Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests?
Cool story and spam. Saged
The nigger was president for 8 years tho
>Minorities accept lower wages
>wages stagnate
>Either accept pay cuts or get replaced
>Hurr durr its da bawses fult
You're obviously not thinking hard enough.
I guess occupy democrats forgot about that.
Guess why your bosses income has risen so much? Maybe, just maybe... cheap labour from immigrants?
Weird, my income has risen 12,000% the last few years...
Oh wait, I am a 1% CEO. Nah, I'm good. Also, I've helped create a lot of jobs in the process.
You're welcome.
>What are H1B Visas and training your own replacement for $50,000.
In America you have the ability to become a boss. Fuck commie leftists
I'm squarely middle class with a bit of investment income and have no problem maintaining my current financial situation if it results in faggots, niggers, and women being oppressed.
It's time to blame the right (((minorities))).
Take the price of domestic labor minus the cost of foreign labor, keep the price of goods the same, equals higher profits.
Movement of labour (immigration) and surplus labour driving down the price of labour (wages) is literally introductory economics
>Wages are stagnant or going down
>Immigration is coincidentally quite high and has been for decades
>Somehow, immigrants are somehow not related to the depression of wages
Really activates my almonds
>democrats are gonna make me rich and get tons of pussy
I just want to work hard and own land away from niggers
But the dividends are cash
>In America you have the ability to become a boss.
Only if you wear a kippah and go to synagogue every week.
It's the dems who keep voting against their interests
Obamacare is a great example. "It will lower premiums"
"Hooray way to go, I love you Obama, here have 4 more years, repubs are so stupid"
"Holy shit honey we got another letter from our insurance company that premiums are going up again"
"It's okay honey I still love Obama, even tho he lied."
"Let's just pretend lives will be saved, and try to make chocolate pudding out this pile of shit"
Forgot to post pic
Being white and voting democrat is voting against your own interests
Being American and voting dem is retarded
I get about 10% raises per year lol
>Idiot liberals want to be boss and spout ignorant nonsense constantly to obtain it without working for it.
That a good point.
People vote for them when their platform is giving non americans jobs. Literally retarded
And 15% inflation?
I wonder how many people could have been fed and housed with the 50 million the democrats threw away in Georgia.
>poor people are shit
>we should pump more of them into the country
Chemo therapy destroys healthy cells along with cancerous cells. The side effects are temporary and will pass. Afterward you will heal and the cancer that was killing you will be gone.
The neoliberal Democrats aren't exactly a good solution.
>leftists arguing in favor of immigration as a means of wage depression
Useful idiots for international finance capital and multinational corporations.