99% Reported


$25m+ Down the drain and the kike lost by more than 5 points.

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Way too many niggers in Georgia, god damn it. Can't wait til it kicks off, and niggers are dying in the streets. This is a white only zone *nigger heads on pikes*

I hope you fucking mysognist racist fucks rot in hell. Do you guys really think this shit is funny. Instead of having real politicians who care about us , we have a fucking cheeto and this fucking ugly ass whale who are going to get people killed with taking away healthcare and giving psychos guns. All because of a bunch of basement permavirgins and stupid redneck assholes don't want anyone who isn't a straight white heterosexual male in charge.

Why would you run a Jewish faggot in Georgia and expect to win? WHY?

At least run a nigger. Then you can blame the loss on racism. Fucking clueless Dems.

but republican spent 120+ million on this race alone

I'm a georgia fag and my entire family and friend network is celebrating this shit. So glad to know we are as uncucked as we perceive ourselves.

Let's be real - Karen Handel is one of the most uncharismatic, shitty politicians in history. She's ran for office here like 8 times and lost every single time. Yet, we unanimously would still rather take her over a 30 year old kike who lives in DC and is entirely financed by California faggot bucks. We really hate liberals that much. God bless Georgia!

I think you need a trip to flavortown my friend, come take a load off

Actually Handel spent $4.5m and Ossof spent $25m

Isnt that... fat shaming? And dont label them psychos... its not what they indentify as.

I hate you doublestandard liberals. We need to be inclusive of everyone.