What the fuck happened to Laci Green, Sup Forums? Do you do this to her? You need to fucking stop it, Sup Forums. Only you could change a a radical social justice warrior into someone in the beginning stages of traditionalism.
Laci Green Red Pill Pt. 3
she's following the crowd. she jumped ship with the sjw shit in order to keep her popularity.
she got long dicked by the superior Puerto Rican man and completely flipped the switch
call me when she names the jew
Does this keep up with the tradition that socially conservative women are usually better looking?
Well done stralia.
Chris Ray Gun follows Jordan Peterson, I'm hoping he showed her some of his videos.
She's getting old and she's not yet married. What do you think she's doing? She's changing because she HAS to to survive.
What is Chris Raygun'ss dick made out of that it could turn Laci Green into a confused, quivering husk?
1. who gives a fuck about some dumb e-whore
2. even if she is genuine it's only because she's getting older, fatter, and uglier each day
That never will happen. Ever. Because no one ever in their right mind is going to do that. You won't keep subs. You won't have a career. You will get nothing. So yeah keep wishing for something that will never happen ever ever ever ever.
laci will betray anti feminists as she betrayed feminists. she will never fully take the red pill unless she needs to as she really losses all her SJW pals.
Good men lead and the rest follow. It's fine if some women want to bandwagon on a movement, but they don't deserve credit unless they seriously set themselves apart from the bunch with their intelligence and original ideas - not a common thing.
What happened is someone fucked some sense into her. She realized if she wants dick she had to act like a sane human being.
Opportunistic cunt in search of new audience.
Although I'm also sure much of it is true, the backlash she got from mildly questioning if everything SJWs said was 100% correct would turn anyone away from them. Or make you a fanatical zealot scared to "fuck up" again.
Our greatest ally is far left and SJW purity testing.
Its called following her ugly boyfriends lead.
Someon's jelly.
Not true. Imagine if Trump mentioned this on holohoax day? I'd give you kikes two months tops.
Hmm Ive noticed mylie Cyprus and that little ftm beeber from Canada larping as non degenerates recently.
They're trying to either keep market share, or this is a ruse to co-opt our younger anons and then try and market degeneracy to them by switching positions in a year.
Phase 2 culture war has started. Get your they live glasses out, they're gonna be hiding in the open now
uhhh yeah you will keep subs, nobody cares about that shit anymore. laci (((green))) won't be naming the jew for obvious reasons, though.
Or if he pointed out that "very fake news" is really because of "very fake jews"
ChrisRayGun fucked the libshit right out of her.
Chris Ray Gun is puerto rican....
i think is somehow related to being hiting the wall. She is older, uglier and without kids.
Also i think women are starting to realize feminism is stupidity, they always try to appear being smart, so even though she isn't really a smart person she can try to look like one
She's just undergoing the same progression that most Western girls do in their 20s. Slut it out, slut it out, slut it out. Hit mid-upper twenties and go into a frantic panic to lock down a partner to marry, have kids and be taken care of.
I'm 28 and I'm seeing this happen to all the sluts now. Shit hits the fan for most feminists and sluts around this age. Just too bad that the damage is already done and nobody wants to marry a piece of shit.
she is a jew
Does Chris Ray Gun has a magic dick or something? I mean there's a good chance she's just pandering to the right since the left is sinking, but to do a 360 so quickly? His dick had to play a part, right?
She changed her opinion to match the guy she likes, just like evalion.
I think there's a bit of truth to this though. The first time I heard about her was three or four years ago when she made some apology video because year's back she used the word "tranny" in a video and people on Tumblr found it and started harassing her until she apologized. Like they were literally posting pictures from outside her apartment as a means of threatening her.
Having been party of lefty groups years ago it's really easy to get mentally beat down and just shut up, especially when those communities are full of trannies and other mentally ill faggots who won't hesitate to harm themselves and others. That's to say nothing of the men and women who would snake through the groups looking to prey sexually on men and women (mainly lesbian and, surprise surprise, trans"women" engaging in this shit), women who would falsely accuse men of being creepers, etc. The far left is an utterly toxic environment that does nothing but take whatever problems someone might have, amplify them and then place them on a pedestal and anyone who's even remotely normal gets buried.
