Or that people like Spaniards or Italians, etc. are somehow less white than them?
Do people unironically believe that Nords/Germanics are the superior whites
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I believe each race has a right to live among their own though.
some do
What makes them superior? Tell me OP.
I don't. Superior whites would be meds, because their history has more achievements than any nord country.
That is not to say that nords don't have some of the most beautiful women. Some are too manjawed but generally, lots of qt's.
Well. White people in Brazil are nogga for germans. So ...it is all about the point of view.
yup, im sure this thread will hit reply limit.
fucking redditors.
Sorry I don't speak hue.
Germanic > Nordic > Anglo > Slav > Iberian > Italian > Greek >>> Irish
>Superior whites would be meds
Wrong, that'd be Anglos.
Its a divide and conquer strategy to keep us from uniting. Artificial wedge is better than no wedge.
Based on what exactly? Do you somehow believe that the Nords have achieved more than the Italians? That's insane, and where do the French fit in then? They should be close to the highest tier considering their history of achievement, right? How do you even go about making a list such as this? It's completely stupid and arbitrary.
kek anglos were fucking barbarians through-out most of history, now theirs kangz, and they act worst than jews
Literally this.
>Raided entire Europe for hundreds of years, noone could do anything to stop us
>First to discover North America
>Best looking people in the world
>Most intelligent race on earth
Why haven't you non nordics killed urself yet?
>hay lets start this chart in the when UK actually became civilized, and ignore all of those millennia shitting in a bush with blue face paint on, while rome built wonders never before seen on earth.
Based Aussie.
Lets be realistic. Nords havent done shit in history, they are essentially like Ukraine completely non factor and retards. Anglos were ruled by foreigners their entire history. As a people they are the followers in history. Germany is a giant landmass in Europe filled with a bunch of different groups that intermingled with each other, no shit they going to get a edge in development over everyone else.
Now you shitpost and jerk off to hentai all day. Faggot
If you're not blonde and blued then you're basically a nigger and should be locked in chains.
Romans & Greeks > everyone else
Shill divide & conquer thread. Sage, do not donate (you) to this kike.
>>Most intelligent race on earth
>implying italians haven't contributed more to western civilization than any white race in europe
>being this delusional
Name 3-5 important blonde scientists/mathematicians in history.
Given that Spaniards and Italians aren't white at all there's not much contest is there?
All this.
Modern achievements are a I'm om y the results of abandonment of slavery and feudalism. But it still took like a millenium of dark ages to get there
Meds are the master race
>replying to obvious bait
Though some snownigger germanic poltards do uniironically believe they wuz superior.
Nords don't have a particularly impressive history, but they didn't do badly by global standards.
Anglos, Germanics, Greeks, and Italians seem to have the most impressive histories.
So why do modern Italians seem like a bunch of lazy pieces of shit who look half Arabic?
And why do modern Greeks seem like a bunch of lazy and stupid pieces of shit who 100% Arabic?
I don't know fucking know.
I vaguely suspect they used to be White and just got mongrelized by immigrants. IE, exactly what's happening in the US and Europe right now. However I admit I've seen compelling arguments to the contrary.
Spaniards? Fuck those niggers.
>I vaguely suspect they used to be White and just got mongrelized by immigrants. IE, exactly what's happening in the US and Europe right now. However I admit I've seen compelling arguments to the contrary.Spaniards? Fuck those niggers.
Modern genetics research does not support any of those """"theories""" but it is fun to pretend!
lol whose language are you using faggot?
I've seem some, which is the "compelling" evidence I was referring to, and why I said "I suspect."
The issue is, why do Italians and Greeks look like Arabs?
pure "whiteness" is a fairly new concept. It used to be that peasants from all of europe were dark and royalty was light. That's probably why south europe has a wider pigment spread
italian here whose alot whiter than you and an IQ of 123. blow me fuckin slav
>The issue is, why do Italians and Greeks look like Arabs?
They don't.
How they wouldn't? It's fucking hot there, of course they'll develop more desert like features. Romans were swarthy as fuck as well.
italians are based and have the highest iq in all of europe
t. jew
Probably not
Do you personally know many Italians or Greeks? They don't look like Arabs.
>tfw my skin isn't dark enough to rape her to death and get away with it
Some believe spaniards or italians are superior to others
I dont speak murica
Well okay but that opinion is almost never found on Sup Forums.
t.cucked by the big Irish cock
I don't know. I've been to Italy and Greece and I've met some Italians and Greeks that have come here.
Italians look maybe a quarter to half Arabic.
Greeks look full Arabic. Honestly, a lot of them look less White than actual Arabs I've met. Most Turkish people I've met look Whiter than Greeks, and I definitely don't consider Turks White.
Shut up fucking hermano
Stop posting haplogroups. You don't understand what it means.
