Roseann calling out the jews now?
Roseann calling out the jews now?
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She is a Jew. It's probably some deeper religious statement, if anything. Still love her, though.
She is a jew.
>she is a jew
This confuses me even more now
She wants to tell the world about the cabal, but since she's a Jew, she can't because of Moses
so was bobby fischer
you people would be surprised about whats going on in the world of jews. there is a great schism.
If she's a Jew, she's lying so the statement is false. But if the statement is false, then she's telling the truth...muh much.,,
She's saying that Jews are prosecuted for speaking the truth. It's the exact opposite you illiterate fuck.
roseann SLAMS jews ! btfo
90% certain that she converted to one in the last 20 years
Ahh, so she isn't an ethnic one then I guess.
roseanne is a savage
>tfw she'll never be your mom
She is a feminist jew and it's well known that she's an insane person.
She sees it as a war between Jews and Muslims, and she wants Jews to win.
I wish she was elected when she ran for hawaii
This all for real? I thought she was Rosie tier crazy.
I'm really confused. Why would Roseanne support Trump when they've been tearing into each other for years?
I thought they were the same person
You're thinking of Rosie O'Donnell
Roseanne isn't Rosie O'Donnel you nitwit. Rosie is a lunatic liberal retard while Roseanne is a Trump supporting Jew with one of the best sitcoms of all time under her belt.
you're thinking of rosie o'donnell
roseanne has been based forever and is beloved by our lord and savior Norm MacDonald.
who gaf?
my fucking sides
Her show was always one of my favourites
It was just shit testing. Trump passed and now Rosie has a hot box for him.
Who jackie?
>get hit by a car
>starts partying
>parents put her in hospital
>is pregnant
pretty based
how am i not following roseanne
she's the funniest woman of all time
Always liked Roseanne but I feel she's wasted her talent. She needs a better agent to get her roles.
Jews naturally hate themselves. Their identity is based on self-annihilation. That's why a lot of them are neurotic.
>anyone who says i'm only funny because i'm masculine can suck my cock
roseanne in the heart forever
either "jews always lie' (which seems unlikely as she's jewish)
or that the Jew can't speak (((their version))) of the Truth anywhere because they would instantly attacked. This is to say "A jew can't openly call Goyim Cattle who only exist to serve them"
So was Benjamin Freedman.
She is born and raised kike.
Media labeled her crazy years ago. Turns out she's just not a Democrat and still pretty funny tbqh. Her TV show aired 25 years ago and was about the lower middle class eating a shit sandwich.
>Her TV show aired 25 years ago and was about the lower middle class eating a shit sandwich.
She's saying that Jews can't speak openly like goys. She's actually pretty Zionistic (which isn't a bad thing... if you actually live in Israel). Rosanne is just an old Jewish grandmother with rightwing opinions.