It's not too outside the realm of possibility that she actually was keeping things bottled up in an attempt to be a good ally and then reached her breaking point. I'm guessing it was meeting/talking with people like Chris Ray Gun and Blaire White that did it because that's when she seems to have started changing. I don't think she'll ever go full 14/88 but I can see her going at least alt-lite with the Cernoviches, Posobiecs, Baked Alaskas and like of the world which is still a positive thing. Especially given how blue pilled she was.
she is the jew
and white????
Typical western girl realized her looks were fading and she would be competing with younger, prettier girls for the men in her age group. Compromises ideals for the sake of getting married at a good age.
roasties gonna roast
Wasn't she raised in a Mormon household? Are Jewish Mormons a thing?
Are hindu christians a thing?
half jew
you can tell by comparing her facial features to other half jew women even some pornstars, same look
also her eyes are uneven, that's a very telling sign of a jew, from the inbreeding they went through, sometimes their facial features are a bit askew
(((They))) are all turning conservative now, because libs are not popular anymore. Keep your eyes open.
Social Justice as practiced on social media is a cult. Some people eventually break the conditioning.
That's entirely possible. The election saw the SJWs go full retard and basically aroused the ire of people who barely knew they existed 18 months ago. For example, if you're on line, you're aware of traps and trannies. But the average voter was dimly aware at best until Obama told them their prepubescent girls had share a public restroom with a hair middle aged pervert in a dress and makeup. Whether Lacy shifted right because she's chasing dollars and popularity or because she has had a genuine change of heart, it's because the outcry and the election of Donald Trump penetrated the bubble she and people like her were ensconced in. If she did have change of heart, it's because she went out in righteous indignation to battle the forces of evil. Only time find that, well, okay, maybe they have a point about this thing. And that thing over there. And Trump isn't turning out to be LITERALLY WORSE THAN HITLER after all. If you take he tweets at face value, she's been a cunt because everyone around her was telling her that it was the only proper way to be. And if you weren't an insufferable feminist, you had to be evil. And having been exposed to the red pilled, she's realized that she didn't have to be. Pic related. It's more or less what happened to me.
She met a guy. don't get your hopes up
>You won't keep subs.
it's so comfy watching her grow away from the sjw cult. makes me feel all paternal and proud. as well as hopeful for the future. it's nice.
>even if she is genuine it's only because she's getting older, fatter, and uglier each day
He wouldn't do that though, because he likes Jews.
She has herpes though..................................................................................
Laci Green got dicked by a Trump Supporter..
SHAZAM! She's cured!
oh please the man literally makes videos of reacting to /gif/s ylyl threads, he doesn't even try to hide where he gets the webms from.
She's just a bandwagoning cunt. Gotta keep that viewership up.
in a way they are brainwashed, but no elders bother to teach them anything anymore.
That one in the grey pants doesn't want to be there
The Social Justice Movement needs to be killed off!
POL is actually doing good things to end it!
>turn on CNN
>it's damage control on Georgia's special election
I'm still not tired of winning
got dicked out of sjw
>e-celeb worship
kys laci. no one cares about you. piece of garbage
Followers worship power, or more accurately, they monkey the actions of people around them. The media is an illusion of people around them, and thats why so many people picked up on leftism when the presided signaled that prebuescent sex transitioning was the new thing.
We have shown our power. We are the small percent that influence others. Do not relent, the meek will follow soon.
>She has herpes
Does she though? I mean I want to believe you. In fact, you could tell me you were totally making that up and she's clean as a whistle and I would still choose to believe that she has herpes.....but does she actually have herpes?
And if yes, source?
Mymy, did she nibble the superior red, now she craves more
Getting a bunch of hysterical posts screamed at me because I mistakenly said Mike Brown used a fake ID (when I meant something else, I forget what) was kind of the one big straw but I saw so much other bullshit in that community too.
My favorite was a mulatto girl who would go on these ultra autistic screaming fits for days on end and killed multiple incarnations of one of those communities because she felt like she suffered immense racism every day and how hard her struggle was and etc.
The best part is that this mulatto was mega-rich (I've heard literal billionaire heiress) Jewish princess living in Manhattan and working in television. Her struggles included things like claiming she once beat a hobo with a collapsable baton for catcalling her and stalking other users she would have disagreements with.
i feel sorry for whatever kid has to be raised by this trainwreck. as far as what her kid would grow up to be, i'm guessing apathetic gamer or serial murderer.
all redpills start from a good dicking, that's what happened.