If i banged an African my kids would have pure Germanic Y-DNA, understand?
>Most Turkish people I've met look Whiter than Greeks,
LOL fuck off roach
No. Mediterranean Europeans are. Nords and Germanics are useless cucks. Fuck them.
why are all your smart white people concentrated in a tiny little state in the south? You should embrace your country's diversity
I don't like Turkish people at all. They're a bunch of stupid savages.
But they still look Whiter than the Greeks I've met.
Go away Varg
oh shit, thought i was special
maybe because i'm american italian, shit might have changed over there since 1860 when my family came here
Nordic & Germanic is the same thing
Just tell me what nogga means.
>If i banged an African my kids would have pure Germanic Y-DNA
No they wouldn't.
Modern Greeks are basically Turks. Basically all southern Europeans are mixed with africans and arabs. Moors and Ottomans for example historically
No, Anglos are superior to everyone else.
because of circassians you idiot
Turkey imported slavs n sheeit because they were muslim
>No they wouldn't.
They would. Y-DNA is the paternal DNA.
Iberians aren't white
t. Iberian
No, we Americans are superior Whites.. whitish.
>o people unironically believe that Nords/Germanics are the superior whites
NOOOOOOOOOO. Well some shitters do. But for me, i just like my team (whites) because why the fuck would i not? If i'm a white man, why would i fight for team shitskin?
>No they wouldn't.
Lol. Yes they would, you retard.
nope, italians have always been dominant. Whose alphabet are we all using?
half black, but i bleached my hair today
im almost aryan brothers, im coming
You could guess i meant nigga
well aren't you wholesome
Anglos are in shit tier with the jews
"Whiteness" is a social construct. There exists continuum of phenotypes in the Caucasoid race where those in Europe are closer in appearance to each other than other Caucasoid groups like Ethiopians and Arabs.
Why is that important? If you banged an African your child would still end up 3/4 nigger.
Yes they have the total package, smart, good looking, trustworthy, industrious and relativity peaceful.
Shame they will be extinct in 100 years.
Hahah Ye the white down there are smart enough to even try get separated of Brazil i see you are doing your homework well
That's what i'm saying. That's why posting haplogroups is dumb.
how can a nation that died of thirst after destroying aqueducts be superior
please someone explain
They're literally destroying Europe at this very second. And lost a world war they could've won if they didn't backstab the ruskies
>Or that people like Spaniards or Italians, etc. are somehow less white than them?
yes, go check out stormfront, Ive been called nonwhite multiple times by those people as soon as I mention Im italian
LoL .... whites here too most known as whitese
>backstab the ruskies
Depends... is it the coffee that makes milk darker or milk that makes coffee whiter?
Some do, but I don't think it's that many. I think every people have a right to a future genetically and culturally. We are different and should remain different. Diversity in that sense is good.
that'd be the greek alphabet, as is evident in the word "alphabet" ya moron
Why do you speak to kikes in kikefront?
You colossal retard he is talking about haplogroups. Haplogroups only trace patrilineal descent so if a white guy with the R1b haplogroup had a son with a black woman the son would be R1b. If said son had another son with a black woman their son would be R1b.
>And lost a world war they could've won if they didn't backstab the ruskies
1. Hitler was not a good military strategist, but he good reason to think that Russians were impotent after even Finland kicked their asses.
2. The war with Russia was inevitable. Saying Hitler backstabbed Russia is retarded. They were on the brink of war from the beginning.
3. I blame Great Britain for dooming civilization. They should've sided with Germany.
they come to me mostly
Based on haplogroups, there is no evidence of such things, there is mixture with north africans which are not sub saharan blacks and there is no arabic haplogroups in greece or anywhere else in europe, add to that, turkey shares haplogroups with greece quite a bit which does go with the question of, are north-western turks just greeks.
National Socialist Stream
I realize that buddy, it was a joke.
whites are whites, there are no greater whites, there are no greatest whites, there is only white, however, groups like arabs, hispanics, and jews are not whites.
Haplogroups is not an indicator of what ethnic group your in. At all.
Spain is very different from England ethnically, but haplogroup wise they are practically the same.
What do you account for that Anglos were undeniably civilized by the Romans?
>Before Roman occupation, Britannia was destitute and Savage.
... Same goes for most of the north, friend. Whether you like it or not, it's the truth.
I guess this is true.
The old haplogroup map needs an update, aswell as what you said is partially the case. Its just when you realise that neanderthals were not all blonde and blue eyed you tend to maybe change your mind on the whole thing of "we wuz mixed n shiet".
According to the haplogroup map England would be Mediterranean, and it's Germanic.
Nordic = Anglos, Germans, Scandinavians, Australians, 30% of Americans
You dumbfucks
This thread is a perfect demonstration why racism is a poison pill that elites feed the people they want to control.
Look at yourselves. So easy to divide.