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Press D to doubt
Liberal tears best tears
>it's happening
lol i can believe that a liberal is an anxiety ridden mess to the point of self-inducing stress related vomiting
I love how detached from reality democrats are. Like are men with guns preventing women from going into doctors offices? I'm gonna kill these people. Some of them at least.
This. I could subsist solely off them.
>we are in nazi Germany
Do these daft cunts realize making such comparisons is basically them admitting that Obama's administration was essentially the Weimar Republic?
The tears are funny, but the GOP is still kike-shill shit tier
this has to be FF
>Liberals are aware of history pre-1939
Redpill me on this Ossoff guy and why Reddit hates him
Fair point
No one knows what that is anymore, sadly
they legitimately think that Nazi germany was created completely by hitler.
i've heard people like chomsky and howard zinn unironically refer to weimar as the height of civilization and human dignity
>cry your eyes out for an hour over an election
>we must resist
damn nazis better watch out if power womyn like her start resisting
>We are in 1930s Nazi Germany
Soon, baby
>7 minutes ago
Did you make the post and then hid your leaf flag behind a fake one?
>liberals knowing shit about history
>the same ones that go on about being on the right side of history
women shouldn't even be talking about politics although i would not be surprised if it was a male who wrote that
Well spotted
>Since congress effects
There has never been a more obvious mexican in a single post.
>Nate Silver
>Ever having credibility again
How does this cunt still have a job?
post a fucking archive link. i wanna see the tears myself
Why is Nate Silver still a thing?
>this bitch in georgia
so much misogyny!
I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I blame Pokémon for the modern lack of understand between effect and affect
Dems had one term between nixon/ford and Reagan.
Because you can make a good living telling liberals what they want to hear.
>gendered slur
How problematic
If only you moved that ass to the voting booth.
When they talk about women's "rights" they are talking about the right to NOT HAVE TO PAY for things like birth control. They've decided that because they are born women and it's not their choice, they shouldn't ever have to carry any expense or hardship related to being female that is not inherent to men. It never occurs to them that birth control is not in any way a necessity. EVERY TIME a woman uses a "women's rights" argument re: the United States the only and correct answer is: Which rights do you not have, exactly?
((((NATE SILVER)))) still has a job because he is a COMMUNIST JEW that benefits from nepotism in the kike media.
may i say :
"jail leftists = terrorists = dangerous insane people, now!" ?
*50m votes from dead people*
>censoring the name
you should go back
Man I WISH the GOP was half as good as the Nazi Party in the 1930s
Nice flag shill fuck. Post the actual quotes of Chomsky saying that - hint: he does not say that.
someone tweet to him a link to a career change recruiting website. i dont use jew apps so i dont have a twatter id.
Why don't they just leave? If I honestly felt my country was going down the shitter like this, I'd just go somewhere that aligned with the way I want to live. The pendulum has obviously shifted. PC culture is out. It'll be by an even wider margin in 2020.
Ossoff voters are children of Handel voters - democratic strategists cried about not being able to reach them since mom and dad are at the door.
nice fakes
I can't wait to see get shut down. It's surely being propped up as part of the propaganda outfit that owns it, but eventually someone will cut their losses.
Hahaha that good ole Jew is working his kike ass off to make a buck, it's a racket but I won't blame that heeb for trying to earn a living in these tough times.
why spam a thread with fake posts?
>Nazi Germany
Okay, I'm shamed to ask this, but how the fuck did the person capping that get everybody's names in different colors? Is that the CSS of that particular sub, or if it's r/politics, is that an option in Reddit enhancement suite?
I don't know about that claim, bu I know he was fond of the communist Spanish republic
>t. Jonathon Ossoff
his real name? why is kek so good to us?
gold from KC
Well they are partially right. 1939 is when Germany started to push it's luck.
Kek and Kek
I think this is the option on RES, i don't have it enabled.
Really? You can't believe that? That liberals are a mess? A big fat mistake?
Just keep paying attention.
The ol' Canadian cuck god strategy ?
After reading that...I fear for the future.
Civil strife?
LITERALLY "if you lose, you win". Pic related.
This is an excellent point, one I hope sees more attention in the near future. It has been hinted at. The crux is that if the democrat voters are so over-educated and smart and capable as they seem to believe, then any country in the world should be ready to open their doors to them with glee. Especially considering that these countries are all presently opening their doors with glee to record numbers of immigrants right now. The first country that makes a real effort to welcome and provide good visa's for Americans that let them live and work in those countries should by this theory pull off an astounding brain-drain. Yet they don't do it. I wonder if they know something the Democrats don't.
Summoning all subreddits! Man your battle stations, it is time ignite our blue liberal lightsabers like Rey from Star Wars Episode VII. If we #Resist now, there's still a chance that our supreme leader Bernie Sanders can win the 2016 election. Communism will save us all!
So I guess we should all start voting in CA elections? I'm up for that! Let's go motherfuckers!
At least chucktaurus has the right idea. He at least knows that the democrats are hurting themselves via ad-hominems.
>phone banking
hint: he does say that if you're actually familiar with his writings in the 80s and 90s. 20 year old clueless college retard can go find it for yourself. also lmao@actually paying attention to flags you redditor newfag.
We are the resistance
He was being facetious, retard.
Hi, gotta red pill them one at a time. ;)
Eat shit shill, post the quote. Few things worse than people putting words in Chomsky's mouth. I know your type.
tfw math is dead and data is broken
>the problem isn't the candidate its the country
>candidate is from another state and lives outside his district
>democracy only is good when it works for me
>Censoring Ieddit usernames. Fuck off newfag and please go back to that cess pool Ieddit
>queen of the nile
>START failing algebra
Its almost like they still haven't realized right wingers don't respond to phone polls.
>who are you quoting