>but no elders bother to teach them anything anymore
This shit makes me so sad
Sup Forums dindu nuffin
>The best part is that this mulatto was mega-rich (I've heard literal billionaire heiress) Jewish princess living in Manhattan and working in television. Her struggles included things like claiming she once beat a hobo with a collapsable baton for catcalling her and stalking other users she would have disagreements with.
This is the power of weaponized victimhood. Not even joking, there's a reason the primary target and audience of these fucks are middle class people. They're pretty clear about the poor being pawns.
it's been a decade of sjw hell and they must all be shoahed
Story on webm?
White enough for CNN, white enough for me.
now i've seen some shit
God that must have smelled horrible.
This is spot on. I'm 27 and I'm seeing the same thing among my group of friends and acquaintances. ALL the women who aren't in a steady relationship already are suddenly pretending to be more conservative. Don't be fooled by this shit anons. They just want to secure a provider before it's too late
Have a sudden urge to eat some fiber
I really really really like this image
i honestly like sluts, just not coal burners.
Shame on you, where's the mexican?
>le based redpilled Laci Green XDDDD
How fast you thirsty-ass niggos forget. NO MERCY TO TRAITORS.
this im 28 turing 29 soon. fuck your 20s go by fast. but looking forward to my 30s.
most girls just don't have a plan. they get massively in debt and now they want kids and a man.
well. good luck with that. but nature works and they'll find someone
Juan is right, nu/pol/ is garbage.
get your shitty e-celebs out of here
>Hero my right wing friend
They realize their peak was between 15 and 25 (if they're lucky), and that their stock is rapidly dropping. Not only do men they want hugely prefer the younger group's look, but they're also desperate to find a non-coal burner who hasn't fucked dozens of other men. They've got to work in overdrive to compete and marry before it's way too late.
So hilarious to know you guys are seeing the same shit happen. It's an epidemic and I'm honestly scared to go steady with any girl cause I just don't know where she's been.. And I feel like girls will almost always lie to save face.
Just keep working towards your goals
Impaction. Probably an old person. The older you get the worse your intestines function. You get constipated, the turd grows in size, gets too big to pass, you get impacted, but keep eating, so the shit keeps piling up until it's literally impossible to push it out, even with laxatives.
Surgery is the only option at that point.
I'm afraid to ask what "sex+" is.
Is that new code for pozzed?
Why do you autistic thirsty virgins allow yourself to be tricked so easily? It's obvious what happened. She tweeted pic related, pretty much almost killing her YouTube career and now she is trying to salvage this by pretending to be open minded. You do not tweet pic related and in a month or two all of a sudden become more moderate. Fuck you all for falling for this transparent shit.
It involves doing stuff like advertising to the world about how many STDs you have and how empowered that makes you
This is fucking damage control. Nothing more, she is scared of losing her reputation for being a lefty lunatic.
She clearly doesn't give a fuck and never did. Laci is milking millions off YouTube playing a character while you are living in your mom's basement.
pick one
It isn't just Sup Forums if anything we just caused people to doubt. People in general were sick of it to begin with, they just needed numbers and some figures to help give them leverage and support in the face of ostracization by their peers.
She's a Jew and she's coming to our side becuase social justice is dying.
pick one
Socially Conservative women make themselves better looking because they don't think that social norms are bad.
She's nearing 30 and her biology is screaming for her to have a baby. Women without children either settle down or become cat ladies. Sounds like she's ready for a kid.
Woah there friend, you need to slow down.
No one fucking cares about her that much, just sage your post and move on.
Oh I'm well aware of that. The veneration of victimhood is pretty much the core tenant of the SocJus religion.
Cyrus at least is following Britney Spears. Crash/burn-> lay low ->act like a normal fucking human being -> "miracle recovery story" that sells albums
see also: Katy Perry's new dyke hair
>94 posts and counting
>daily threads on this even though this shit started two weeks ago
Who are you kidding?
Divorsed in 3 years.
Rail Gun pinned for child support for the next 18 years
>YAAAAAAAAAA Conservatism
It's a passing fad and most of the post are calling her out for being fake.
Just sage all e-celeb threads and do whatever.