A few years ago a bunch of the LA Kings took a picture of themselves shirtless with the Stanley Cup after winning it a few days before. A few articles were written about their spare tires and how that was possible for elite athletes that just completed a massively cardio demanding 8+ month season and playoffs. Most elite athletes (aside from combat sports where they have to meet weight requirements) have a bit of extra fat than the Mens' Fitness models (who usually have about 5% body fat- the lower healthy limit for men,) for I'm guessing maintaining hormone levels that don't inhibit performance.
Oh, and if you have a chance to be a dad and you abandon your kids for redskin Kansan meth whores who drug you to death, I'll haunt your fucking ass for a thousand years.
Being able to lift heavy ass weights doesn't make you healthy.
In a contact sport like that having some extra mass means the difference between putting the other guy on the ice or getting put on the ice.
How the hell did strong = healthy? People really know jack shit about health or fitness.
Being fat is not a trendy statement, it's dangerous and teaches people to settle. People are forcing themselves to like their fat bodies, instead of just fixing the issue and getting skinnier, because that takes effort.
>How the hell did strong = healthy?
Oh, Muhammad.