Nate Rubble

>Nate Rubble

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poor guy

How many times can a man be so wrong?

This ass only rose to his position because he constantly tells the Left what they want to hear.

Surely they'll sethrich him soon then right?

Nate Plastic


>it's a Sup Forums either doesn't understand or pretends to not understand probability episode

He predicted Obama would beat two awful candidates, one of whom more suspended his campaign before the election... who could've predicted that he'd win?!

>Nate Meta-conglomerate dust

Math is dead
Data is broken

If Trump can kill math and break data, what can't he do?

Nate Cardboard BTFO

What an absolute joke of a human being.

ahhhhh ahahahahaha how many mojitos you think he is into now?

Nate Dust

That is honestly an upgrade from his actual hair.

i cant find this tweet, did he take it down or is this fake?

Reminder that this guy is wrong about almost everything. Here's his NFL 2016 season predictions.

Have great foreign policy

thanks user

Hi Styx. Talk about the refugee video.



>Has been wrong with every publicized prediction since 2014
>The left still looks to him for statistical hope


top HEH

How can one guy be so fucking wrong all the time?

>Sleepy Surge

someone post the nate copper nate uranium etc image

god damn, every time.

Math isn't broken. Nate silver just doesn't understand it. Common for statisticians because stats is bastard mathematics.

>what can't he do?

The cyber. That's why Barron is Secretary of the Cyber.


>Nate decayed neutrino

You got me there. He needs to invade and leave at least one sovereign nation a burning pile a rubble before he leaves office. If he can manage two, he may be worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.

cant invade saudi and build magnificent church on Kaaba in Mecca. outside of that he can do a little bit of good. i think hes trying. but theres an internal war in the WH and in congress.

>current year
>still believing nate cardboard

Nate's the one who goes around making definitive proclamations based off of probabilistic info.

Looks to me like Nate doesn't understand probability.

He's been wrong on nearly everything since 2014.

that was my favorite Styx insult


Close your eyes and pick a winner!

what a fucking loser top kek kike

Nate is losing it.

It's been a while since we've nateposted, hasn't it lads?

Nate Sodium

Results are in, Nate Aluminum wrong again.
Long live Handel.

Nate Tin Cup

nvm found it

Little know fact: he got his first platform and rose to stardom on The Daily Kos, the left-wing version of Sup Forums. People conveniently ignore that. But you are 100% correct

He still lies to himself on a daily basis after all he has seen