Can someone tell me why we fight like a bunch of niggers over oil when we have more than enough thorium to supply our energy needs?
Can someone tell me why we fight like a bunch of niggers over oil when we have more than enough thorium to supply our...
(((their))) oli and coal companies would stop giving profit if we started widely using thorium, so (((they))) are lobbying agains it
Oil is important for the economy. Free energy would destroy too many jobs and industries
You're a mentally retarded faggot.
ITT: Scientifically illiterate retards blame Jews for stopping us from using a non existent energy supply
There is no money to be made on an energy supply that does not need to be continuously bought. A good third of the money you spend at the pump is speculation. Energy consumption is one of the few things that is almost guaranteed to grow. No way (((they))) give that up.
You know oil is for more than just energy right?
filthy jews own all of the oil and gas companies. They basically want us to remain dependent on oil so they can stay in power. This is also why they cause wars in the middle East for Israel. We have much better supplies like thorium and nuclear
I'm already eying $LTBR - basically the only name in Thorium Power right now.
They recently made a revolutionary new fuel rod for light water reactors that outperform traditional nuclear rods.
It's a good time to be investing; especially when the 3rd and 2nd world start to come online and want more and more power.
Only about 4% is used for plastic goods. 88% is used for heating or transportation. Literally just burned.
Holy shit when did you retards learn how to use Thorium as fuel?
It's a mystery
Thorium is the first big step toward fully automated luxury communism.
Maybe it's not the oil we're fighting over?
Hey Hasbara!
>blame Jews for stopping us from using a non existent energy supply
The new breeder reactors are not far from operational. Fusion is as ever 5 years away.
The real problem is that nobody dares commit to funding nuclear R&D because of Cold War era scares and greenwashing lies.
If you put in the money you'd get results, and fast.
Pretty much every objection to nuclear has been dealt with. Even nuclear waste isn't the problem we thought it would be because new reactors keep being designed to handle what we considered waste before.
The kikes are many and have vested money interests that aren't nuclear energy. From one side the legacy coal and gas, from the other the hip green renewables. Nukes got stuck in nomansland.
>Good goy it doesn't exist, now use our oil.
Yeah, we'll totally use it to power everything along with our motherfucking dilithium crystals, why didn't we think of this sooner?
>we have more than enough thorium to supply our energy needs?
stopped reading right there.
Libshits have hated nuclear energy since Fukushima happened.
Quick boys rev up those bank alts, next patch thorium is going through the roof.
>Quotes an article from 2011.
So, I guess that means there isn't a more recent sauce for this?
>No offense, but I'm putting sage in the options field since you wasted my time.
Fuck off potato jew.
Because The China Syndrome came out three weeks before Three Mile Island and permanently warped the collective liberal mind.
Does it produce a radioactive byproduct?
why would you ever do anything the smart way user?
really though cause waste
I wish libshits would get hit with a magnitude 9 earthquake and the following tsunami.
Wow, Jews released a movie about a meltdown and then a meltdown happened? What a (((coincidence)))
There are a number of operational 4th generation reactors at the research level.
Good luck getting one approved to go commercial.
The problem with Thorium is that they could only get the reactor to produce energy in short burst.
It worked, but only "technically"
It's possible that you could yield something out of it but it would potential decades of R&D away.
Because we still don't have a method to purify the liquid sodium used in an LSTR.
We COULD make one right now. It would run for about 4 days before it became useless, and we'd have a huge vat of liquid sodium loaded with tons of toxic heavy metals and rare earth minerals with no way to clean it or dispose of it safely.
California and Coastal Oregon and Washington are prime earthquake and tsunami territory.
Look up the ethnicity of nearly every single head of every single regulatory body pertaining to nuclear energy in the US since its inception.
The chinks will build them, and then we'll feel like we're falling behind and then we'll build them.
We already have it. The real secret is Thorium-80. Thorium-80 is produced as a direct result of primary nuclear power use of enriched uranium. The Th-80 decay chain is highly useful as a power source, because it has only one reaction occurring. It goes, beta-beta-beta-beta, and so on, until it reaches a stable element.
Mercury is the other half of this secret. Mercury, besides being the only metal that is liquid at working temperature, has a unique electronegative chemical property, that is not merely a result of its liquid state. If you remember your Einstein, his Nobel was for the photoelectric effect. Radiation hitting metal produces an electromagnetic moment. In mercury, this would cause the direct production of a strong magnetic field.
Now, the final stroke. Place an emulsion of Th-80 and mercury into a torus. The radiation from the Thorium, when guided directionally, will produce a coherent circular magnetic field in the metal. This polarizes the radiation of the Thorium, causing the directionality, and thus the field itself, to be self-sustaining. This also fucks with gravity because of ECE Theory.
This is the real reason why the government is buying mercury and funding thorium breeders. Just follow the money, cartridge primers my ass.
Because the American military industrial complex needs some pretext to keep itself in business and right now the pretext is to go to war on the ME which the normies secretly approve of because they think we are there for the oil and also think we need the oil
Lol if free energy was a legit thing it would be the biggest economic boom ever. The industrial revolution couldn't even touch it.