How can you STILL deny climate change?
Phoenix flights cancelled because it's too hot for planes
Its called a heat wave, it happens every summer.
Literally every plane pictured there is still able to take off. Only smaller MD-80 sized planes affected.
Because look at everyone who believes in climate change:
Complete retards who don't want to work or produce anything and retards like Al Gore and Cuckstin Cuckdeau who capitalize off of this bullshit idea of "global warming".
Yknow why it's called "climate change" now? Because people knew that "global warming" sounded like bullshit.
Also it's really funny how you utter fucktard sperg out like retarded children whenever anyone simply questions your cuckmate change, fucking losers lol
PS fuck you shills I hope each and every one of you get cancer irl
Because I had a flight out of Phoenix cancelled due to heat on my trips in 1994, 1998, 2000 and 2003.
>build a city on the surface of the sun
>add concrete and asphalt everywhere
>complain about it being hot
London Bridge recently had trains cancelled for the wrong kind of sunshine, I hardly think we can laugh too hard. Still, you'd think AZ would know how to handle a bit of light
Let's archive that
Based Norway bot
>Yknow why it's called "climate change" now? Because people knew that "global warming" sounded like bullshit.
This fucking meme.
The term "climate change" has been used in scientific papers dating back to the 1950's. The two terms are used interchangeably now because illiterate Republicans believe the two to be mutually exclusive so they try to use "gotcha!" tactics like this.
The UK is a fucking mess
I've been to Phoenix airport a few times, its the only airport I have seen that didn't have grass anywhere.
Fuck you commie. Maybe you would be more comfortable in the snow hellhole of Siberia with the rest of your ilk.
>Its over a hundred in PHX at the height of summer
What's that green shit?
>it's another it's hot today so it's climate change episode
Someone wake me up when it's a blizzard so its climate change episode
No you retarded nigger. Climate Change became popular recently when we started having record lows and your Global Warming was clearly bullshit.
Now you can claim disaster and gibs if the temperature is above or below 70 degrees F at all
Too hot to burn fossil fuels. Air cools down. Seems like this problem takes car of itself.
straight fake news
-it was ONE private jet
If the earth doesn't go through temperature cycles, what brought us out of the Ice Age?
This happened last year and the year before. If it gets to 120 or a little too close to it they cancel them. Something about the tires potential exploding or some shit.
>hot in hottest part of the country
>wow, earth shattering scoop, Jimmy Olson.
I've never noticed grass at SLC. I like the airport cops there...on bikes inside. Fucking mormons
Temperatures are as expect here, nothing to be alarmed about. GUESS IT FUCKING SUCKS LIVING NEAR THE EQUATOR.
Airport tarmac grass.
>1 post by this ID
Oh wow color me surprised.
It's a good airport otherwise. I don't think many airports I've gone to have much grass anyway.
Devils advocate here, they changed the terms because in their theory the planet is still warming but some places are not going to be affected the same way because the earths climate is a complex system. Some might get cooler the majority will not, therefore they stuck with the term that bests represents that.
Climate changes.
The only "Man Made Climate Change" is Geo-Engineering/Warfare.
logic deniers BTFO