Do Ayy Lmao's see us as separate races or do they all see us as human scum?

Do Ayy Lmao's see us as separate races or do they all see us as human scum?

Speak for yourself meatbag.

they r us in the future

>Do Conquistadors see us as separate tribes or do they all see us as indian scum?

Do Arabs differentiate between Westerners and Jews ?

They see us all as hilarious fleshlights.

Do you see mice as a bunch of dogs or other mice rare Pepe BTFO pol oil kike nigger shit fuck titty in frens


Ayy Lmaos can't get to us because there is no way to traverse the interstellar medium.

Which species?


They obviously can see we're different races; they're not retards.

The only question is whether they want humanity to succeed (be white) or fail (be jewish), or just don't give a damn. I'm not feeling very optimistic because they seem more or less indifferent on who comes out on top. Or they're oblivious to the race war and the jew because it's all too alien to them.

Some aliens would see us as slaves if they could exploit us lke that. Others see us as a food source. Some would want to breed with our women. There are also some aliens that want us to grow spiritually, intellectually and on a psychic level. They see us a warrior race and would want to ally with us

Do you think of wolves and chihuahuas the same?

They wouldn't need slaves. They'd have machinery that knew what to do and when to do it. They'd be able to manufacture any sort of food or material they wanted easily.
They wouldn't likely find human women attractive and it's doubtful they would still need sex.

Literally this.

Trips of terrifying truth.

They see us as a medium, a resource and livestock.

They see all biped as the same: chicken, human, roadrunners

Do you care about the differences between rats?

Some of us
Other darker bipedal creatures they see as niggers
Even savage tribes of South America have made contact with ayes
Never niggers

The second one. I thought I was the only one.